Just New - Looking For Buddies!

Hi - I'm Tanya. I'm 36 (ugh), 5 ft 3 and currently weigh 124ish. That doesn't sound so bad, but ever since high school I've been at 115. Then kids and (age?) happened. I'm carrying that annoying middle-flab. I've got muscles underneath from working my butt off last year, by doing Jillian's 30DS, Body Revolution and other DVDs. Then last fall I got lazy, stopped using myfitnesspal and it all went to *kitten*. I've realized that I've got to workout every day and count calories. I wish I didn't have to, but here I am, back to do it again, for good.

Please friend me if you'd like, or if you've got the same goals. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but if you ask all of my clothes, bras and that BIKINI, I definitely have some work to do!



  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    Hello Tanya, I am Carrie and I am 5'1" and I weigh about the same as you do right now I am fluctuating between 124 and 126 and it is annoying me. I was 97 pounds my last year of high school but don't ever expect to be there again because I while I was thin I didn't have much muscle. I do wish to be 120 or less and my big issue with my body is the belly flab. I work out a lot most days but I have tons of issues with my diet. My main issues with diet is I need to find balance sometimes I micromanage so much all I think about all day is how many calories and food but when I don't I know I don't eat right so I need to be mindful of what I am eating and keep a rough idea instead of going crazy trying to figure out how much red pepper I put on my salad and how to figure out exactly how many calories was in my salad. The second thing with my diet is I need to find a way to maybe plan better so I don't end up eating something just because I didn't have anything I should eat out.

    I am by no means overweight but I want to like the way I look naked even if the only people who see me that way are my hubby, myself and medical professionals. I would like to be able to feel confident in whatever I choose to wear. Yes I do fit in a lot of smaller clothes but I still refuse to wear anything really tight in the stomach because even though I am not fat it shows that I am not as fit as I would like to be.

    I get really irritated with people that think I am crazy and try to get me to eat junk and say I am too skinny. People that act like I have an eating disorder for trying to learn to live an active healthy lifestyle. I eat and I have never been one to starve myself I get headaches if I skip meals.

    My workouts are all over the place it really depends on my mood or what I have done during the day. My favorite form of exercise are my pole dance classes and they are generally my main form or strength training. I can pull my body up an 11 foot pole with only my arms and I try to challenge myself in these classes every time I go. I usually go 3-4 days a week. My hubby just got me a great new treadmill and I have been getting on that and trying to work up to being able to jog at least a half an hour. My cardio really needs work. I also have some Jillian and Bob videos and Zumba videos that I am working in. I also want to start doing some morning yoga or just some morning stretching.

    Well enough about me what do you need to work on most?
  • sundaybeachday
    Hi Carrie - It seems like we do have the same problems. I have a small frame, so when I do pick up a little weight, it's easy to see. I have broad shoulders, so sometimes when I gain I end up looking like a linebacker! But mostly the weight sits around my middle. What's hard for me, with eating, is my family. I've got two picky eating children, and my husband doesn't really try to eat healthy at all. I try to cook meals that we will all like, and that usually means lots of calories! I'm just going to have to add little changes here and there or just eat something different than what I've fixed for them - or eat a lot less of it! I can have quite the appetite - I've said to my husband time and again, after eating a plate of food - "I can totally have seconds and then thirds right now!". He laughs and thinks it's cute and funny how much I love food. I wish I didn't love it so much and I had better self-control!

    So that's why I'm trying to count the calories again. As long as I get in my one workout a day, I should be fine.
    Although I just weighed myself this morning and of course, it's up - again!

    This is not going to be easy!
  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    I know what you mean about the hubby but I don't have kids. We shop together and some of the things he puts in the cart I can resist others I ask him to take it to work with him. He is not as bad as he used to be he used to get mad at me for trying to eat healthy and now he is pretty much okay with whatever I make or eating separately. I suppose I have also gone through the food snob kind of phases too bugging him about how much processed food he was eating and analyzing every ingredient so I can't blame it all on him.

    I am sure it is much harder to feed kids a healthy diet when they are picky. I was super picky as a child so I get it and that is why I have to keep my mouth shut when I see what people feed their kids on a regular basis. Have you ever watched the show Food Revolution? I don't think it is still on but Jamie Oliver has some great ideas to get kids eating healthy.

    I am back down a pound giving me 2 pounds of weight loss since I started really tracking again a little less than a month ago. Not as fast as I would like but still pretty good.

    So here is what I don't get about my hubby he can eat donuts for breakfast and not gain any weight and somehow stay full for 4 or 5 hours. If I ate the same amount I would be starving in an hour or two and somehow the donut would go directly to my stomach. Not to mention if he does gain it a few pounds he is bigger and it is not as noticeable.

    I love food too and I have been trying to change my relationship with food and eat for nutrition but sometimes it is really freaking hard. I have to learn to listen to my body not my cravings. I have to learn when I am really hungry and when I am just eating because I saw the bag of chips and thought chips and salsa sounds good. Over the years I have learned to eat a lot healthier than your average american but with the last few pounds it seems I have to eat and work like I am training for a competition.