Did you met your goals today????

qtjones Posts: 29 Member
I set a goal to workout today for 45 minutes and stay under my calorie limit. I walk/jog for 45 minutes and didn't go over the daily calorie limit? How did you do today?


  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    I made my goal. No pizza and no soda even though the craving was killing me yesterday. Today my goal is to do Zumba tonight and try to fit in a walk sometime while the kiddos are at school - trying to get the house in order for a busy weekend today.
  • lilmisscatxoxo
    Today's Goal .... Stay Under Calorie Limit, Excercise for 30min & hit 10,000 Steps!

    Update later
  • mangomango21
    mangomango21 Posts: 15 Member
    Food wise I didn't meet my goal! I wasn't having a very good so I decided I would comfort myself my snacking a lot! I did however make my exercise goal of walking the 20mins up hill and doing level 1 of the 30 day shred without stopping! Need to improve on my eating habits but really love the feeling I get when I push myself and complete my exercise plans!
  • debtyler61
    Yes I did. 45 minutes Pilates workout. 30 minutes fast paced walk.
  • qtjones
    qtjones Posts: 29 Member
    Good job!!! I just completed 2.30 miles walk/jog in 37 mins and ate pretty good today. Might do a kettle bell workout tonight as well.
  • lilmisscatxoxo
    I did it!!!!

    I did a 50min Kick boxing Class & worked out on the Eliptical & stair Climber :-) & I hit over 17,000 Steps & Under Calories
  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    I did not make my goal yesterday - the old excuse 'my allergies got me' kicked my butt last night with a terrible sore throat, headache, stuffy nose, bla bla whine whine - however: on the bright side I sucked it up and took my kids to the schools family fun and fitness with a big smile (then I came home and went to bed). I probably burnt about 10 calories walking around but at least it was something. Today I may hit the gym (whine whine about my allergies) but hopefully my decongestant will kick in (stop the dizzy) and I will make Zumba tonight.

    Hope everyone fulfills their goals for today. :) Keep smiling!
  • pecantan09
    pecantan09 Posts: 27 Member
    My goal is to walk 3 miles and strength train when I get off from work! Making it a part of my daily routine!
  • sawiemken
    sawiemken Posts: 39 Member
    I set a goal to workout today for 45 minutes and stay under my calorie limit. I walk/jog for 45 minutes and didn't go over the daily calorie limit? How did you do today?

    I like how you set daily goals and I think I'm going to do that it might be easier to stay on track.
  • qtjones
    qtjones Posts: 29 Member
    I like setting daily goals, because if I do that then they will build upon themself which in turn I will be reaching my weekly goal or monthly goals. Also if I should fail on a daily goal, at least it just one day and I wont be as discourage then if I fail on a monthly goal. You can always reset the goal the next day. Everyone keep up the good work!!!!
  • debtyler61
    My goal for today was Pilates 25 minutes. Done :happy: . Would also like to get a walk in later this evening.
  • pkrichar
    pkrichar Posts: 228 Member
    I did it, attained my first one hundred flight badge on fitbit. Actually did 110 flights. Went on a hike and kept climbing until I achieved.goal.
  • debtyler61
    Great workout! Nice accomplishment :drinker: