Lifting "heavy"

highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
I keep reading posts about how to really transform your body you need to lift heavy, NROLFW, do the "man" exercises bla bla bla. Well I'm completely willing to try this but I have NO idea where to start of even what exercises are what. What is a deadlift? I know that area of the gym as the intimidating part and I know even less about what these exercises should even look like.

I really want to try this but my inexperience and current sloppy physique is making me self concious about even entering that area of the gym. Suggestions?


  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    I would see if you can track down a copy of NROLFW and after reading it, take it to the gym with you (or photocopy pages). If you have questions about it you can ask the resident trainer. Yes their job is to sell and execute training packages, but as a fitness professional and employee of the gym (and for safety alone!) they should be willing to show you the moves you want to see. Or, invest in a few training sessions and tell the trainer you want to specifically work out in the new style.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I would see if you can track down a copy of NROLFW and after reading it, take it to the gym with you (or photocopy pages). If you have questions about it you can ask the resident trainer. Yes their job is to sell and execute training packages, but as a fitness professional and employee of the gym (and for safety alone!) they should be willing to show you the moves you want to see. Or, invest in a few training sessions and tell the trainer you want to specifically work out in the new style.

    So in NROLFW it actually illustrates the exercises? I think a couple of trainer sessions is a good idea once I know what I 'want' to do... just can't afford it right now. I will keep up with running until June when we can swing it.
  • nickiboop
    nickiboop Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, I'm doing NROLFW and loving it.

    The exercises are illustrated and if you have queries you can usually find a demo on YouTube. I workout at home but most people report that the scary looking guys at the gym are usually really helpful :-)

    If you do decide to wait until you can afford training sessions I would still recommend the book its a good read.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Hi, I'm doing NROLFW and loving it.

    The exercises are illustrated and if you have queries you can usually find a demo on YouTube. I workout at home but most people report that the scary looking guys at the gym are usually really helpful :-)

    If you do decide to wait until you can afford training sessions I would still recommend the book its a good read.

    just ordered the book, should be here Monday with 2-day shipping :)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    NROLFW is a good solid program and a lot of women really like it, and I think feel comfortable with the idea of it being a "women's" program. That said, if at some point you feel it gets too fussy or complicated, don't abandon ship and give up on lifting. The NROLFW routines can get confusing and a lot of people find them unnecessarily's ok. Just know there are other options if that isn't working for you. It's a good read as well. I own and have enjoyed reading the book, but haven't done the program at this point.

    There's a great group of women at all different stages of NROLFW progress here on MFP--here's the link:

    You can see videos for all the exercises included in the NROLFW book, yes.

    Don't worry about your body or the other weightlifters at the gym. Just have a plan when you go in, and do your workout. If you need help, don't be afraid to ask someone. I know the guys lifting can seem intimidating and weird, but honestly, they've all been really helpful and nice guys in my experience. And I mean in the gyms I spent time in around about 4 different US states, and now over here in the UK as well. Lifters are generally good people, not to be feared! They will always help out with a lift or a spot if you ask nicely, when they're not in the middle of a set.

    Lifting is great, and will do wonderful stuff for your body and your body image. I love it, and highly recommend it to everyone.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    just ordered the book, should be here Monday with 2-day shipping :)
    Good for you!

    FYI, just like the above-poster stated, when I started lifting heavy at the gym I did ask a couple of the more-active heavy-lifters if they'd mind "critiquing my form" in-between their sets, and I never had a single person decline - and I got some great advice.

    It's really hard to get a good sense of what you look like, even in a mirror, so having someone that's "been-there, done-that" can be a great help.

    Most gyms also have a few regular women that lift heavy ... Any woman that's in a squat rack using an Olympic bar and looks like she knows what she's doing there can likely critique your form in several exercises.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,975 Member
    Look at StrongLifts 5x5 -- they have links to various lifting videos.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Most gyms also have a few regular women that lift heavy ... Any woman that's in a squat rack using an Olympic bar and looks like she knows what she's doing there can likely critique your form in several exercises.

    Yes indeed! Most current gym doesn't appear to have any regular women lifting besides me, at least not during the days/times when I'm around. This is a first for me! It's kind of lonely, but I keep hoping/expecting to see another lady lifter. I would definitely be more than happy to help out with anything I could, if someone asked. Female or male, doesn't matter!
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Yes indeed! Most current gym doesn't appear to have any regular women lifting besides me, at least not during the days/times when I'm around. This is a first for me! It's kind of lonely, but I keep hoping/expecting to see another lady lifter. I would definitely be more than happy to help out with anything I could, if someone asked. Female or male, doesn't matter!
    Maybe you'll inspire some other regular women to lift heavy! :smile: