Passing out at night...anyone else?

sscad Posts: 73 Member
I've heard quite a few people complain about sleeping problems, but I am quite the opposite, and was wondering if anyone else has/is experiencing the same thing and what the reason might be, out of curiosity?

I've never really had much of a sleep problem. Usually once I turn out the lights and hit the pillows, it should only take me ten minutes or so to fall asleep. At the same time, if I stay up reading or on the computer, however, I can stay up until very very late in the night. So although I have no trouble falling asleep, I do have to "make" myself fall asleep.

I've only experimented with paleo foods for a week now (not 100% strict Whole30 style, but pretty close aside from the few occasions here and there). The past two nights, it's felt as if I've taken a sleeping pill, or something. Drowsiness suddenly hits me so hard, I feel I nearly pass out (even if I am reading or doing something mentally active). I'm not really complaining- I love it! But was wondering if paleo had anything to do with it.


  • iamstarstuff
    I'm only on my 3rd day but the past 2 nights I've just crashed and I think it'll be the same tonight. I've had heaps of energy during the day but then once dinner is done I start feeling like I want to go to bed and it takes me no time at all to fall asleep. I'm not complaining though! I usually have trouble falling asleep :D Hopefully it's my new normal
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    Before eating Primal falling asleep was difficult for me.

    Now I hit the pillow and I'm out in minutes.

    I wonder if this is caused by not eating so much sugar and/or caffeine during the day (in my case at least).

    I've also been one who can't sleep in, once the sun comes up and I start stirring I can't go back to sleep. I used to fight it but now I just get up and do quiet things around the house until the rest of the family gets up.
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    I noticed my sleep became so much better only a few days of paleo eating. I think I had something to do with the increased protein intake. I don't really know but I sleep like a rock.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    When you're on a paleo diet, your blood sugar stays relatively constant throughout the day. Also, because you're eating more meat (especially turkey breast), you're getting more triptophan (an amino acid that promotes good sleep) and your hormone levels are likely better than they were. Add those together and you're going to sleep better at night.

    If it is a problem, consider doing some light cardio work about 1 - 2 hours before you typically hit that wall. The hormone and endorphin release that late in the afternoon/evening should help your body realize you need to stay awake and alert later than normal.
  • Brieshon
    Brieshon Posts: 17 Member
    I've always had trouble falling asleep - my brain would just not take a freaking break! Since starting paleo, my anxiety is way down, so I do fall asleep faster. However, I've been waking up super early, way before a get enough sleep. It makes me tired and spacey the next day. :( Not quite sure what's causing it - I've tried different dinner foods at different times, exercising in the evenings... It's annoying!
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I've been doing Paleo for less than 2 weeks, but someone posted this in another thread....
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    For me I seem to be waking up earlier and needing a little less sleep. I almost don't even need to set the alarm clock any more.
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    For me I can get to sleep with no problem now and bounce up in the morning....I think I need less sleep since going Paleo/primal as well.