The Yellow Team Loft !



  • still_a_caterpillar
    I have had a REALLY bad eating day today! I've given in to all my cravings today and now I have a food coma and am DYING to get to the gym after work to do DOUBLE cardio!! Instead of an hour on an elliptical, I'll be doing an hour on an elliptical and walking for at least 30 minutes, probably more. Feeling soooooooo gross and regretting my food choices already, and I've only just finished lunch.
  • ReDeCook
    ReDeCook Posts: 23 Member
    Don't beat yourself up so hard. Some of us slip. We are all human. I am not looking forward to the first weigh in because I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. I will try to be as good as possible, but weddings never have the best food choices. Plus there is always lots of booze flowing. Wish me luck girls.
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    when do we weigh in?? I'm in Texas (cst) not sure what time 9pm is in gmt is??:bigsmile: this is my 1st time doing the biggest loser challenge..
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    i drink 8-10 glass of water a day
    4/4 days of cardio
    605/350 squats(doing the 30 day squat challenge)
    I rest on Thursday since i had an eye surgery done that day
    still need to do something new
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    I weigh in on Sundays

    4/21/13 167.0LBS.
  • still_a_caterpillar
    Hello lovlies -
    9pm GMT i believe is 4pm EST, 3pm CST, 2pm Mountain time, and 1pm PST. If you could please get me your weigh ins by that time today I will update our spreadsheet tonight before bed. I'm going to weigh in right now and am hoping that we'll all do a great job! xx
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone, I weigh in Sundays as well and I'm 130lbs. I have put on 1lb this week, but its because I haven't been very well and have done no exercise at all this week and my eating hasn't been great. I'm much better and tomorrow i'm going to restart the exercise by going to the pool and doing gentle exercise to build up my strength. Once I'm fully fit I plan on goign to 5 days a week exercise.
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    I'm up 1lbs. from last week..but down 2.8lbs. from Wed.(weigh in on wed. too for another challenge) I blame TOM and stressful week this week.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I weigh 198.6 pounds., so I'm down 1.4 pounds. It's something!
  • ReDeCook
    ReDeCook Posts: 23 Member
    I weighed in today. I am 187.2 down from original 190.
  • still_a_caterpillar
    I'm up FOUR POUNDS!!! I'm actually really upset with myself - I really didn't eat well this week at all and I also weighed myself in at night time instead of morning like I usually do. I've apparently been meeting my burns, but maybe I'm not tracking my calories the right way. Either way, the ONLY WAY TO GO IS UP! My official starting weight is now 197. I feel terrible.
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi Lovelies

    I am so pleased with your efforts I hope you will like this week's challenges .

    This is our first official week !!!! It is supposed to be still an introduction, so have fun and get healthy!

    There is lbs reward for each part of this challenge

    Exercise max 7 lbs

    1. 4 days out of 7 of 30-45 min cardio or strength exercise sessions to be spread out during the week as it suits you best!

    sessions of jogging, fast walking, cross-trainer or treadmill,Zumba, Aerobics, Dance, DVD , Gym etc.
    (moderate cleaning doesn't count ;) !!! )

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed to do 4 sessions!!!

    2. Try something new or something you didn't do for a while - independent exercise of your choice for 30 min session at least!!! : mine for example will be trying to go to work on bike. - I would not mind to go home from work but to get there is 90% uphill!!!

    If you lack inspiration, you can try swimming, clubbing (DANCING!!!), another class at your local gym, or that new DVD , take tennis rackets and go play tennis with kids in park ... or football ... I found out trampoline extremely hard :-)

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed

    3. Best Butt Exercises For Women: Squats

    Squats are one of the best butt exercises you can do to build a nice round booty and sexy legs. Make sure you keep your abs tight, back straight, weight on heels, and sit your butt back.
    can you make at least 350 a week ? E.G. 50 +60+70 +day rest +50 +60 +70
    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed 2 lbs for most squads

    4. Don't forget to take a day rest! Your body needs it.

    5. For the WEEK ONE FOOD challenge, I thought we might still keep it BASICS! Let's take this week to focus on fish and cooking fish - let other inspire you with their recipe ! I know that this is not popular choice but girls (as far as I know we don't have a man in our challenge) come on it is good for us - and for mums especially we need to introduce fish into our kids diet - and I am not talking about fish fingers ;) .... girls all fish counts and vegetarians try Sea Vegetables. Try to eat fish 2x a week. (1 lbs advantage if you manage to eat 2 portions of fish)

    Keep drinking water - even if it is not our topic!!! I hope you picked up some good tips.

    cooking challenge
    Also, I will be doing Cooking Challenge for week 0. It will run from today april 21th - april 28th . I need the pictures and recipe of 1 dish you were cooking this week for yourself . I will be judging on healthiness, calorie amount and presentation . It can be idea for lunch (pack lunch) , dinner , breakfast or even Snack!!!

    You must send picture + recipe here The requirement this week is you must have fish in this meal.

    Best recipe will get 2 lbs advantage for week 2 weigh in and everyone who post recipe will get 1lbs

    To sum it
    4/7 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage
    1 session of something new - let us know what - 1lbs advantage
    350 squats - 1 lbs for the everyone who manage to do 350 squats an extra 1 lbs for 1 person with most squats
    2 dishes with fish - 1 lbs advantage
    recipe - 1 lbs for everyone who post recipe extra 1 lbs for best recipe
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    Hi All!
    Sorry for being such a late joiner!

    My name is Taylor and I am 19 years old, I will be 20 in May. I live in Ontario, Canada. I am 5ft 4inches and currently weigh 208.2 pounds. I would like to be around 170, I will still be over weight but I will be a lot healthier than I am now. I love being on a routine and find that I am motivated more through exercise videos than myself alone. I want to be able to keep up with my friends when we go for runs in between classes.

    I am currently in College for Nursing. This is another reason why I want to lose this weight. I am headed into a very high energy profession and I want to do my best and don't want my weight to hold me back.

    I am the primary care giver for my boyfriend who has a rare liver disease. I gained most of my weight last November when I stayed with him in the hospital for 2 months straight. I have decided that now that he is doing better and that he can care for himself more, that it is time for me to take care of myself. He is very supportive of my decisions and is behind me 100%

    I can't wait to get to know you all better and I can't wait to start this journey with all of you! Good luck ladies and gents!!!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Glad to have another team member :)

    And I'm super excited for week 1! Let's do this, ladies!
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome Taylor. Looking forward to week 1 challenge. Feeling much better and off to the pool in a minute for a swim. Not sure if I will be able to do the squats but will try my best.
  • still_a_caterpillar
    Hi girls,
    I know that some of you have mentioned not liking fish, but i have a few suggestions for you to try, if you're interested :)

    1) homemade fish sticks - get a few ounces of white fish (tilapia is great - it's less slimy than catfish and doesn't have a big fishy taste), sut up in strips, then dip them in egg whites and whole wheat breadcrumbs and spices then bake at 350 until flaky and opaque. (I'm really terrible, I rarely use the timer for stuff like this - I just put it in, watch tv, and check it every commercial break haha).

    2) Niciose Salad (might have misspelled that) canned tuna, over mixed greens, cold hard boiled egg, cold boiled green beans, and tomatoes with mustard salad dressing (dijon mustard, extra virgin olive oil, herbs, lemon juice, and mix the ever loving crap out of it - just use as little oil as possible to save your calories)

    3) Shrimp salad - you can put this on toasted english muffins (or crumpets I suppose for my lovely british friends), wasa crispbreads, your favorite cracker, even scoop it in to avocado halves. Take a few teaspoons of no-fat sour cream or low fat mayonnaise (i've tried it both ways), a little bit of dijon, diced up cucumbers, cold (but COOKED) shrimp diced up, dill (THIS IS KEY - without dill, this stuff just doesn't taste as good), and a little bit of salt and pepper. You can also add cayenne or crushed red pepper or tobasco sauce for a little extra kick.

  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member

    !. 30 mins.(jumping jacks,push ups,Russian twist,tricp dips,wall sit,crunches sit ups)
    2. nothing new today unless you count 2 1/2 cutting grass something I haven't done in years cause my husband always did it or we live in apartments.
    3.squats 185 (on day 22 of the squat challenge rest
    5.I had 1 piece of fish from golden corral
    10 glasses of water
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member

    1. No cardio today
    2. I did swimming for an hour. I don't go swimming as I hate being in the water (and don't even know how to swim) but today when my friends hit the gym I went into the pool and brisk walked up and down for an hour and even did my squats in the pool.
    3. 70 squats in the pool rest today
    5.No fish today
  • ReDeCook
    ReDeCook Posts: 23 Member
    4/22/2013 Monday

    1) no cardio yet

    2) I walked for a total of what I would consider 4hrs. (walking, sweeping, mopping, and cleaning at work) I am going to count this as my one new excercise.
    I started a new job in retail and I am counting that on my log because I only work a few days a week there and the rest of my week is usually sedentary. I worked 8 hours so I am only going to count half on my log. Once I start working more than 20 hours, I will recalculate my total calorie needs.

    3) no squats yet

    4) I am a vegetarian and I had some tofu with dinner last night. I am not sure if that counts for my fish dish, but it was relatively healthy.
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131

    1. I did day one of the 30 day shred.
    2. nothing new today
    3. 40 squats
    4. no fish tonight, had grilled chicken.

    8 cups of water today :)