Pregnant Runners Thread!

ybodwen Posts: 342 Member
Hi Ladies!

It's me Julia, age 29 and expecting my #3 in October.

I noticed there are a lot of women who identify themselves as runners around here so I figured we can have a place to talk about being a pregnant runner, whether you are still racing away or taking a few months' break.

I had been training for my first half when I got my BFP and I took a break during my 1st few months because I felt awful- thought I'd just become a walker until after baby comes.

But.. now I'm in the second trimester, feeling a lot better and the sun is shining so I've started running again and I feel so great about it. like I'm me again! :)

It's definitely been a different experience running for two- where I would usually tell myself "push through, you can do it!" now I have to remind myself to slow down and take a walking break here and there.

How's it been going for all you other running mamas to be?
Any tips or advice to share?


  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    The more I run while pregnant the more I remind myself that every run during pregnancy should be easy. I think the most frustrating is when something like round ligament pain stops me from running, because usually minor aches and pains I ignore, but I just refuse to risk any kind of pregnancy pain even if it should be harmless - better safe than sorry. But I love running while pregnant, I love that it's good for both of us :)

    One thing - I love running in a /real/ maternity workout top. I hate running in oversized clothes that are too big and make me look huge or too short and ride up. My maternity running skirt is awesome and the tank top I got today (BeMaternity - target brand, but I picked it up used on a maternity item swap board on FB) make me feel cute and not frumpy while I run! :)
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I ran through 32 weeks (I'm 36 weeks now!). I felt great during the second trimester.....just listen to your body and take walking breaks....also, my advice is make sure your doctor is okay with it. Most are if you have a normal, healthy pregnancy. Also, I did my easy run jogging pace, not my normal run pace. But it made me feel great and has helped me gain a healthy amount of weight in the right places.

    What slowed me down was that once I got around 30 weeks, the baby was really pressing on my bladder. Then at 32 weeks when the doctor told me the baby was already down low and I was effacing, I stopped because I didn't want to risk preterm labor or anything. Plus it got way too now I am just consistently walking, which I am okay with, but I do miss running and can't wait to get back to it.

    And I wish I had known about the maternity work out gear! (oh well, maybe next time :-))...because I have done all of my workouts in the same huge tshirts (from my husband or brother) and in yoga pants. Also, I wish I had invested in a really good maternity sports bra.
  • BaysiderNY
    BaysiderNY Posts: 66 Member
    I don't run as often now but maybe 2-3 times a week on treadmill. I take it easy though. No overheating and running out of breath. I would ask runner mommies about maternity belt that comfortable. I am desperately looking for one to hold my belly in place.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Before I got pregnant I was running 6 miles/hr about 3-4 days a week and sometimes adding elliptical and stairmaster on top of that. I took a break during the beginning of my first trimester because I was so nauseous! When I started up again I would do 3-4 miles 2-3 days a week. Now im in my 2nd trimester and ive slowed to 2-3 miles per session and walking for another .5 mile. I love running. It makes me feel so healthy and accomplished. This is my fourth pregnancy and i am halfway through with a gain of 5lbs! That is amazing for me. I typically gained 30-40lbs with my first three so I hope if I stay on the right track with exercise and eating healthy I can keep my weight gain around 20lbs. I will be happy as long as it stays under 30lbs and I stay below 200lbs. I hit 202lbs with my third pregnancy which is also the kick in the butt I needed to start my healthy lifestyle.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    I don't run as often now but maybe 2-3 times a week on treadmill. I take it easy though. No overheating and running out of breath. I would ask runner mommies about maternity belt that comfortable. I am desperately looking for one to hold my belly in place.

    I heard the one at motherhood maternity is good but i havent used it personally. I plan to buy one soon though because my belly is beginning to pop out too.
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    I was just getting serious about a running program before I got pregnant. Like the OP, I took a break during the first trimester. I thought starting again during the 2nd would be hard but its been great! Working on 2 days a week now but want to increase to 3 and I by belly support band should be here any day! I can't wait until I "look" like a pregnant runner and not just a slightly chubby one. I'm not really showing yet. Ha.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Preggo that loves running here!! I was running a few miles 3-4 days per week prior to getting pregnant again. I was suprised by how much I really liked running.

    Sadly, I have multiple herniations in my low back that are causing issues when I run now that my I am getting further along. I ran a mile this morning and really felt it, so I think i will be sticking to the elliptical and bike for cardio until after the baby comes. I figured this would happen, but I was hoping I could run a bit longer than 15 weeks.

    I will be looking forward to getting back to it after though! For now I will keep lifting and moving as much as possible!
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    Pretty much the only time my morning sickness goes away is when I'm running, so yeah, I love it! I have slowed down significantly, though (not intentionally), and it is really hurting my knees. So I need to figure some knee stretches or something so I don't wind up with an injury.
  • led2012
    led2012 Posts: 26 Member
    I miss running! I stopped around the time I found out I was pregnant. The morning sickness left me not wanting to do much of anything for most of the first trimester! I haven't started running again, because my doctor told me not to get my heart rate over 140. I'm at 16 weeks now, and so far I've had a healthy pregnancy. The clinic I go to simply believes that if you are pregnant, your heart rate should not go above 140. I asked my doctor about working out, and she mailed me several papers on different studies supporting this low heart rate pregnant life. I walk and lift weights (though lifting weights is frustrating too because my doctor told me not to go over 8 pounds). It's my first pregnancy, so, even though I want to jog, I'm afraid to go against my doctors advice. Has anyone else been given this advice?
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I'm 8 weeks Friday and not currently running. After 3 rounds of IVF to get to this point, I'm not risking anything! My specialist is in the "140 camp" as well. I'll transfer to my regular nurse practitioner soon, so we'll see what she says. But honestly, I'll probably stick to long walks, bike rides, yoga, and light weights.
  • led2012
    led2012 Posts: 26 Member
    I couldn't agree more! I had a look of shock when she told me to stop using the weight bench and use 8lb. dumbbells for presses instead. 8lbs. doesn't seem worth lifting at all to me. We do plan on having more kids...I don't know how that's suppose to work. I guess she is just the super cautious type.
  • led2012
    led2012 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 8 weeks Friday and not currently running. After 3 rounds of IVF to get to this point, I'm not risking anything! My specialist is in the "140 camp" as well. I'll transfer to my regular nurse practitioner soon, so we'll see what she says. But honestly, I'll probably stick to long walks, bike rides, yoga, and light weights.

    I can understand that. It is better to be safe!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I'm 8 weeks Friday and not currently running. After 3 rounds of IVF to get to this point, I'm not risking anything! My specialist is in the "140 camp" as well. I'll transfer to my regular nurse practitioner soon, so we'll see what she says. But honestly, I'll probably stick to long walks, bike rides, yoga, and light weights.

    I can understand that. My first kiddo was fertility tx and I did everything 100% by the book, because it felt so fragile.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    I was just getting serious about a running program before I got pregnant. Like the OP, I took a break during the first trimester. I thought starting again during the 2nd would be hard but its been great! Working on 2 days a week now but want to increase to 3 and I by belly support band should be here any day! I can't wait until I "look" like a pregnant runner and not just a slightly chubby one. I'm not really showing yet. Ha.

    Haha. Ive been saying the exact same thing to my gym partner. I am always looking for baggy tops to wear because I still look in between fat or pregnant. When I am obviously pregnant I will start wearing my tighter exercise tops again.
    Please let me know how the belly band works for you and where you ordered it. I am looking for one and want to get a good one. Thank you!
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Pretty much the only time my morning sickness goes away is when I'm running, so yeah, I love it! I have slowed down significantly, though (not intentionally), and it is really hurting my knees. So I need to figure some knee stretches or something so I don't wind up with an injury.

    This happened for me too! My nausea was terrible. The only time it went away was when I was running/exercising. I would feel completely normal. I wonder if it had anything to do with the higher heart rate? Anyway, wasn't it worse when you would stop and the nausea would kick in again? Made me never want to stop. Lol
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    I miss running! I stopped around the time I found out I was pregnant. The morning sickness left me not wanting to do much of anything for most of the first trimester! I haven't started running again, because my doctor told me not to get my heart rate over 140. I'm at 16 weeks now, and so far I've had a healthy pregnancy. The clinic I go to simply believes that if you are pregnant, your heart rate should not go above 140. I asked my doctor about working out, and she mailed me several papers on different studies supporting this low heart rate pregnant life. I walk and lift weights (though lifting weights is frustrating too because my doctor told me not to go over 8 pounds). It's my first pregnancy, so, even though I want to jog, I'm afraid to go against my doctors advice. Has anyone else been given this advice?

    Listen to your doctor. It is always better to be safe than sorry. When you transfer you can discuss in depth your normal workout routine, what you are used to doing and what you can still do. I'm sure you will get the green light to do more intense workouts (more intense than 8lbs and 140 hr at least) after she/he understands your activity level. They possibly may think you should hold off til your first trimester is over since that is usually the danger period. Good luck!!
  • kseltzer
    kseltzer Posts: 214 Member
    I'm so excited I found this group and this thread! I'm 22 weeks along with baby #3. I didn't become a runner until after my second child (born April 2009), so I've been running for about 4 years. These have been the best 4 years of my life! I love racing and running with friends. I ran the Detroit marathon in October 2012 and got pregnant six weeks later. My husband knew I needed to get the marathon "out of my system" before we could try for #3!!

    Since becoming pregnant I've been running the entire way through. We agreed on my maximum run length to be 8 miles (what the hell was I thinking?!) Now of course in the 2nd trimester I have this incredible urge to run a half marathon!! Anyways, the month of April has been fabulous for me and running as I am averaging 30-33 miles per week. My pace has slowed down and that is tough mentally to deal with. However I have some very supportive running friends who have "been in my shoes" and are very supportive and will even slow down and run with me :)

    I have a 10k race coming up memorial Day weekend. By then I will be 26 weeks along, so finishing the race and not worrying about pace will be the main goals. My doctor knows I did a ton of training/running for my marathon, so she is not concerned about me running too much or too fast. Believe me, I am not running too fast!!!

    I would recommend the Fit Splint maternity belt by MomBod Fitness for running. I began using it as 20 weeks and feel almost naked if I forget to put it on before leaving the house for a run! It was $50, but well worth the price.
    I also bought two new pairs of running shoes. I like to alternate every other day. I hadn't bought a new pair since September 2012, so I was well overdue for new ones.

    Wishing everyone healthy and fitness during their pregnancies!!
  • BaysiderNY
    BaysiderNY Posts: 66 Member
    Question ladies.. how intense are your workouts/runs?? I would like to know this since I am not sure if I am running a lot faster then I should be. I would like to know your miles per minutes and your average speed. I don't want to give up running but I am concerned.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    I'm so excited I found this group and this thread! I'm 22 weeks along with baby #3. I didn't become a runner until after my second child (born April 2009), so I've been running for about 4 years. These have been the best 4 years of my life! I love racing and running with friends. I ran the Detroit marathon in October 2012 and got pregnant six weeks later. My husband knew I needed to get the marathon "out of my system" before we could try for #3!!

    Since becoming pregnant I've been running the entire way through. We agreed on my maximum run length to be 8 miles (what the hell was I thinking?!) Now of course in the 2nd trimester I have this incredible urge to run a half marathon!! Anyways, the month of April has been fabulous for me and running as I am averaging 30-33 miles per week. My pace has slowed down and that is tough mentally to deal with. However I have some very supportive running friends who have "been in my shoes" and are very supportive and will even slow down and run with me :)

    I have a 10k race coming up memorial Day weekend. By then I will be 26 weeks along, so finishing the race and not worrying about pace will be the main goals. My doctor knows I did a ton of training/running for my marathon, so she is not concerned about me running too much or too fast. Believe me, I am not running too fast!!!

    I would recommend the Fit Splint maternity belt by MomBod Fitness for running. I began using it as 20 weeks and feel almost naked if I forget to put it on before leaving the house for a run! It was $50, but well worth the price.
    I also bought two new pairs of running shoes. I like to alternate every other day. I hadn't bought a new pair since September 2012, so I was well overdue for new ones.

    Wishing everyone healthy and fitness during their pregnancies!!

    Thank you for the advice about the belt! Exactly what I need!
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Question ladies.. how intense are your workouts/runs?? I would like to know this since I am not sure if I am running a lot faster then I should be. I would like to know your miles per minutes and your average speed. I don't want to give up running but I am concerned.

    I typically do two ten minute miles, then a 12 minute mile. At this point I usually slow to a 3.7-4.0 walk or do a fourth mile around 14 minutes with walking/jogging intervals. After that I may do 10 minutes on the elliptical at a moderate pace and resistance level. Thats the most cardio i've done during one workout since my nausea has gone away. I hope to build back up to six miles per day with a modified speed of 75 minutes. Before morning sickness I was doing 6 miles per hour sometimes a few minutes less so I think an additional 15 minutes is plenty. I don't think I will push past six miles as I have never done more than 8 miles of running at one time. If I cannot do the six miles (the added weight is beginning to put pressure on my knee) I will stay at the 4 miles and do 20-30 minutes on the elliptical instead. I am registered for a few 5k's so I want to keep my pace pretty consistent as I get bigger. I try to run at least 3X per week.
    Good luck with your running!

    ETA: If you were running before you were pregnant, you should be able to run at the same speed/distance as long as you aren't feeling any pain or noticing any spotting. Your body will give you signs if you need to slow it down.