Cant stick to plan :(

ThaRealNicki Posts: 322 Member
My honeymoon phase is long gone and I just cant seem to stick to it for more than 2 days at a time. Im feeling lost, upset and helpless. Has anyone else gone through this for over a month? Ive already gained some weight back but not much. If anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it greatly! Im trying to get nmotivated again by looking at MyBodyGallery and stuff but nothing is working, Im going crazy!


  • leannekampfe
    leannekampfe Posts: 21 Member
    I haven't hit that point on this plan but I've been there before with others. What has helped me is to take one day at a time-tell myself I'm sticking to the plan today. If I feel like going off of it tomorrow, I can, but not today.

    That being said, the biggest lesson I've learned from my 10 or so weeks on Medifast is that it's all about building habits. And I've had 39 years to practice my bad that time, I could probably add up 5 years or less that I actually stuck to good habits, and that wasn't in one chunk. So if I make mistakes, I need to forgive myself and move on. Every time I'm out and want to order something or buy something off the plan, I just tell myself I can't. What I'm discovering is that when I say no to my unhealthy urges, the healthy food I buy instead actually tastes great! So I'm training my brain to know that I can be happy eating food that is good for me, that I can have a good time when I'm out with friends even if I don't eat what they're eating. Don't know if this will help you at all, but I wish you the best!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I've had those moments (though not on the MF plan).
    Ultimately what it came down to (for me) was that I wasnt ready to really commit to the eating plan at that point.
    Once I was ready (more of a mental ready than anything else), it was fairly "easy" to talk myself out of eating a cookie instead of a carrot.

    What I've found while on MF is that once I've gotten through the first few days, my body no longer craves the sweets (and I have a MONSTER sweet tooth). I actually walk by candy bowls in my office without giving them a second glance...which is a minor miracle to those who know me well, hehehe.
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 322 Member
    Thanks you guys, love the replies! At this point I'm telling myself one day at a time, I'm trying really hard to stick to it.
  • fitmama2e
    fitmama2e Posts: 19
    I went through this for about 2 weeks after vacation. I went all out on the trip and really did overeat. When I got home I had a lot of difficulty getting back on consistently. What helped for me was going back to the 5&1 and for 3 days take it meal by meal. Stay busy to keep your mind off food. I took more walks, limited time on mfp and really just tries not to think about it. After that it was like I never went off plan. Hang in there you will get back. Call your coach too.
  • dugrn
    dugrn Posts: 47
    Planning has helped me tremendously.
  • bar403
    bar403 Posts: 28 Member
    Haven't had this happen yet on MF but have before on other diets. Like others said, you have to be ready to commit to the plan (it's like quitting smoking!) and take it one day at a time. GL and we are here for you!
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Hey, I went on vacation last april and didnt get back on until 40 lbs and almost a year later. But I have been back on plan for 35 days. I deserve a chip or something. I feel like I am in AA. . name is staci and I like to chew things....

    Everyone....* hi staci*

    I mean, seriously. Wanting to eat is normal. Lets stop beating ourselves up about it.
  • I haven't hit that point on this plan but I've been there before with others. What has helped me is to take one day at a time-tell myself I'm sticking to the plan today. If I feel like going off of it tomorrow, I can, but not today.

    That being said, the biggest lesson I've learned from my 10 or so weeks on Medifast is that it's all about building habits. And I've had 39 years to practice my bad that time, I could probably add up 5 years or less that I actually stuck to good habits, and that wasn't in one chunk. So if I make mistakes, I need to forgive myself and move on. Every time I'm out and want to order something or buy something off the plan, I just tell myself I can't. What I'm discovering is that when I say no to my unhealthy urges, the healthy food I buy instead actually tastes great! So I'm training my brain to know that I can be happy eating food that is good for me, that I can have a good time when I'm out with friends even if I don't eat what they're eating. Don't know if this will help you at all, but I wish you the best!

    You wasnt talking to me but you really helped me thanks so much im having the same problem
  • Hey, I went on vacation last april and didnt get back on until 40 lbs and almost a year later. But I have been back on plan for 35 days. I deserve a chip or something. I feel like I am in AA. . name is staci and I like to chew things....

    Everyone....* hi staci*

    I mean, seriously. Wanting to eat is normal. Lets stop beating ourselves up about it.

    LOL your so funny but its so true you made me really laugh and i needed that and its because i can relate!
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Heavenhoney, we are all in it together
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bull**** story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Well, that and hunger pains
  • leannekampfe
    leannekampfe Posts: 21 Member
    You're welcome HeavenHoneyBee :)
  • It is easy for people to just say tough it out or something like that. I think this is a really difficult plan to commit to - we are eating around 1000 calories (or less) a day. It is hard. It is also inconvenient (yet I think easier than many other diets I looked into due to the prepared or easily prepared foods).

    My suggestion is to focus on each day. For me, when I first got up each day I would figure out what and when I was going to eat each meal throughout the day. Some days, I would even pull out the food and put it on the counter so I was not tempted to have anything else. When I was hungry, I would have a glass of water then wait 5 minutes. Hey, I am a guy so I don't have an attention span that lasts that long, and i was usually off thinking/doing something else when the time was up. If I still felt hungry, depending on how long till next fueling, I might eat early or have a pickle or other approved snack.

    It is tough to stay motivated, even if you have made progress. Remind yourself why you are doing this. If you have a good reason, then that might help too. My reason was for my two little kids.

    Good luck. You can do it!

  • tiffsting
    tiffsting Posts: 23 Member
    I've been having problems sticking to plan lately too.... the last few weeks it's been at least one cheat a week (even if small) where as the first almost 2 months I never cheated. I just keep trying to remind myself of why I started, and that every cheat, however little, will set me back that much further. And that once I get to my goal, it won't be as big of a deal to have the occasional cheat (and probably won't want to!), but that I just need to stick to my guns for now!
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    I have been having the same issue. I went on a cruise and couldn't stick to the plan on the cruise and since I have been back I have been cheating a couple of times a week for the past two weeks. I told myself today no more cheating. Meal by meal I will do better. I can no longer allow myself to go back to the old ways that kept me imprisoned in that extra weight for so long. Remind yourself about your goals keep your goal outfit in front of you daily so that you can see it. Remember why you did this. For me this plan has worked better than anything else and although it is strict it is doable and gets results fast. If you give in to your cravings you will just be back spinning your wheels like you were before Medifast. I was spinning my wheels with other programs and nothing worked like this program has for me and so quickly. I refuse to give up and I will do better from now on. Feel free to friend me for support. We are all in this together.
  • dwhitmoyer
    dwhitmoyer Posts: 22 Member
    I had trouble starting up again after gaining back 45 pounds. I would eat the meals during the day, but generally not be all that careful about snacking, alcohol, and tracking my carbs. And of course, the scale didn't move. So I finally got back on the wagon after our vacation and have been very good ever sense. That said, on the weekends, I might have a glass or two fo wine. I might indulge in a chip stolen off my husband's plate. But still sticking way under the calorie goal. But I also discovered that sticking to that carbohyrdrate goal let me lose weight so much faster which gives me the motivation to keep going and keep to the plan.
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    Just think about when you can be reunited with a nice bowl of fruit! Or a Subway sandwich! I think about when I reach my goal I'm going to add in a nice 6 inch sub (no mayo, of course...) haha.
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 322 Member
    thanks everyone im doing a lot better today and yesterday, havent gone so off plan but have been eating more lean in l&g than i steps
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 322 Member
    The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bull**** story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.

    LOL!!! Kcked me in the *kitten* right there!!