Week 3!! ((Day 15-Day 21))



  • courtneycee1
    courtneycee1 Posts: 3 Member
    Oh my gosh. I just tried to post a whole paragraph and my stupid internet went out and I had to back out, fueling my anger.
    20 years old, 5'6 1/2"
    I've been working my butt off since day 1 of Insanity and I unfortunately lost my beginning measurements so now I have no idea how my progress is going, which is just very frustrating. My starting weight was 151.4 pounds on April 4th and on April 11th it was 149.8 pounds. So not much lost, but I haven't been able to weigh myself since then even though I doubt I've lost much. I'm able to do a couple of push ups in a row but nothing to keep up with them in the videos...

    Week 1 Fit Test: 75, 35, 61, 23, 7, 9, 11, 12
    Week 2 Fit Test: 74, 30, 65, 19, 8, 12, 13, 15

    So as you can see, I got WORSE! Now it's possible to see why I'm frustrated.
    I've been trying to eat 1400 calories but sometimes I can't get to that amount with good food so I eat anything to get to the calories unless I just don't feel like eating. I started seeing really great results the second week, but for some reason I feel like I look completely worse and my legs have gotten fatter.
    I also have a problem with not being able to keep my core tight. Is that one of my problems? I just don't know how to keep adjusting to cause I let my core loose right when we start a super fast speed or something. I want to burn calories so I go quick. I also have a problem with almost falling backwards when I squat. I'm already putting my body pretty forward. So... I'm not sure.

    You guys all seem to be doing great and I'm jealous! Haha.

    Edit: Also, I haven't gotten any whey protein for my post-workout recovery (other stuff for insanity is just too expensive, can't afford it), because I'm still searching for the best one for me. Any suggestions? Which ones are you guys using?
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Oh my gosh. I just tried to post a whole paragraph and my stupid internet went out and I had to back out, fueling my anger.
    20 years old, 5'6 1/2"
    I've been working my butt off since day 1 of Insanity and I unfortunately lost my beginning measurements so now I have no idea how my progress is going, which is just very frustrating. My starting weight was 151.4 pounds on April 4th and on April 11th it was 149.8 pounds. So not much lost, but I haven't been able to weigh myself since then even though I doubt I've lost much. I'm able to do a couple of push ups in a row but nothing to keep up with them in the videos...
    1st thing you need to do is if you can't guest-imate what your measurements were is to take new ones ASAP you still have over a month to go and you can track your results moving forward. If you have your before and after pictures that will help, I take after pictures every weigh in/fit test to keep me motivated.
    2nd Staying off of the scale is a good thing you only need to weigh in every fit test or every week, constantly weighing yourself may be discouraging for 'anyone'. The fact that you have lost is major, some people aren't losing at all, people have said they didn't start seeing results until the 2nd months. Focus on getting healthy/fit and stop being so fixated with a number on a scale. You aren't expected to keep up with those machines right out the gate, those people were selected because the have "already completed the program" they are all fit and they know the program, do you realize they are all at different levels? you may see some struggling? that's because you are all different, this is why he says push "yourself" but rest when needed. I can't keep up with them "yet".

    Week 1 Fit Test: 75, 35, 61, 23, 7, 9, 11, 12
    Week 2 Fit Test: 74, 30, 65, 19, 8, 12, 13, 15
    So as you can see, I got WORSE! Now it's possible to see why I'm frustrated.
    Ok now for your fit test results. First let me say I also went down on one of my exercise. This could be as a result of you executing the moves with way better form than week 1. What I do is take a look at what I got then set a goal in my head to beat that number, you got 74 week 2 tell yourself you have to get 80 and you push and fight to beat the last score. You need to see that you did improve on 5 out of 8! not too shabby if it's a result of pushing harder with better form.
    I've been trying to eat 1400 calories but sometimes I can't get to that amount with good food so I eat anything to get to the calories unless I just don't feel like eating. I started seeing really great results the second week, but for some reason
    (((I feel like I look completely worse and my legs have gotten fatter.)))
    I also have a problem with not being able to keep my core tight. Is that one of my problems? I just don't know how to keep adjusting to cause I let my core loose right when we start a super fast speed or something. I want to burn calories so I go quick. I also have a problem with almost falling backwards when I squat. I'm already putting my body pretty forward. So... I'm not sure.
    1st To be honest the most important part of exercise and working out is what you eat, this too is the hardest part for me. However filling up on empty calories to reach a goal may be worse than just eating clean, all calories are not created equal! Also not eating is not good for losing weight and exercise. You work out and burn calories you MUST feed your body. You HAVE to eat but you have to eat good food. (Fruits,vegetables, brown carbs, protein watch your fat & easy on the sugar)

    2nd (((I feel like I look completely worse and my legs have gotten fatter.))) Building muscles will do that, you get leaner and build muscles from working out not get fatter :noway: Or is it in your head? use an inch measure and write this down and be sure to measure the exact same spot each time. There is NOOOO way your legs will get fatter from all that jogging in place and squats.

    3rd You wanting to go quick is causing you to sacrifice good form, then what do you accomplish? Nothing! Go as fast as you can while doing the move properly and you will get max results and build up the strength to go faster each time. Pull that core tight then start the move, feel it getting loose, stop pull it in and continue. A squat is like sitting on a chair, maybe you can use an actual chair to help, hover but don't sit, or just keep in mind "knees do not go further than toes and push your butt back" keep working on it. Maybe you can Youtube how to squat for further instructions and suggestions.

    You guys all seem to be doing great and I'm jealous! Haha.
    Also, I haven't gotten any whey protein for my post-workout recovery (other stuff for insanity is just too expensive, can't afford it), because I'm still searching for the best one for me. Any suggestions? Which ones are you guys using?
    Why are you jealous when you are doing what many wish they could be doing? There are people who haven't had the courage to start to the 1st day. I don't want you to have the attitude that you are at the back of the class because you are not we are all in this together. I use whey protein I bought it in the supermarket for about $19 and i'm hoping it will last me for the 2 months.

    You see all that negative language? lol Stop it! :smokin: Think positive be happy believe in yourself & only compete with the person in the mirror. You'll be fine and you will see results eat clean and trust in the process stick with it and you'll get there. :flowerforyou:

    (I'm sure there are countless typos hopefully my message is clear)
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member

    Less than 10 days till RECOVERY WEEK ladies!!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    I totally agree with everything she has told you. I don't know how many times I've told people to please don't be scale dependent. That scale is not there to be your friend. There are so many other things going on in the body that could be happening. Inches lost, building muscle, fat % decrease. You can't just base your success off the number on the scale. Muscle weighs more than fat always always remember that. You have trust and believe in your body and let it do what it needs to do. Our bodies are going to do what it wants either way. If you treat it right it'll do the same in return. Your going to get the results you want you just have to give it time and push as hard as you can.

    I think you did fantastic on the fit test. Sometimes the numbers go down it's alright. Just like she said your form is getting better. Some moves I go as fast as them and others I'm like how are they going so freaking fast on this? Like 1-2-3 Heisman I can't do that as fast as them. Go at your OWN pace. Don't try to keep up with them.

    No need to be jealous of anyone we're all here for the same reasons. We want to achieve our goals that we have set forth. We want to look good and most of all feel good. We want to take our fitness level to the next level and have a good time doing it. We're here to support one another. To help each other. Any progress is better than no progress. No matter if it's weight loss or just being able to do one more switch kick. It's progress and you should be proud of yourself. Insanity is not easy! So the fact that you're doing this and making it through, pushing play and going hard everyday just tells me that your dedicated. That your going to keep pushing through and digging deep. We'll be here to support you all the way!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Just finished day 20 Plyometric Cardio Circuit. It never gets easier! AHHHHHH! On to Zumba. I feel like dancing. Hope everyone is getting their workouts done and digging deep! You can do it!
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Just finished Plyo. I am so tired this week but glad I pushed through it today. It felt more difficult than usual but I pushed as hard as I could and it seemed to go quickly. Yesterday was a crazy day...I left home early in the morning and only got back at midnight so no time to workout unfortunately. I'm going to make it up tomorrow though.

    Also I just have to say I completely agree with the two ladies above! You girls are so so so right!! And your amazing support & encouragement is incredible!! What a fantastic group we have here!!

    Have a great weekend!!!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Day 20 completed!

    Good job ladies :smooched:

    Plyo kicked my butt, had to get the inhaler :frown: (which I think have more to do with Spring and allergies making it a little difficult to breath) No biggie tho i'm just fine! :wink:
  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    Day 19 of Insanity - Cardio Power & Resistance COMPLETE! I even did a 45 minute spinning class beforehand. I'm exhausted!

    I finally invested in a HRM and unfortunately I'm burning a lot less than most people. I've read on forums that most people burn between 400-600 calories in 40 minutes. I only burnt 270 today and 230 from pure cardio on Friday. I'm definitely pushing it as hard as I can and sweating more than I do in any other gym class. Not sure why I'm not burning as much. Any ideas?
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Day 19 of Insanity - Cardio Power & Resistance COMPLETE! I even did a 45 minute spinning class beforehand. I'm exhausted!

    I finally invested in a HRM and unfortunately I'm burning a lot less than most people. I've read on forums that most people burn between 400-600 calories in 40 minutes. I only burnt 270 today and 230 from pure cardio on Friday. I'm definitely pushing it as hard as I can and sweating more than I do in any other gym class. Not sure why I'm not burning as much. Any ideas?

    Good job!
    Everyone is different, so just push hard and don't go over your heart rate. If you feel you must burn 400 then after you are finished do some extra cardio. I believe everyone is different so not everyone will burn the same on the same exercise. They may be different height and weight, they may be logging as "curcuit training" and getting MPF calculations opposed to using a HRM, who knows focus on you and what's health for your body.
  • xxowenscharxx
    xxowenscharxx Posts: 19 Member
    Really pleased with fit test 2:
    Exercise. wk 1. wk2
    Switch kicks 50 90
    Power jacks 38 48
    Power knees 78 96
    Power jumps 17 27
    Globe jumps 3 6
    Suicide jumps 11 11
    Push up jacks 8 35 (actually just did knee push ups as cant do these!)
    Obliques 44 70

    Stepped on scales again though and put on 1.25lbs! :( Hubby says he is going to throw scales away if I keep going by what is on them, as he can definitely see a difference! Very pleased that my fitness has obviously improved!
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    Day 19 completed last night :) It was soooo hard, but I'm so glad I pushed through! Burned 515 calories with the Cardo Power & Resistance! Well worth it!
    Way to go!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Really pleased with fit test 2:
    Exercise. wk 1. wk2
    Switch kicks 50 90
    Power jacks 38 48
    Power knees 78 96
    Power jumps 17 27
    Globe jumps 3 6
    Suicide jumps 11 11
    Push up jacks 8 35 (actually just did knee push ups as cant do these!)
    Obliques 44 70

    Stepped on scales again though and put on 1.25lbs! :( Hubby says he is going to throw scales away if I keep going by what is on them, as he can definitely see a difference! Very pleased that my fitness has obviously improved!

    :flowerforyou: wow you have some awesome results there. Don't stop!
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    Day 21 Done....on to week 4!!!
    Welcome to week 4