Please introduce yourself



  • MommaGrizAK
    MommaGrizAK Posts: 2 Member
    I'm so glad to have found this group. I am finishing Day 2 and lost a pound so far. I'm hoping for good things tomorrow as I head back to work. Any tips or encouragement will be greatly appreciated.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi SwissClover,

    Welcome to the group! That's so interesting that you're joining us from Switzerland. Some of the items people in the US have a hard time tracking down some items, so I can imagine living out of the country has some unique challenges. That is so great that you're feeling so much better and getting rest. I also have found that my energy is up and I no longer have my typical mid-day energy drain.

    No one has uploaded menus. Not sure I see a way to do that, other than copy/pasting the text from the website.

    How has your experience been working with Lyn-Genet's staff?

    Please continue to share your experiences with us.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi MommaGrizAK,

    Welcome to the group! We're glad you found us, too! If you have made it through the first two days, you've done the hardest part. I think you'll find it gets easier as you go. At least that was my experience and I have continued to discover foods that I can add to my days safely, which gives my meals more variety.

    Let us know how you are doing!
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    Hello, I am on day 2 and lost 1.7 lbs (that is what I weigh morning of day 2). I am hoping that this works.
  • sandoster
    sandoster Posts: 3 Member
    Hi - my name is Sandy, and this is my sixth day on The Plan. I was SO SICk Day Two I thought I would quit, but got through it and am so glad I did! I am down 7.2 pounds in a little under 6 days. This theory sure seems to work - it makes more sense than any other diet plan I have tried. I have tweaked things a fair amount since Day Two, but I lose every day. Goat cheese, chicken, rice, steak, chickpeas - all good. Today I am testing rye. Very happy to find this group on MFP. BTW, my ticker does not show my weight loss because I weighed less than I do now when I first set up my MFP profile and I don't see how to change my starting weight - if anyone knows, please tell me!! :smile:
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi LovelyNFit,

    Welcome to the group and thanks for introducing yourself. Things have been rather quiet on this board lately and I encourage you to participate!

    Sounds like you lost 1.7 lbs in one day, which is a great start. Congratulations! Did you have any adverse symptoms?

    I found the first couple of days of the cleanse particularly difficult, but definitely lost weight. From what I've observed, The Plan has helped most of us in this group with weight loss as well as relief from other problems.

    Let us know how you're doing!
  • I am wondering if there are Long term results? Anyone know of weight loss over twenty pounds ?
  • :bigsmile:
    Welcome, group members! Please introduce yourself and tell the group a bit about your experiences with or interest in The Plan.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Sandy,

    Welcome to the group! So glad you joined and have had such good results. I also was ill during the cleanse, especially day 1, but continued through days 2 and 3. Like you, I chose to stick it out, probably because of the weight loss. Glad your testing has gone well. At some point you may discover foods that do cause a reaction, and that may not feel like good news. Except it really is good to discover the things that may be causing problems. Even if those are your favorites, it's great to have that knowledge so that you can plan and make informed choices.

    Please keep in touch and let us know your progress. If you have any tips, recipes, experiences, etc., please share!

    I don't know of a way to change your beginning weight on MFP as I have been inputting mine through the FitBit site.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi tummytonya,

    Welcome to the group! Please let us know a bit about you and your experience with The Plan!
  • the plan is a journey for sure . I hate the ups and down but will be sticking with is because i have no other option being hypothyroid leaky gut and adrenal fatigued. I have lost 6 pds on cleanse now on day 7 only down 2.4. Has anyone else added celery? One has to be somewhat of a perfectionist. I took a walk had celery and had honey chocolate. Now have to retest all since i gained pound. I guess it will get better when i have more safe foods. But for now i wonder . Good luck to all who undertake this task. and may you not stress when you gain like i do.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi tummytonya,

    Yes, a journey is a good way to describe it. Not really what one necessarily expects when picking up the book. Speaking for myself, I think I believed I'd get through 20 days and be done. I also have had up and downs. Last week I went shopping and was able to fit into some pants that were 2 sizes smaller than my usual size at that store. Of course, I had to buy them!

    Then, I had pizza and now I am up about 3 lbs in 4 days. Doing another safe day today and hoping the weight comes back down again. I think it will. The pizza was delicious, but not sure it was worth the weight gain or having to take several days off of testing, which means I can't discover any new "safe" foods, and I really need more of those. Doing another safe day today, then maybe can test something new tomorrow.

    Personally, I have not added celery. Has anyone else?

    Reading your message, I was wondering if you'd noticed any changes in the thyroid and other problems you listed. One of the things I noticed myself was a big reduction in the hot flashes that I'd been experiencing for the last several years. Also, better energy during the afternoon, when previously I would have had a big plunge in energy after lunch.

    I really liked your wish to the group that they not stress when they gain. Thanks for that and I wish you the same!
  • myrtgeo
    myrtgeo Posts: 1
    So glad to find this group! I am about to explode with comments, complaints, hopes, and questions! I read the book, got really excited, just KNEW this was the real thing finally after not being able to lose weight for years and in fact continuing to gain no matter what I did. And I was so happy that she has a vegan 20 day menu plan! So I studied it, I ordered the flax granola, and made lists. I found her guide online called "DAY 1 TO 3 FOOD PREP" how to ready the first three days in only 70 minutes! Got the food, got it ready even thought there were inconsistencies in the prep guide and the 20 day guide. I had so much trouble I was in tears at the end of a couple of hours of preparing food. It was so dissapointing that the food all tasted horrible to me! I love carrots, cooked or raw, I love zuchini, I love ginger and all the spices. So how can that soup be so horrible? I thought I would never get it choked down. I am only on day two, and it isn't so bad today when I added the spicy coco sauce to it (someone else's suggestion). I think I will try just cooking the carrots and zuchini, eat them plain. My second terrible discovery -- I eat salads all the time, I blend greens up in a blender with apple and eat that just fine. But eating the greens, 1/2 pear and pumpkin seeds was pretty bad. I ate the steamed broccoli by itself and then mixed all the rest of the lunch ingredients together --chia or sunflowere seeds, pumpkin seeds, pear, and orange oil lemon juice up to make a salad. Then it was pretty good.
  • Butter167
    Butter167 Posts: 4 Member
    You in the worst part of the cleanse it gets better after day 2, but to say the Plan is bland would be a true statement, I tried strawberries and felt like I was missing out on some food I absolutely Love, so I added them into my personal plan in moderation. Good Luck! Keep Going!
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi myrtgeo,

    Welcome to the group! I'm glad you found us, too. Are you trying to lose weight? Or are there other reasons you're trying The Plan?

    I had such a hard time with the first two days as well. Started out really enthusiastic, struggled with the disparities between the book and the online resources you described. Got sick on the carrot soup and couldn't eat it after that.

    I also found the foods bland. Part of that for me was that I was missing salt and my palate needed to adjust. I now use small amounts of sea salt in my cooking but don't have as much of a need for salt as I once did.

    Also, as Butter167 said, it gets better after day 2. I found that the vegetarian soup was much better than the carrot soup, although it was bland. I pureed the chick peas as I don't really like them and I found it edible.

    Also, the cream of broccoli soup is better yet. You can find a recipe for that on the cookbook on their website.

    I am not doing the vegan version of the diet so can't help you with that. Anyone else here doing the vegan plan?

    I now am making my own chicken vegetable soup and even throw a bit of pasta into it. I use low sodium chicken broth, rather than water. It's pretty tasty and "safe" for me. I make huge batches and freeze in individual portions. I'm sure you could do a vegan version pretty easily. Maybe give it a try as a test after you get through the 20 days.

    I have that soup and a green salad with some seeds and sometimes a chopped apple or pear and avocado for lunch quite often. I have found a couple of commercial salad dressings that are low in sodium and seem to be safe for me. That also adds flavor and reduces prep time.

    I recall someone else suggested that they use a food processor to chop up the pumpkin seeds and that made them better as a salad topper. For myself, I don't really care for beets or chick peas so skipped the carrot beet salad and just ate some raw carrots.

    Hang in there, it gets better!
  • Jesseloumil
    Jesseloumil Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, my name is Jessica, I just joined MFP and this group. I picked up Lyn's book at the library and I want to try the plan.
    I have had reactions (bloating and tummy aches) after eating certain foods in the past, so I think this plan would be really good for me. Right now I am staying away from the foods that I think trigger me like pizza (may be the tomatoes, I hope not though) ice cream, and chili; but it would be great to know exactly what I should/shouldn't be eating.
    I am going on vacation at the end of this month so I am trying to get fit for that with diet and exercise. I would start the plan, but I want to exercise to get more toned and (correct me if I'm wrong) you aren't supposed to exercise during the first 3 cleanse days.
    So after my vacation I will start!
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Jessica,

    Welcome to the group and thanks for introducing yourself. If you already are noticing sensitivities to certain foods, I think you will get a lot out of the plan. Like you, I have problems with pizza. For me, I think it is tomatoes as every time I test them by themselves, I get a reaction.

    You're right that the book specifies not to exercise, except as a test. I did that test and was surprised to see a weight gain the next day. Enjoy your vacation and let us know how you're doing with The Plan when you return.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I just got this book from the library and thinking of giving The Plan a try. I am 61, have been on meds for Hashimotos for decades, am overweight, am at high risk of heart disease. I used to be slim throughout life until mid-life. I wanted to try the thyroid plan, but don't want to go back to eating animal based foods. I see the author's website has options for vegetarian and vegan. I am finding the book a bit too confusing to follow so far, although I think it is a good idea to find out what my reactive foods are.

    Kayceeme, I like your advice to get the right ingredients and prep the foods before starting the 3-day portion of the plan. I already eat high vegetable/high nutrient content foods , so it will be interesting to discover which ones actually have been stalling my weight loss.

    Thanks for starting the group.

  • cleller2
    cleller2 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm glad to find this group. I am on Day 8 of the plan - tested white bread today, and my stomach is not happy. I've had food sensitivities for years, but since I wasn't having any active symptoms, I thought I had outgrown them. But now I'm thinking, maybe not.

    I don't know if everyone saw the almond butter cookie recipe Lyn-Genet put on her facebook page. I made them yesterday and on the 3rd one (portion size was 3), my stomach was cramping. I had passed almonds, but something in that combo was not good for me. And I gained .8 pound as well, on a rest day.

    Looking forward to learning about other's experiences.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi cleller2,

    Thanks for introducing yourself and welcome to the group. I think that for some of us, being on The Plan makes us more aware of our bodies' response to foods. While it can be disappointing to find out you're having a reaction to a food you love, it still is good to have that piece of information. I haven't seen that almond cookie recipe you mention, but wondering if, like the bread, it contains flour. Perhaps you have problems with flour or wheat?

    Glad you found your way here. Please keep us posted!