Newbie! Need some new friends

I'm going to be starting a Paleo/Perfect Health diet sometime next week (to be totally honest I have some rye bread in the fridge I don't want to throw out).

No thyroid, no parathyroids.

Looking for friends with open diaries so I can get meal ideas... this will be a huge shift for me because although I've been eating 1200 calories with relatively low carb, it's been with carb-o-licious "nutrition" bars and low fat most of the time. I also do P90x 6 days a week and I haven't lost weight in over a year... so it's definitely time to try this!

I'm completely terrified that I'll gain weight from all the new fats I'll be eating but I'm going to give it a month and see what happens.

Thanks :)


  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    When I first tried eating more primal and lower carb, I too feared going waaaay over on calories due to higher fat - but what I found, is that the fat is more satiating and fills me up, whereas I can eat and eat and eat and eat carbs and still crave more. So my calories weren't terribly different. But, I know it's all individual!

    It's rare that I only eat 1200 calories, unless I'm really sedentary, which is also rare, lol. Feel free to browse my diary, it's open. I mainly eat veggies and protein, some good fats (avocados, nuts, etc), and some dairy and a little fruit. I make extra for lunches. I lose best if I keep my carbs around 100 or below, depending on activity level.

    And I'm happy to find someone else into the Perfect Health Diet. :) It's not just for weight loss - I intend to always eat this way for overall health and well-being. :)
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Feel free to add me (been 3 years Primal). I'm not tracking food right now since I'm doing a Whole30, so you won't really get much from my diary, but I'll be around if you have questions or anything. :)

    As shar said, it's tough at first to wrap your head around fat not being bad, but trust me, it works. I usually do my best with fat being 50-60% of my calorie intake. And as she said, it really is hard to overeat when you stick to meat, veggies, and healthy oils.
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Remember this mantra: "Eating fat does not make you fat." Honestly, I bet you will notice a big shift in your weight loss once you start incoprorating higher fats in your diet. As long as you stay away from the bad stuff (vegetable oil, canola oil, margarine, crisco, etc.) you have nothing to worry about.

    My diary is open and you're more than welcome to friend me. :) I will say that, I think you should eat more. :) Not eating enough can be a cause for you to not see any changes.

    FInd your resting metabolic rate ( That is the least you should be eating! There are many calculators out there to help you with this but consider it. :)
  • bethanylaugh
    Thanks everyone! I officially started yesterday, and added all 3 of you as friends... please feel free to give me advice on my meals. I'll be in a period of transition for a week or 2 I'm sure as I figure out how to eat and when, etc but I'm really excited. I can say, I was SUPER full last night after eating tilapia and potatoes with coconut oil and butter... much more full than tilapia with non-stick spray and just a salad!

    The PHD recommends no lower than 1300 calories, so I'm going to start there as my base and eat a little more on cardio days. I work at a university where I can get my RMR and endurance factors measured for $25 each, so I'll be doing that as soon as possible! The no thyroid thing really makes it difficult to measure them based on the "average" for my height and weight so I think it'll be best to get exact numbers for me. I'll adjust my daily calorie intake accordingly, but I fear I may have messed up my RMR by eating so little and exercising so much for so long. I'll see...

    Here I go!
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome. My diary is wide open to everyone. I've been Paleo/Primal since June 2010. I log daily but my meals are rather simple and unimaginative. I don't really go out of my way to try new recipes or anything. But you're welcome to look at it anyway.
  • shenitamo
    shenitamo Posts: 147 Member
    Welcome! I am new to paleo as well, but I am working on it and my diary is open. I have been super busy the last week or two, so sometimes I just do quick calorie entries, but I have been trying as many new recipes as possible since I love to cook! Tonight, I tried this crustless crab quiche with some awesome crab I got this weekend. I am sure it would be good with any other kind of protein too!
    Feel free to friend me!
  • ang3li
    ang3li Posts: 69 Member
    Hi All

    I have added most of you, if i have missed adding you, please feel free to add me.

    I am mostly paleo, I would say 80%. I am loving it. It feels so much better not eating gluten, grains and dairy. My body is feeling better.

    My diary is open but don't judge the cheat meals! =)
  • mm0526
    mm0526 Posts: 2
    Yay!!! I've been doing Paleo since February and I love it!!! I follow a couple of blogs- I love... PaleOMG, Civilized Caveman and a quick reference site i like is fast paleo. Also Bethany make sure if you have potato's that they are sweet potato's!! I'm training for a full marathon so I eat a lot more fruits and nuts then your supposed to, feel free to check out my site... I started myfitnesspal awhile back but I'm just now starting to get back into it so I'm still learning!! :)
  • clynn215
    clynn215 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm somewhat new to Paleo (January with some cheating most recently) and starting a 10 day version of the Whole 30 today to kill my cravings and get me back on track!! I've lost 10lbs so far and looking to lose at least 25 more!

    I'm planning on training for a Half Marathon over the summer as well as starting New Rules of LIfting for Women!

    I'd love to share support and tips! The easy part for me is cutting out bread, pasta and those kinds of items...however...I have a crazy sugar addiciton...candy, cake...etc...that I have to beat!

    I'll go in and add you all as friends!
  • Lyndseed
    Lyndseed Posts: 79 Member
    Hi & Welcome!

    I've been (mostly) primal since last summer. I've had some success losing weight and I definitely feel better and more energetic since the switch. It's funny how I didn't think I felt bad before, but now I feel SO much better, and I can always feel it when I've gone too far off track. You're welcome to add me & peek at my diary--I love checking out what other people like to eat too, it gives me new ideas.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    HI, all. I'm really new. Just on my third day but so far I like it. No diary for me as I really like reading the boards and am bad at tracking. Day one was hard but not foodwise, mostly energy wise but today I feel more back to normal.
  • MelanieSpicegurl
    MelanieSpicegurl Posts: 239 Member
    Hi !!
    I'm almost 2 months in - Been doing Mostly Primal .. at LEAST 80/20 most days ! lol ..

    I was just like you - Scared. I had just dropped 15 lbs eating 1200/1300 calories of 'regular' 'diet' foods .. then decided one day - Upped my calories to 1600 - started with High Fats/ Proteins.. and waited ..
    During the first month I noticed that I really wasn't losing WEIGHT as in pounds.. but over the first month I lost over 5.5 inches and people could SEE a difference .. BUT .. best part ever was the way I feel now.
    SO MUCH ENERGY .. FULL and HAPPY ?? I know.. . Weird Right. Eating well makes me HAPPY !!! ???? Who knew ???
    If I knew I could feel this way from eating well - I would have done it years ago !!!

    give yourself at least 6 weeks to start adjusting .. I did finally start to see the scale move .. and I still feel amazing !

    My diary is open , anyone can add me !
    Thanks and Good Luck !!!
  • bethanylaugh
    Melanie - I'll take inches any day!!!! I decided to stay off the scale for at least 2 weeks (or, 2 weigh ins - I weight in weekly, so I guess almost 3 weeks) so I don't get discouraged during whatever transition I might have.

    Thanks for adding me everyone!! :)
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Hi! I'm another Bethany (shhh, don't tell). Favorite recipe so far: sprinkle garlic powder, onion powder, salt & pepper on chicken, wrap in bacon, and bake. That was our experiment last night. It needs to be repeated. :)
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'm mainly primal (week days mostly...I always seem to cheat on the weekends!). I log nearly 100% of meals. Would love some primal\paleo friends as well!
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member

    I've been doing Paleo/Primal since the beginning for February but fell off the wagon big time this weekend and need to start over and get excited again so I'd love new friends to talk about this with and share ideas! Add me!
  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm brand new to this too! never tried it before and looking forward to it. I plan on actually starting this weekend so I can get rid of my non paleo/primal foodstuffs without tossing it out. feel free to add me with a note that you're part of this group.