Introduce Yourself!



  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    Oh, yeah, my stats:

    Age: 42
    start weight: 182
    Current weight: 171
    First goal weight: 140
    Dream weight: 130
  • stefypearl
    stefypearl Posts: 3 Member
    AHH! I am so glad I found this group!!! I need the support, motivation, and to see that other people are doing it!! :)

    Hi! I'm Stephanie. I'm 25, and while I was completing my BBA and MBA's, I tacked on a lot of weight. Now, as I'm getting ready to donate my kidney to brother, I would really like to lose some of my weight. The good news is, all my tests have come back phenomenally and the doctors are crazy surprised at how healthy I am for my weight (Lets face it, most of my weight is in the twins ;) ). But, I'm hoping the 30 day shred will start to get me motivated while I add walking and elliptical work in every day as well! I always have a hard time staying committed so I'm hoping this group will make me feel accountable!
    GL to everyone! I hope there are checkin's every day!

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 252
    CW: 235
    First Goal weight: 200
    Ideal Weight: 150
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    Now, as I'm getting ready to donate my kidney to brother

    That's amazing! Welcome aboard!

    Glad to see more new faces :)
  • Hi all,

    I am on day 3 of level 1. Definitely love this work out. It's fast and fun ! Having done pump classes for the past year, which are 60 mins long, feel as though I am getting more from this 30min work out already!. At the moment I am doing 30 mins cardio before workout. Hoping to tone up after a summer of indulgence!
  • Currently 138 pounds with a goal weight of 128 ish. My height is only 5'4 so 10 pounds really makes a difference.
    Measurements are
    hip 36.5
    Waist 35
  • Claairey1992
    Claairey1992 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi guys!

    I weigh 219lbs & im 5"2. Just completed day 1 of my 30 day shred and I thought I was going to die!! It's so intense but in a weird way good! Need to get this weight off me. I started the 8th April 2013 and so far have list 8.2lbs. I'm not sure I can do the shred every day - I think I'll need to start with every 2nd day and ease myself in. Do you guys think that's a good idea or do you think it will hinder me?

    Nice to meet you all :) x
  • sarahwebbo1978
    sarahwebbo1978 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All

    I'm a bit late in joining but am on Level 2, day 2 today and god last night was tough....god knows whats going to happen today.

    I've put on weight through two pregancies and I've decided enough is enough...its coming off. I can exercise easily enough (when I get the scarce time) but its my food that needs the work...portion control mainly. I'm a greedy piglet and love my glasses/bottles of white wine..

    I have 20lbs to lose to start with and am currently 156lbs, 5ft 5.

    Will be great to see how everyone gets on with this program. I'm trying my hardest not to "phone it in!". LOL

  • Kellyjfox86
    Kellyjfox86 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Kelly and this was the week I decided to make a real effort to lose weight and get healthy!
    I weigh around 150lbs at the moment and am only a teeny 4'11 so have quite a bit to lose! Eek!
    Started 30DS on Monday and so have just completed day 4 of level 1!
    For some reason found today really tricky, completed the workout but felt weaker than the previous days, maybe I'm just tired!
    Keep hearing the horror stories about Level 2 and so am definitely not looking forward to that at the moment, going to savour the next 6 days haha!
    Hope everyone is doing well :)
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!!!!!!!!
  • With you on the wine front! Aarrrggh I love my red wine, but have decided to seriously cut back because it is ruining all my efforts.