Introduction :)



  • Ely0418
    Ely0418 Posts: 45 Member
    Hello my name is Elizabeth Perez. I am 20 years old, I have a two year old, I am a stay at home mom, and I attend a community college online. I am planning in to burn 15,000 calories for May. Really excited, I gained 70lbs so far. I Love soccer, trying to find a women socccer team, I live in the Bay Area. This is a challenge, but Im going to do it.
  • gaiaearth
    gaiaearth Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, I'm Justine. I'm really excited to join this group. After struggling to be consistent on working out, the next hardest thing for me is to be consistent about logging in Hopefully this will help in consistency and motivation!!

    BIO - I'm in ok shape and medium active (BC skiier, bike commuter, mtn biker). I think I eat pretty well - cook a lot, vegetarian, moving towards mostly vegan (stupid yummy cheese gets in the way). My downfalls are that I drink a little too much (stupid yummy wine) and have been a smoker for years. My husband and I have just started a 30 day no drinking and I'm working on quitting smoking for good.

    I needed a self kick in the @$$ so I signed up for a century road bike ride - EEEEKKKKK, have never done anything like this. If anyone's experienced or has helpful hints on anything I'd welcome it!

    Thanks for starting this group!
  • Hi I'm Kim! I re-joined MFP after not using the site for 6 months. I live in good ole' Wisconsin and joined this challenge because I think I'll work out harder and try to sweat more if we are counting calorie burn vs minutes worked out. I've just started training super hard because I have 2 weeks of training for the military May 31st and need to lose about 12 pounds by then. I look forward to seeing and hearing bout everyone's progress. Ps-I have no friends so feel free to add me.
  • Kathie444
    Kathie444 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi my name is Kathy.
    Sounds like a great challenge for me.
  • Quitting drinking will help tremendously. I quit for 3 weeks and now I don't even crave it or drink as much as I used to at one time simply because I feel better. Keep it up :happy:
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    I'm Christina - 37 - in SC - My goal will be to burn 10,000 calories in May. Not sure if I will meet that but will try to. I've recently started going to a dance aerobics class twice a week and will re-start the Slim in 6 program today. In 1-2 weeks I will re-start the c25k program. So hoping to burn calories and lose some weight!
  • WonderWana
    WonderWana Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all my name is Kawana and I am a 34 year old mother of 2. I have been traing to run my first mararathon in June so this challenge is awesome I can be more accountable while achieving the same goal. right now I'm all about toning and strengthing my body.
  • Hello, I'm Rachael. I'm 28 and am looking to burn 8,000 calories by the end of May.

    Very excited to be part of this challenge! Good luck everyone!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Hi, I'm Suzanne. I'm 41 and trying to make the change to a healthier, more active lifestyle. Both for health reasons & so I can eat & drink more!

    I'll aim for 16,000 calories, but reserve the right to adjust down/up once I see how I'm trending. I'm seriously considering training for a try triathlon, but am not quite at a weight low enough for my knees to handle high-impact jogging yet.

    Getting fitter & healthier was my New Year's Resolution. My goal is to do some form of exercise daily. I've been 95% successful; only taking days off when my body tells me I need to. This challenge will help me keep up my motivation!
  • move2health
    move2health Posts: 11 Member
    Accountability and motivation...that is what I am missing. This challenge seemed to be the perfect fit since I am currently trying to get myself back onto my regular training routine. I had been doing CrossFit for 2 years, lost 20 pounds, felt amazing, then, in January, I moved to a very small town where I had a no support group or gym that I could easily complete the type of training that I had been doing. I have gained 8 pounds back, mostly due to lack of exercise and lack of accountability and motivation to stick with my eating goals. I do have a weight goal in mind, but more important to me is getting back to way I felt in December. I figure if I get back on track with my eating and training then weight loss will just be a side effect. My more important goals are body fat loss, completing a 10 mile trail run in July, a 25K trail run in Sept, and a 1/2 marathon trail run in October. I also want to begin racing cyclo-cross again this fall which I have not done since starting to have babies, 8+ years ago. I have a very supportive husband who is helping with my training program, but I need accountability seperate from him. So, I opened a MFP account and am looking forward to this challenge.
  • Hello everybody!

    My name is Shannon and this is my very first group I am joining on MFP. I didn't even know we had groups! I started my desire to lose weight after I went through a dramatic experience with my family causing me to gain weight. I am currently 19 and a sophomore in college. I don't have a set goal right now but I want to burn as many calories as I possibly can! I'm hoping this group will motivate me as much as it motivates all of you!

  • Hi everyone my name is coco, I am 22 and joined MFP cuz I had a baby 7 months ago and I'm in serious need to get back to my old weight and lose all the baby weight. Not seeing results yet but I am motivated to lose the weight.
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    eek :-/ I posted in the wrong thing this morning...
    Good morning everyone!
    I'm Melissa. I'm an Army wife, mother of 2 beautiful Army brats :-), nurse and aspiring chef (once I'm done with my BSN I'm going to go to culinary school).
    5 years ago this coming December I had lap band surgery and have lost 110 pounds souly with diet, I stumbled on MFP looking up calories for something and wow here it is two weeks later and I"m addicted.
    I joined the May challenge for myself to keep me on track as well as helping everyone else hopefully with the fitness portion, its time to get this body of mine toned and ready.
    I'm looking to change my eating habits from dirty to cleanER, I can't go 100% clean but cleanER is how I put it because I have my vices as does everyone so here goes it and to the May Challenge!
    My goal for this month is low since I'm just starting 6500 calories for this month!
  • PaulaJean82
    PaulaJean82 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All!

    I am so anxious to do this. I have always had weight issues and have tried everything except the simple and most effective way, the healthy way. I have been working on exercise, my diet and moderation. It's so easy to throw in the towel and watch tv or go out for drinks but my mind set is very different now. I am doing this for myself and have always wanted to experience the freeness a runner talks about. I want to be able to run with my dog so I have signed up for the Color Me Rad (June), the 4th of July run and the Warrior Dash (October) to make this commitment.

    I look forward to learning about everyone and their progress. If you would like to share ideas, recipes, etc. I am open to it. We can do this!!!!!

  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    Hi everybody!
    I'm Priyanka. I've never really been much into exercising, and when I started on MFP I had no intention of EVER doing any exercise besides walking. But the more I've read on these forums and in general, the more I'm learning that fitness and being in good shape is important too, and plus, you can eat more the more you exercise! I'm on Week 8 of the C25K (nearly done!) and on Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred. I try to do the 30DS every day and the C25K three times a week. I've been trying to do some HIIT stuff on the other days when I'm not doing C25K. My goal for the month is 12,000. I don't think I've ever done that before, and it will definitely be hard, but I really want to accept the challenge and try! Good luck to everyone!
  • lisididi
    lisididi Posts: 13 Member
    I have a 4 months old too :-)
  • Renee428
    Renee428 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm Renee from Mass, I was doing WW since January but decided I wanted to try MFP. I am beginner runner and so far I love it. I just need the extra push to keep me on track with my fitness to hit my goals. I have 3 stepkids who are extremely active and I need to do this to keep up with them.
  • TssCnn
    TssCnn Posts: 114 Member
    Hey all!

    My name is Tess. 33 female who currently resides in FL. I started back with school for Sports Health and Wellness AND Alternative Medicine/Holistic Living.On a mission to get things done! I do some (very little) free lance work fro home until I go back to my position I do work OTR and there have been some hiccups that kept me home as of late. I am a very positive person. Positive outlook and mindset really are everything. Carrying those with you, you will go far in life. Anything is possible. Open minds hold open doors....

    I think the idea of burning XX amount of calories a month is great! My goals for the challenge may sound extreme to most, however with my workouts it is actually attainable. I work out 6 days a week with the Gym, Insanity, and RevAbs. I also do some sort of sports pretty much every day of the week with the boy. Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Biking, soon swimming again. I do not log my calories burned or workouts on MFP any longer. Instead I keep track on my HRM weekly. I do photo at the weeks end (My weeks are Monday to Sunday with weigh ins on Friday)and post on my Instagram and share the link here.

    If we are not friends yet here and you need some, please feel free to add me!
  • Hi, my name is Dana. I'm 33, married, have 2 kids (7 y.o. and 19 m.o.) and am a student. I think this challenge will hold me accountable. I am currently in week 2 of Insanity and try to run during the day as well. I have not thought about what my calorie burn goal is for May like I saw other participants posting,but have a few days to think about it and figure it out. I hope we are able to use each other as support and motivation to keep moving in May :)
  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi! My name is Jayne. My goal is to loose 4 lb in May , end goal of 167 lb, and also to decrease my 10 Km time to less than 70 minutes.