How will you leave your foot print?

Hello, this is Charles (Thursday basketball),

Last weekend I was able to attend a sports summit conference and at the summit I was asked this question, how will I leave my foot print for the next 365 days to promote a better and more active lifestyle for myself or for my community?

Please answer these two questions:

1. How will you leave your foot print for a better lifestyle for you or your community for the next 365 days?

2. If you could come up with a slogan, statement or viewpoint that will inspire to promote health, diabetes prevention, being active etc., what would it be?
"Let's move Native America" "Define Tomorrow" are some already taken examples. Please try to come up with a one sentence statement. These statements can be simple. Also, these statements will be used your quotation to inspire other Native youth in our communities.


  • i will set better examples and i will try tradainal food and be a good example for younger kids and be good for 365 days
  • I will leave my footprint by eating right and eating greens and more healthier stuff and try to be an example for kids when they are having a hard time with there weight and ill try and be an example for them kids for the next 365 days.
  • 1) i will try to teach my mom and have her in courage me to keep on doing good choices and have a better life style.

    2)native_kedz life style ( i came up with this one because it is the younger native kid who need to be aware that they are at risk of getting diabetes.)
  • 1. How will you leave your foot print for a better lifestyle for you or your community for the next 365 days?

    I will work each day to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. I will make efforts to plan my grocery shopping and meals for each week in an effort to avoid spontaneous fast food dinner days. I will also make an effort to MOVE and get cardio in each day for the next 365 days - for at least 15 mins or a total of 105 minutes a week. This may be small change for some of you, but committing to this is going to make big changes for me and my family. I know this will positively effect my family and my children by having a more active mom. My personal struggles with attaining a balanced lifestyle will be applied in my classrooms with my students, understanding where they come from and where they WANT to be. When we, as Native peoples come together, we are powerful, strong, and what we do is beautiful!

    2. If you could come up with a slogan, statement or viewpoint that will inspire to promote health, diabetes prevention, being active etc., what would it be?
    "Let's move Native America" "Define Tomorrow" are some already taken examples. Please try to come up with a one sentence statement. These statements can be simple. Also, these statements will be used your quotation to inspire other Native youth in our communities.

    How about... JUST SAY NO TO FRYBREAD...or on second thought, no.

    WE ARE REBELS or maybe I AM A REBEL :angry: : because as Native youths and adults, we are faced with so many negative statistics like obesity, alcohol and drug abuse :drinker: , poverty, struggles with education, diabetes and the most recent one saying our youth's life expectancy is 5 years earlier their parents--- we will REFUSE to accept this and will REBEL against these ugly statistics and make every effort to move, exercise, and live life to the fullest!!! :bigsmile:
  • dbugg001
    dbugg001 Posts: 8
    How will I leave my footprint for a better lifestyle? I will play sports everyday like I usually do and make better, healthier food choices. I also will try and motivate my brothers and sister to make better health decisions when they want to stay inside and play on the computer, watch tv or when they want to play video games. I am also going to educate my family more about diabetes and tell them how to prevent diabetes because it all starts with starting to live a healthier lifestyle. There are a lot of things I could say that I could do but probably won't but these are things that I will actually do because it involves my family and trying to help them live healthier. Maybe after the first year I could start trying to inform and educate more people in my community other than my family.

    Slogan: Diabetes? I don't have time for that!

    I chose this slogan because if you have diabetes you have to monitor what you eat and you have to manage your time well. Monitoring what you can and can't eat can be a hassle especially if you're in a hurry. You wouldn't be able to eat or drink anything reguarly like you used to. There are also certain times that you have to take your meds and what if that's in the middle of a fun event or dinner? You don't want to have to detach yourself from everybody else just to take your meds but you have to which causes you to miss out on some things.
  • i dont knon what i would do for my family i would make them eat healthy and make then exercise as much as they can and get outside more as much as we can to get off are phone and computer and only eat junk food once in a while instead of everyday like we always do and yeah thats what i would do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Q1. Stay Active .
    Q2. Dont Let This Disease Chase You Can Prevent It .
    Q2. Dont Be Scared Of Diabetes , Scare Diabetes By Beinq Healthy & Active ..
  • just do it come at me bro
  • 1). I will do better in everything like sports, school, I'll excercise more play throughout the entire summer and throughout my life.
    2)My Slogan is "Were gonna blow it up throughout the community"