Clothes - does anyone else do this?



  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    I am in a similar place to summersbest. When I left behind my largest clothes, it was easy to pack them up and send them to purple heart with a good riddance. I don't even know what size they were. The next size clothes were 20's, they were nicer and easy to send off to friends. Then came the 18s many of which came from the consignment shop and I had bought them when they were too small. I had worked hard to fit into them and it was scarey deciding whether I should keep them "just in case" I decided there will be no just in case and these too were sent off to friends and Purple heart.
    Then came the 16's. I had not worn size 16 in 25 years and throughout the years I would buy them on sale for "one day". There was one suit that I bought right before my favorite store C-Mart went out of business, it was so cheap because the jacket was a size 18w and the straight dress was a size 16w. It was a dressy suit. When I finally was ready to wear it, it was too big! So I went around the house and searched for the size 16's that had been stashed and waiting for me. I realized that a size 16 is not always a size 16. (why is it men's sizes are standard and women's are crazy?) Some of the size 16s were too big, while others fit. It seems that the tennis dresses and skirts that I have bought with optimism seem to be smaller than other clothes and they still fit. While other clothes that I have been longing to wear for years are too big.
    Those clothes are in a stack in a bedroom waiting to be sent out of the house. This is hard. I used to think that size 16 was my goal size, but I realize that the size 16 of my youth is now a size 14. And at 5'10" I am now wearing some things in size 14. But getting rid of the size 16s is not easy, but whenever I bring something home in a smaller size, I remove the too large item that is being replaced to the stack that I am sending away.
    After my trip to Goodwill on Saturday, there is a lot to be replaced. And I just have to share about that fun trip!
    I went with one main goal in mind to find a red light weight cardigan or bolero to wear over a cotton red and white dress, that I already own. By the time I got to the dressing room my shopping cart was filled to overflowing. I did not notice a sign that said yellow tags were 50% off. I tried on 21 different things. There was only one dress that was too small and that one didn't have a tag, so I guessed the size. It was fun trying so many things on, and choosing which of the things that fit that I wanted to buy. When I was big, I would usually not even try things on, because when you are buying something that is size 22 there is not much selection and there is lots of elastic,making the need to try things on moot.So I decided to buy about half of the things that I tried on. The first thing that the cashier rang up was a Macy's brightish blue suit, skirt and jacket suitable for court in the spring and summer. It was never worn and still had the extra buttons in the bag on the sleeve. It was $3.50. I was so surprised I asked the lady if she was sure that was the right price and she said yes suits are usually $7 and this is half off. When I came home I saw that Macy's was having a suit sale for $79.00, so I figure that I paid for the suit and everything else was free. My "free" stuff included two long sleeveless dresses and one shorter dress that is to the knees and has a collar like a polo shirt. Then there was a golf skort from LizSports, a top from Macy's, a top from Talbots, and a silk blouse. There was one pair of shorts for gym and a pair of longer shorts from Talbots. Ad to wear with the blue suit, there was a sleeveless red lightweight silk sweater from August Silk and a white short sleeve cotton sweater from Liz Clairborne. There was a wide white woven belt. Finally there was a drawstring white long cotton skirt perfect to wear on the beach.
    . Since I am only 16 pounds from goal and there is a big weight difference in my sizes, I figure size 14 is going to be my maintenance size and anything that I buy from now on will be clothes that can stay with me for years.
    I can not wait for it to get warm so I can start wearing summery clothes, without worrying about being uncomfortable in unflattering clothes all made of polyester. I have always loved fabric and it is so exciting to buy clothes made of real fabric-silk, linen and cotton!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    We have a few consignment shops where I buy clothes these days. I've given away everything big except a few things just one size larger, but I boxed those up so they aren't convenient! I have two pairs of pants in the closet that are still too tight - my motivation to keep doing what I'm doing! I am a huge recycler, so recycling clothes just makes sense!
  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member

    I can not wait for it to get warm so I can start wearing summery clothes, without worrying about being uncomfortable in unflattering clothes all made of polyester. I have always loved fabric and it is so exciting to buy clothes made of real fabric-silk, linen and cotton!

    ^^^^ Oh, Yes! Polyester is not only unflattering, but HOT! And now they put "spandex" into everything made of cotton, which ruins it too. I can't wait to be able to buy regular Misses tops made out of fabrics that breathe... I've never been into Goodwill to look at clothes, although I've given them plenty of things, so maybe I'll check it out. I have a hard time finding clothes because I'm tall (5'11") and have long arms and torso. Maybe they still have some of my size Tall 16's I donated a few years back, LOL.
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I love Goodwill! You have to be in the mood to dig through all the clothes, but it's well worth it. I used to go with a girlfriend and we would each grab a cart and shop for ourselves and each other because we knew what size each wore. We would get our piles and sort the clothes and then try them all on and come out and show each other and give the thumbs up or down. We would would be there for a couple of hours, but would walk away with a huge green garbage bag full of outfits and maybe spend $60! This was great when I was in my thirties and was able to drop 50 pounds after my last child. I saved so much money shopping at the Goodwill! I hope to do it again, but I haven't been able to move the pounds YET. Once again I find myself needing to lose 50 pounds :frown:
  • Kamboyd
    Kamboyd Posts: 2
    I too have been keeping clothes in my closet that are now too big. Last year I had to buy size 18's just so that I can have something to wear due to a medical condition. That condition has since been remedied and now I am almost in a 14. The 16's and 18's are hanging off of me( mostly at the top, still working on the hips). I am probably gonna have to shop consignment stores and the clearance racks to update my wardrobe because I had long given away all of the clothes that were too small (sizes 8-14). However, I am excited to see my waistline again.
  • leeannewgeorge
    leeannewgeorge Posts: 92 Member
    I cleaned out my closet this weekend on a rainy day. I had several nice dresses and pairs of slacks which I took to work and invited all the ladies to "shop" for free. Everything else went to Salvation Army. I did keep one pair of slacks as a reminder of where I started.
  • shan0881
    shan0881 Posts: 15 Member
    That's funny, I keep doing the same thing, trying on clothes that are 3-4 sizes smaller than I was wearing and thinking I can't possibly smaller than this. I even brought a skirt home, wore it and when it was still litterally hanging in the waist I took it back and exchanged it for the size smaller, the size I wouldn't even try on in the store "cause that can't possibly fit me" I think it will take a while to get my brain knowing what size my body is now. I still see the same fat girl in my mind.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    obsessed with Goodwill and all resale clothing! Very impressed and inspired by the giant changes of the other posters!! In some cases, you have gone down 6 sizes?? Holy crap!
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I plan to go to Goodwill soon as I'm a cheapskate myself. The clothes I have now are a mixture of 10-14. I was putting a way my winter clothes & taking out my summer gear & I can happily say good bye to size 14 & hello 12's, lol. My clothes are really bagging on me now so I'm due for a round of shopping that's for sure. I no longer have to buy XL in my tops & coat's/jacket's anymore either b/c I'm down to M-L. FH had bought me 3 nice leather jacket's recently & I had to send 2 of them back b/c they were XL & waay too big. He exchanged them for a L & they fit perfectly. The one thing I hated about buying XL in tops was that sometimes they make them wider across & I never had a wide back. My boobs are too big & I need tops to eat up the material from bottom to top otherwise, I'd have to wear a sweater or jacket (buttoned 3/4 of the way) to cover up the excessive material under my arms & the shortened length from the front bottom half of the blouse/top so that my muffin top would'nt spill out :laugh: Glad that's over...