Starting Week 1 4/21/13

pandabear7486 Posts: 92 Member
Hello everyone! I'm looking to start c25K (again) next week 4/21. If there's anyone else who cares to join in starting with me feel free to post here! I'll probably put the days up here weekly too for those joining in!

I also started a Skinnyo challenge here:

Hope to have some partners in this adventure!


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Now is always a better time to start :)

    Looking forward to hearing how Week 1, Day 1 goes for you!
  • pandabear7486
    pandabear7486 Posts: 92 Member
    It's getting close! So here's Week 1. All 3 days are the same. Do them on whichever days work for you.

    Warm-up 5 minutes. Alternate 60 seconds jogging/power-walking with 90 seconds walking. Repeat 8 times for a total of 20 minutes. Cool down 5 minutes.

    Some wisdom I've read in many different places:
    If you can run slower, you're running too fast.

    Good Luck!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    No matter how many times anyone restarts the C25K, it's always another step forward. I'd join you if I wasn't already doing it. W5D1 tomorrow.
  • lainester
    lainester Posts: 46
    I am going to do this with you guys! Been wanting to try the C25K for a while, so here it goes! Thanks for starting this!:flowerforyou:
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Good luck to you all on this.
    The hardest step is the first one out of your door.
    so many people will give you advice and support when you need it.
    Some runs may be tough and a lot of it is mental attitude also so be prepared for demons telling you that you can't do it.
    You CAN!!
  • ShinyDragonfly
    ShinyDragonfly Posts: 301 Member
    I'm starting this week too! First step to my marathon training. Boston 2014 here I come! Beyond excited!
  • kdzi
    kdzi Posts: 78 Member
    I started Saturday. Nice run in the neighborhood for D1, and at a nature preserve for D2. Running with my second grader, and I'm having so much fun. Plus, my new shoes are awesome. Let's do it!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'm starting this week too! First step to my marathon training. Boston 2014 here I come! Beyond excited!
    I started Saturday. Nice run in the neighborhood for D1, and at a nature preserve for D2. Running with my second grader, and I'm having so much fun. Plus, my new shoes are awesome. Let's do it!

    Good luck to you both!!
  • alexhage
    alexhage Posts: 6 Member
    Im in! I I did the first session today :D
    Good luck everyone!
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 114 Member
    I also started today! It was tough..I am SO not athletic and running for 3.5 seconds gets me winded LOL But I did it this morning and will be doing the other 2 sessions Wed and Fri. In between, I will do brisk walking on the treadmill. Let's do this!
  • pandabear7486
    pandabear7486 Posts: 92 Member
    great job to those who started as well! Pick the 3 days that work best for YOU! And remember:

    If you can run slower, you're running too fast!

    Pace yourself and do what you can. Can't jog? Power-walk! It's more effort than just plain walking but not as much as jogging!

    Good luck!
  • kdzi
    kdzi Posts: 78 Member
    Planning W1D3 today, and so looking forward to it! I rested yesterday, but it was such a nice day out--I wanted to run! (Leisurely bike ride around the neighborhood instead).
  • middyfire
    middyfire Posts: 12 Member
    Count me in too, I completed W1D1 yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that I didn't want to die before it was over.
  • ShinyDragonfly
    ShinyDragonfly Posts: 301 Member
    I completed W1D1 yesterday and I'm planning on doing W1D2 today. I'm probably going to increase my speed. While I loved the workout and felt amazing during and after it also felt too easy. It didn't challenge me but I know that will catch up in the upcoming weeks! It felt so good to make that first start on the journey though!
  • kwaldr0p
    kwaldr0p Posts: 27 Member
    So happy I seen this! I actually just started myself!


    Happy Running!
  • crawls
    crawls Posts: 3
    I have just finished week 1. wow, how out of shape I am. I have 2 months to be able to run 1.5 miles in 15 min. I know this doesn't sound hard to some but I have not run in over 20 years!! So glad that I found this board so maybe I can get and give encouragement because the hardest part for me is actually putting on my shoes and stepping out the door. After that, its all good. :)
  • ShinyDragonfly
    ShinyDragonfly Posts: 301 Member
    Two months is a while if you keep working at it :) I know you can do it! Just take care of yourself, make sure you're eating carbs the night before running and have rest days and don't push too hard.
    Why do you need to run 1.5 in 15?

    Yesterday I finished w1d2. I increased my running speed because the w1d1 speed I used made the workout almost too easy. It was nice but I was almost bored. Yesterday's workout was good. It was challenging but not hard and I really felt like I accomplished something afterwards. Today is a rest day. Friday will be w1d3. I'll use the same pace I used for w1d2.
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    Awesome that you all start the program. Good luck for all of you, you have done the hardest step already: made the decision and went for the first or second run.

    Keep it up, well done!
  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    I just finished week 3. It is an awesome program. I used to run ALOT, and I've been out of it for months, so for anyone who is wondering if this program works and if it can increase your endurance, the answer is YES!!! I really look forward to my runs every day. I think C25K is just what I needed!
  • Did week 1 day 2 yesterday, it was raining outside so I had to run in the gym on the track. I hate the track, but I perservered and it wasn't that bad. Am wondering how it would work on a treadmill?? Would like to try to do that on the yucky weather days instead of the track, just because I really hate running on it...:happy: