Carbs/Sugar & Allergies

Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
I noticed when I started doing low carb, my nose didn't feel stuffy at all and I could breathe normal again. I didn't think of the connection because I also took some allergy meds, but when I stopped the meds, I was still clear. Since I've become more lax about it and eating more sweets, I've noticed my sinuses have become inflammed again... stuffy nose and PND.

Anyone else get this feeling?


  • bethierose
    bethierose Posts: 66 Member
    I feel more stuffy when I consume milk.. not necessarily cheese though.. I have not noticed any stuffiness when I eat sugar, but I'll be on the lookout for it!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Yep, that's another reason I keep my carbs lower and avoid sugar and wheat! I get all stuffy if I eat too much of them.

    I actually stopped taking all kinds of medicines. 7 years of RX heartburn meds, be gone! It was the wheat, not the fat/chocolate/coffee/spicy foods, etc that the "experts" kept telling me to avoid. I don't need the pill to have a regular period anymore. I don't need my inhaler to exercise anymore. No more itchy eczema, achy joints, headaches, IBS (more wheat intolerance symptoms). I could go on and on!
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Yep, that's another reason I keep my carbs lower and avoid sugar and wheat! I get all stuffy if I eat too much of them.

    I actually stopped taking all kinds of medicines. 7 years of RX heartburn meds, be gone! It was the wheat, not the fat/chocolate/coffee/spicy foods, etc that the "experts" kept telling me to avoid. I don't need the pill to have a regular period anymore. I don't need my inhaler to exercise anymore. No more itchy eczema, achy joints, headaches, IBS (more wheat intolerance symptoms). I could go on and on!

    That's interesting.... are you able to still have fruit or food from natural resources that are sweet?
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I noticed when I started doing low carb, my nose didn't feel stuffy at all and I could breathe normal again. I didn't think of the connection because I also took some allergy meds, but when I stopped the meds, I was still clear. Since I've become more lax about it and eating more sweets, I've noticed my sinuses have become inflammed again... stuffy nose and PND.

    Anyone else get this feeling?
    That's a pretty common allergic reaction to wheat. Sweets tend to have wheat flour in them.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Yep, that's another reason I keep my carbs lower and avoid sugar and wheat! I get all stuffy if I eat too much of them.

    I actually stopped taking all kinds of medicines. 7 years of RX heartburn meds, be gone! It was the wheat, not the fat/chocolate/coffee/spicy foods, etc that the "experts" kept telling me to avoid. I don't need the pill to have a regular period anymore. I don't need my inhaler to exercise anymore. No more itchy eczema, achy joints, headaches, IBS (more wheat intolerance symptoms). I could go on and on!

    That's interesting.... are you able to still have fruit or food from natural resources that are sweet?

    I do eat some fruit - mostly berries, with other more sugary/carb heavy ones less frequently - I try to only eat bananas after workouts. Apples make me crave more, so I mostly avoid them (high fructose content would be my guess). I don't eat much in the way of sweets anymore (not even artificial), as Laura mentioned, they're usually wheat-laden (which is probably really what causes the stuffiness). Ice cream is a weakness, however - I could eat it forever! I'm a sugar monster, so there is no moderation for me. It's easier for me to just not eat any, than "just a little". So I avoid refined sugar more because I can't stop eating it. But fruits I can do in limited amounts.

    ETA: another example would be chocolate. Super dark (85%or more) chocolate I can eat just a bite or two, and be fine - it satisfies my craving. But regular milk chocolate (more sugar content, less fat) triggers the cravings, and I just eat and eat and eat!!
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Yep, that's another reason I keep my carbs lower and avoid sugar and wheat! I get all stuffy if I eat too much of them.

    I actually stopped taking all kinds of medicines. 7 years of RX heartburn meds, be gone! It was the wheat, not the fat/chocolate/coffee/spicy foods, etc that the "experts" kept telling me to avoid. I don't need the pill to have a regular period anymore. I don't need my inhaler to exercise anymore. No more itchy eczema, achy joints, headaches, IBS (more wheat intolerance symptoms). I could go on and on!

    That's interesting.... are you able to still have fruit or food from natural resources that are sweet?

    I do eat some fruit - mostly berries, with other more sugary/carb heavy ones less frequently - I try to only eat bananas after workouts. Apples make me crave more, so I mostly avoid them (high fructose content would be my guess). I don't eat much in the way of sweets anymore (not even artificial), as Laura mentioned, they're usually wheat-laden (which is probably really what causes the stuffiness). Ice cream is a weakness, however - I could eat it forever! I'm a sugar monster, so there is no moderation for me. It's easier for me to just not eat any, than "just a little". So I avoid refined sugar more because I can't stop eating it. But fruits I can do in limited amounts.

    ETA: another example would be chocolate. Super dark (85%or more) chocolate I can eat just a bite or two, and be fine - it satisfies my craving. But regular milk chocolate (more sugar content, less fat) triggers the cravings, and I just eat and eat and eat!!

    Sounds just like me... the darker the chocolate, the more satisfied I am. I just had to have a piece of milk chocolate for some pep at work or else I was falling asleep! But it's still A LOT less than yesterday, haha.

    Thanks for the help in understanding this issue :happy:

    PS - a lot of edits bc I can't spell!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    You are welcome! I actually found all this by accident - I decided to give a more primal way of eating a try, along with lowering my carbs - I was stalled, so I figured, what would it hurt to try? It was when I would "cheat" and eat carby/wheat stuff, that I'd notice I'd feel awful, and stuff like the stuffiness, etc would come back.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I so wish low carb fixed my allergies. Instead my allergies completely negate the appetite suppressing effects of low carb. :sad:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I noticed when I started doing low carb, my nose didn't feel stuffy at all and I could breathe normal again. I didn't think of the connection because I also took some allergy meds, but when I stopped the meds, I was still clear. Since I've become more lax about it and eating more sweets, I've noticed my sinuses have become inflammed again... stuffy nose and PND.

    Anyone else get this feeling?
    Yup. That's actually what got me started GF. My secretary said: have you noticed you always sneeze after lunch? Maybe you're allergic to sandwiches. So I thought: I'll give up bread for a month and see if my allergies improve. Lo and behold they did. And my stomach cramps disappeared, and I stopped being bloated and I became regular for the first time in my life.
    Funny that gluten stops me up on one end, and makes me expel from the other. :laugh:
  • healthywtb
    healthywtb Posts: 80 Member
    My sinuses and post nasal drip improved a great deal with a gluten free diet, but not completely. Cutting down on carbs, especially extra sugar, which I just started about 10 days ago, also seems to have helped. I also cannot eat milk products, but that did not seem to have any affect on my sinuses.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    I saw my allergist two weeks ago to get my prescriptions updated and do my annual allergy doc appointment. She said something like, "you must be here because your allergies are flaring up?" ... to which I answered, "no, it's just time for my annual appointment. Why do you ask?"

    It turns out that I'm the only patient she saw in the past 10 days before I came in who was NOT suffering from tree pollen allergies yet. So we started talking about what had changed. Described diet and exercise and she believes strongly that eliminating gluten from my diet is closely linked to a distinct lowering of my seasonal allergy issues.

  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    Yep, that's another reason I keep my carbs lower and avoid sugar and wheat! I get all stuffy if I eat too much of them.

    I actually stopped taking all kinds of medicines. 7 years of RX heartburn meds, be gone! It was the wheat, not the fat/chocolate/coffee/spicy foods, etc that the "experts" kept telling me to avoid. I don't need the pill to have a regular period anymore. I don't need my inhaler to exercise anymore. No more itchy eczema, achy joints, headaches, IBS (more wheat intolerance symptoms). I could go on and on!

    I get a lot of my info from Maria Emmerich who is a wellness expert in nutrition and exercise physiology. Her website is She explains all foods associated w/allergies along with alternative recipe's.
    That's interesting.... are you able to still have fruit or food from natural resources that are sweet?

    I do eat some fruit - mostly berries, with other more sugary/carb heavy ones less frequently - I try to only eat bananas after workouts. Apples make me crave more, so I mostly avoid them (high fructose content would be my guess). I don't eat much in the way of sweets anymore (not even artificial), as Laura mentioned, they're usually wheat-laden (which is probably really what causes the stuffiness). Ice cream is a weakness, however - I could eat it forever! I'm a sugar monster, so there is no moderation for me. It's easier for me to just not eat any, than "just a little". So I avoid refined sugar more because I can't stop eating it. But fruits I can do in limited amounts.

    ETA: another example would be chocolate. Super dark (85%or more) chocolate I can eat just a bite or two, and be fine - it satisfies my craving. But regular milk chocolate (more sugar content, less fat) triggers the cravings, and I just eat and eat and eat!!

    Sounds just like me... the darker the chocolate, the more satisfied I am. I just had to have a piece of milk chocolate for some pep at work or else I was falling asleep! But it's still A LOT less than yesterday, haha.

    Thanks for the help in understanding this issue :happy:

    PS - a lot of edits bc I can't spell!
  • JanetLynnJudy
    JanetLynnJudy Posts: 173 Member
    Yep, that's another reason I keep my carbs lower and avoid sugar and wheat! I get all stuffy if I eat too much of them.

    I actually stopped taking all kinds of medicines. 7 years of RX heartburn meds, be gone! It was the wheat, not the fat/chocolate/coffee/spicy foods, etc that the "experts" kept telling me to avoid. I don't need the pill to have a regular period anymore. I don't need my inhaler to exercise anymore. No more itchy eczema, achy joints, headaches, IBS (more wheat intolerance symptoms). I could go on and on!

    Yes! I never took prescription heartburn medicine, but I took OTC heartburn medicine on a daily basis.My SO did as well. It used to be a must have thing to have in our household. Ever since starting low carb. we don't need it at all.
  • TrinaBurch
    TrinaBurch Posts: 10 Member
    It's interesting to read that others have the same "added" bonus of going low carb as me.
    I have stopped taking my prescription heartburn meds, my period is becoming more regular and my body doesn't ache all the time. I find if I eat carbs, I wake up like a little old lady slowing stretching the sore joints and muscles out.

    I went to the doctor to ask if I should be tested for an intolerance and she recommended trying to cut out gluten - so if I'm going to have extra carbs - go for rice or potato. So we'll see how this goes!

    Thanks for sharing!