
learntolive Posts: 169 Member
I LOVE peanuit butter. Last night I thought, boy some peanut butter would really taste good. I was home alone, noone would know. As I got out the jar, I told myself, the problem with this is I won't stop at one tablespoon--I didn't, had three tablespoons. Darn!!! Any suggestions on how to stop the bing before when you are consious of it before you allow yourself to go for it? Appreciate some feedback. Thanks, Joni:flowerforyou: :love:


  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 900 Member
    Just get a teaspoon if it and tell yourself that is all you need. Just a taste and if you eat more, it will be gone and you won't have any. Works for me most of the time. lol
  • ppaolini4340
    take your tablespoon full of peanut butter and put it in a bowl. Put the top back on the peanut butter jar and put it back into the cabinet. Take your bowl "full" of peanut butter outside on the porch to enjoy. You will be so relaxed on the porch that you won't want to get back up to go inside for more. :flowerforyou:
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks for the idea.:flowerforyou:
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks! Joni:flowerforyou:
  • uwharriegold
    Don't know about you, but I"m prone to nighttime eating ... wish I could figure out why. During my 3 months on MFP, I've begun to deal with those cravings in a couple of ways. 1) my choice of snack is either yogurt, yogurt with a crumbled graham cracker or fruit ... or just fruit. Bulky fruit like apples don't settle well with me at night, so I choose watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple or peach. 2) When my cravings are threatening to derail me, I come here to MFP, communicate with my friends or take part in community discussions. The support has gotten me past a lot of threatened binges.

    All the best in meeting your goal! If you're looking for new friends, would love to be one!
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions--they are all good. It is all about choices, I do realize that, and I think this last bing really woke me up. I was on MFP for a few months and lost 15 lbs. It was a slow loss, but something, and did begin to show on me. I bought a couple of dresses and other clothing--still a larger size than I wanted, but attractive and I did not have as many buldges as I had had. Well, my brother got sick, and I just lost it. Stopped logging in, ate,ate,ate, and ate some more. Now, he is still living, but terminal. I am now able to deal with that and can manage to do everything I want to do as well as fit in visits to him and take care of his needs. So I am really ready to go after my eating habits and get some control on that. I don't have many friends on MFP since being gone for six months, so if you have room for one more, I'd like to be friends with you. Joni:flowerforyou:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    huge Well Done to you for dealing with weight loss at the same time as your other sad and stressful problems......

    with love
  • helliem63
    helliem63 Posts: 40
    Well done for coming back on here. It's with me the same , as soon as something out of the ord:indifferent: inary happen I binge.
    Its as the being in controll is taken away.
    I had my birthday I ate , then my grandsons birthday I ate, then stress at work I ate and so it goes on.
    In between I loose weigth and am in control. Just wish I could be in control all the time.
    You can add me as a friend anytime.
    Regards Helene
    ( some hypnotherapist once said to imagen you favorite food with some thing horrid on it, for example if you love chocolates imagen
    worms on it etc) he he :-)