
  • Walking the tracks tonight for 30 minutes with a goal of 8 x 400 or more will be awesome!!

    Wow, that is great. Weren't you at 4X400 like a week ago...or something like that?
  • Well my crazy dogs got me up in the middle of the nite so i slept later this morning, That means i have to keep focused after work and get at least 45 minutes of hiking in.

    Take your dogs on the hike this afternoon, so they sleep all night, LOL!!!! I do that with Diesel, otherwise he's nudging the bed at 3:30 am to go hang out in the cool night air!

    Great attitude by the way:)

    Agreed, great attitude! Or you can do what we do...keep those little peskers outside if it is warm enough.
  • Well, I have 2 papers due so I'm not sure if I will be doing anything since I need to get those two things turned in. However, if I do I will probably to 60 minutes elliptical and either level 2 of 30DS or 100 bicycle crunches. I haven't had a day off since the 15th, though.. so we'll see. :)

    Make sure to give your body rest days!!! Perhaps this is a good day to do so!!!
  • My main goal is trying to ignore this voice inside me that says I am hungry!!!! LOL Seriously though, I've already hit the gym this morning and completed week 3 of C25K and think I've eaten a pretty good breakfast - Special K cereal, banana, coffee, 1 slice wheat bread with 1/2 tbsp p-nut butter.

    So, here's to a HEALTHY AND FIT day!!!

    Way to go!!! Good Job!!!!
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    I've already done my strength training this morning, and tonight I'm going to run 4 miles. Tomorrow is a rest day (gearing up for a 5k on Saturday, followed by ANOTHER run at my daughter's school) so I'm going to push a little harder tonight.
  • Well lets see-

    Excuse #1 - My shin still hurts...waaa
    Excuse #2 - I am leaving for vacation in a few hours.

    So here is what I am going to do-

    1. Pack my P90 DVD's and those weight band thingys and commit to my back, chest workouts while in the mtns.
    2. I am going to do ab ripper before I leave on vacation.

    I will do this and not let my shin prevent me from doing a single thing.

    Good for you!! I hope you heal quickly!!
  • I'm SOOO happy my legs are starting to feel better after a massage and a rest day yesterday!! I already made my morning goal of waking up early and going to yoga :smile: My next goal is to take the dogs out for at least an hour on a walk/hike because it is beautiful out!! I will still take it easy today so I can be back at 100% by this weekend.

    Have a wonderful day everyone :happy:
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    Dressed and ready to conquer today's C25k session and I'll add approx. 30 more minutes of walking/jogging afterward.
  • nicf76
    nicf76 Posts: 50 Member
    I've already done my strength training this morning, and tonight I'm going to run 4 miles. Tomorrow is a rest day (gearing up for a 5k on Saturday, followed by ANOTHER run at my daughter's school) so I'm going to push a little harder tonight.

    Good luck with your 5k, I'm sure you are going to do awesome!
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm heading to the gym as soon as I get off of work, and I'm going to put in at least one hour before going out tonight. And, I'm super pumped up for my work out because I bought the most comfy running shoes yesterday!

    I COMMIT, VOW, SWEAR to all of you that I will not have one sip of booze tonight! :)

    I <3 MFP for making all those extra calories stare me right back in the face...
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    Dressed and ready to conquer today's C25k session and I'll add approx. 30 more minutes of walking/jogging afterward.

    Done. Explored a new path (to me anyway) around a golf course. It was pretty!
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    I managed to squeeze in a 30 minute workout at the gym during lunch - my commitment for today has been met :happy:
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member

    I COMMIT, VOW, SWEAR to all of you that I will not have one sip of booze tonight! :)

    I <3 MFP for making all those extra calories stare me right back in the face...

    Wow! You go girl!
  • Last night I thought I'd be getting up to go to the gym - and I was in bed at 9:35 ! so I really thought it was going to happen, but my body was really tired, so I've decided to make Thursdays my rest days.

    That means I need to commit to eating very well today to stay under my calorie goal. I will make that happen!
  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
    I have a biggest loser game for the Kinect. And today im starting my program on it back up. Going to push my self to do a 30 min workout on it.
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 65 Member
    I have a biggest loser game for the Kinect. And today im starting my program on it back up. Going to push my self to do a 30 min workout on it.

    I think that sounds like fun! (Admittedly I have no idea what a biggest loser game would entail.) Report back! Good luck!
  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
    Its like a workout dvd. but the Kinect for the xbox can sense your body so it can tell you if your doing the moves right and theres also games and challenges and stuff its pretty fun. And I can gladly say I made it through 32 minutes of it. First real work out since having my baby almost a month ago.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I plan on getting a walk in after work, and doing a cardio work out off the app on my phone. Also planning on trying some yoga tonight. :)

    Went for a brisk walk, and did half of my app's cardio workout when I got the most awful, non-stop cramp in my foot. Eased off, stretched out and abandoned the yoga until another day.... Replaced it with housecleaning! :) I am calling today a success lol
  • nicf76
    nicf76 Posts: 50 Member
    I plan on doing the usual today, a jog and a walk. I also want to do 20 push ups, 20 squats, and 20 burpees. That will be my goal.

    Done, Done, and Done!
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    Well forced myself off the couch and hiked for 43 minutes tonite, DONT LET THE DOWN AND OUTS KEEP YOU THERE!!! Get up and get going, it aint easy, but staying overweight is.