Hi...lets say hello



  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    We really to get this group to be more active.

    Any ideas? Let's get some discussions/posts going. I'm going to start one to get the ball rolling.
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    ..and here I go! :P

    MFP coupled with 3 workout sessions/week - That's my way. If I am uber-charged, then I may go for 5 sessions/week. But that's seldom. I admit it.

    Every workout session is like a meditation. It always gives new insights. New ideas hit us. Myriads of 'aha' moments experienced.

    Do you guys too feel the same way? (or am I the only nut case here? :P )

  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Rubina living in Punjab. Just started using MFP. Need to lose approx 17kgs (40 lbs).
    I've been trying to lose since 3 months (with few pauses now and then). Gym, clean and green diet, walking etc. Lost only 3 kgs till now. But determined to make it through this time.
    I also started using herbalife today. Workouts continued.
    All the best on this weightloss journey.
    We can do this.
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome to the Desi Team!

    If we can 'steal' it from Obama........... 'Yes, we can!' :P

    Precisely - Eating right and working out - everything in moderation, of course.

  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    Welcome to the Desi Team!

    If we can 'steal' it from Obama........... 'Yes, we can!' :P

    Precisely - Eating right and working out - everything in moderation, of course.

    Haha! Sure, we can! Feels homely to be in this group. :)
  • dsv1999
    dsv1999 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm in Minnesota. Goal is to try new fitness routines for this year! I've tried, step, kickboxing and zumba so far this year and my favorite by far is ZUMBA. Love it! Next goal is to get more active in MFP which I use on & off. When I use it, I does motivate me more to eat right and exercise daily. This month, I'm going to try to post more and make new MFP friends. Anyone else need a friend, add me!
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome aboard!

    MFP is a good platform to share our thoughts. Hope we motivate and learn from each other to achieve our goal.

  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome dsv1999. Good to see you here.
  • sajna_sal
    sajna_sal Posts: 7 Member
    Hello,My name is sajna.Currently residing in uae.I gained alot of weight after my pregnancy.I never bothered to lose weight..but as my daughter is growing up(she is 4 now).Ive realised that I cannot do the simple things like running or playing etc without huffing and puffing and also with the loss of my father(jan 2013- silent heart attack).Heart disease is said to be hereditary.I thought to myself enough is enough.
    Before joining MFP I lost 4 kilos(water weight I presume) and after joining, i have lost an additional 8 kilos...and many more to go..:-)

    Looking for friends for good motivation and overall encouragement.

    Nice to see you all here...I hope we succeed in this journey of ours...Good luck!!
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome aboard to the desi team. :)
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome Sajna - you've made a great start losing 12Kg already so well done.
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I joined MFP today. Though I try to watch my calories and have been following this website pretty regularly, today I actually made an effort to sign up. I am planning to lose about 25-30lbs in the next few months and I know that I have set a high target for myself, but I hope I am able to achieve it.
    I feel genuinely worried about my weight. A sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits are to blame, but its time I decided to do something about it.
    Hoping for some support from this group. :-)
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Nice. Welcome aboard.

  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome Sutapa. It is definitely something you can achieve. I felt the same way when I started using this site more fully in November and now I am close to reaching a 30 llb loss. My advice is to slowly make changes to your eating habits, get more active by doing activities/exercise you enjoy,set some realistic goals for yourself so you've got something to aim for and have milestones along the way and be patient and take it 1 llb at a time.

    We're all in this together and we'll all reach our goals eventually.
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    Chet, Thanks for the support. I have taken up a gym membership where I "try" to workout. Since I haven't been doing it for a long time now, getting back is proving difficult. :noway:
    I do about 10-12 minutes of treadmill along with spending some 15-20 mins on the bicycle. Couple that up very light weight lifting and strength training and I am done for the day.
    However, I am trying to watch my calories and ensure that I do not cross the 1500 mark per day. But then again - Sundays are a different story :tongue: :cry:
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Sounds good. Better to build up slowly than go in too fast and burn out. As you get fitter and stronger you can up the time and intensity.
  • ShubhaBansal
    ShubhaBansal Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Guys...Good to hear from you all.

    I am from Mumbai. Female, 5ft 1 inch, Currently 69kg, working in bank and mother of 2 twins aged 20 months. I had gained 12 kg after my marriage and much more after delivery. I was 73 post delivery and it increased to 75 kg. I am trying to control my diet and not doing exercise as i was already struggling to manage between my job n home.

    Currently I am at 69. But my weight keeps on swinging from 69 to 70.5. I had started using MFP from January and was doing mistake of not recording my calories on Weekends which usually shoots up. I had started controlling my weekend calories. But definately it has helped me in improving quality food intake.

    Trying to follow 6 meals diet and book 'Four Weeks Countdown by Namita Jain. Really good one.

    I am moving slowly towards developing one good habit. I started using pedometer since yesterday and targeting minimum 10,000 steps daily. Any idea of good pedometer.Would like to work on jullian's workout.

    Need support and encouragement for exercise. I am losing weight very very slow. I want to reach 55kg by November end.

    Kindly guide me things i can do...Going to Gym is not possible for me though have treadmill at home(not using now).
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Shubha, Welcome. Glad to see you're already figuring out what you need to do. Its best to log your food and exercise every day so you can see what you're actually doing. Since you can't join a gym I'd suggest you continue with your walking - make sure it's a brisk pace and for a good length of time and you'll get a good calorie burn. 10,000 steps per day is a good goal to aim for and if you do that most days you'll be getting a good rate of calorie burn each week. And you have a treadmill at home so make use of that when you can't or don't want to go out walking - I know how hot it is there at the moment. I recently started to use mine too and am trying to do the Couch-to-5K (c25k) programme as I want to get into running.

    Combining this exercise and watching your calorie intake you'll start to see a difference. Good luck.
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Shubha, welcome aboard.

    10K seems like a big ask for me, if you are all new to this exercise program. You can start with a smaller goal, if that's fine with you. Anyway... MFP is a great place. Log what you eat, do 5*45 mins/week. You should be fine. You will reach your goal eventually. Will you reach your target by this year end? I am not sure. I usually don't prefer the extreme methods but that's a personal choice. I respect that.

    My wife is more or less your kind. Mother of a nearly 2 yr old, gained a few KG postpartum. She is doing P90X lean though.

    Good luck.

  • ShubhaBansal
    ShubhaBansal Posts: 80 Member
    I am not able to find good pedometer for me...

    food logging has been made compulsory :).....Have to discipline myself for exercise.. Thinking to start with 15mins per day for a week and then start gradually...my weight has stuck on 70kg...not moving since last 2-3months....So have to break this treshold,,

    Have you guys reached such threshold situation? What you did to overcome it?