cyclist new to paleo

So here we go and bear with me if you all heard this before... A few years I cut out spuds , wheat, pasta etc. and I now want to try the paleo diet. It appeals. So today I started training(cycling). after 1.5 hours I burnt off 1250 calories. when the training increases I normally burn about 5000 to 6000 on some rides. so the question is I would like to loose 50 lbs. anyone know of a way keeping enough energy whilst riding and burning that number of calories and loosing weight. I used hemp seed before as a staple but it's a grain.
what volume of food do I need and what is the best food to carry on the bike?

anyone done this? I am sure there is an being complete rookie at paleo diets I really could do with some help




  • jenfitz
    jenfitz Posts: 66 Member
    Check out this website to determine your TDEE...

    it should help you determine how many calories you need to eat to loose weight based on your burn rate per week.
    as for WHAT to eat, you can look around these posts regarding macros and adjust yours to suit. I have found that most people here that are primal have macros that look somewhat like this: FAT 50%/Protein 30%/ Carbs 20%
    Paleo may have a more even fat to protein ratio...
  • neiljowett
    Many thanks. I will check the sites out.

