Body Revoultionaries, starting april 1st, phase 1



  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Found myself cursing Jillian just a bit this morning :huh: but it's ok, it's because it was a great workout. Burned over 200 calories with my HRM today opposed to around 175 for the first 2 DVD's. Felt very shaky in my muscles afterward which was a good feeling too.

    Haven't run since Saturday and I've been trying to get in on some running for Boston but just haven't been able to find someone to watch my kids and get somewhere where to run. Hoping to do that tonight.

    How's everyone doing weight and inches wise? I would love to measure right now but I'm seriously bloated for reasons I'm sure you all understand so I'm up in weight and I know my inches would be off. Hoping to measure in about a week and see some changes. Need to get my eating better under control. Was doing great until my 10 mile run and then my appetite has been going crazy ever since. Getting it under control today for sure :ohwell:

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Ok, well I'll just post

    Videos 3 and 4 are definitely more intense! I was sore enough at the end of yesterday that it deterred me from going on my run last night. I guess I'll try again tomorrow for a run.

    DVD 4 seems to be a little better for me than 3. DVD 3 just kicks my butt!

    Glad I'm a little more sore, makes me feel like something is working. Hoping to see some results on the tape measure soon.

    Have a great day!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    Found myself cursing Jillian just a bit this morning :huh: but it's ok, it's because it was a great workout. Burned over 200 calories with my HRM today opposed to around 175 for the first 2 DVD's. Felt very shaky in my muscles afterward which was a good feeling too.

    Haven't run since Saturday and I've been trying to get in on some running for Boston but just haven't been able to find someone to watch my kids and get somewhere where to run. Hoping to do that tonight.

    How's everyone doing weight and inches wise? I would love to measure right now but I'm seriously bloated for reasons I'm sure you all understand so I'm up in weight and I know my inches would be off. Hoping to measure in about a week and see some changes. Need to get my eating better under control. Was doing great until my 10 mile run and then my appetite has been going crazy ever since. Getting it under control today for sure :ohwell:

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Workouts 3 and 4 are definitely more intense... and I can't for the life of me do the hollow man for more than like 10 seconds. My whole body starts to shake and I feel like my core is seriously about to give out!! I much prefer the "inchworm" and the side to side crunches where you reach for the insides of your feet.

    My quads/hamstrings/butt muscles KILLED ME all week!!! I finally was able to roll out of bed this morning without feeling too much pain :) but just like you said... it DEFINITELY felt good to know this was working!!

    As far as weight loss goes... I've lost about 13 pounds overall. 8 with 30DS and 5 with BR. What great motivation to keep going! I've lost around .5-1 inch almost everywhere. Surprise surprise... almost an inch in each thigh... no wonder they've been hurting so much! I've also noticed A LOT less bulge in my back (under my bra strap). I wore a dress the other day that I used to feel like I had to wear a cardigan with to cover the bulge, but I didn't feel like I had to this time!

    I hope everyone else is sticking to this! It is definitely working! I was drenched in sweat Friday morning after doing workout 4... but I actually liked that feeling! What? I'm starting to like that post-workout feeling?! I never thought I'd say that!

    Almost done phase 1!!!!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Ravensgirl that is awesome about the weightloss and inch loss! I measured the other day and have lost .25-.5 in most areas. My weight is up but I'm ok as long as it's muscle and the muscle starts burning the fat that's still hanging around.

    Looking forward to a new week and getting my eating under control. It was kind of a hard week but I grocery shopped and have some healthy choices now. Got rid of some cookies I was finding hard to resist.

    Have a great week everyone. Hope to hear from all of you soon so I know how everyone is doing!

  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    Ravensgirl that is awesome about the weightloss and inch loss! I measured the other day and have lost .25-.5 in most areas. My weight is up but I'm ok as long as it's muscle and the muscle starts burning the fat that's still hanging around.

    Looking forward to a new week and getting my eating under control. It was kind of a hard week but I grocery shopped and have some healthy choices now. Got rid of some cookies I was finding hard to resist.

    Have a great week everyone. Hope to hear from all of you soon so I know how everyone is doing!


    I hope to be much healthier this week too. Last week was that certain time during the month when I wanted to devour EVERYTHING in sight :) Although I did notice that my cravings weren't as bad as the usually are! I'm honestly surprised I lost anything last week after the amount of cookies I ate....

    I am definitely excited about what I have lost so far, but I also know that I still have a ways to go to be within the healthy weight range for my age/height. Sometimes its overwhelming to think about (40 more pounds!), but I need to keep reminding myself I'm 13 pounds closer than I was a few months ago.

    Good luck next week everyone!! I hope everyone is staying strong and not giving up!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Almost done with Phase 1 everyone! I'm hoping more of you will check in and let us know how many inches/pounds lost after the first phase. I'm hopeful for some inches. I will probably measure Saturday morning.

    How is everyone doing? The only thing I'm not liking about this program is the plie hops! I have substituted jump rope in its place. That's the only thin I modify....mostly because I just get so pissed off doing them that it makes me want to quit so if I just substitute that one exercise I'm a lot happier...I guess as long as I don't start doing it for every exercise I should still be ok. Although if Jillian really could see me through the TV she would beat my butt!

    Eating has been much better this week. Made sure and got some better food in the house, sent the cookies to another house and got it under control so far this week.

    Have a great day everyone. Let us know how you are doing :)
  • Colie001
    Colie001 Posts: 12 Member
    Almost done with Phase 1 everyone! I'm hoping more of you will check in and let us know how many inches/pounds lost after the first phase. I'm hopeful for some inches. I will probably measure Saturday morning.

    How is everyone doing? The only thing I'm not liking about this program is the plie hops! I have substituted jump rope in its place. That's the only thin I modify....mostly because I just get so pissed off doing them that it makes me want to quit so if I just substitute that one exercise I'm a lot happier...I guess as long as I don't start doing it for every exercise I should still be ok. Although if Jillian really could see me through the TV she would beat my butt!

    Eating has been much better this week. Made sure and got some better food in the house, sent the cookies to another house and got it under control so far this week.

    Have a great day everyone. Let us know how you are doing :)

    Great job Jill! I've been doing my workouts as scheduled, but fell off the food wagon completely over the weekend. Yesterday and today have been better. My grandma passed away on Sunday and since then I've just felt super defeated and run down. I find my old self wanting to run to food for comfort and its been super hard for me to not give in to it. On a postive note, I've noticed I've lost some weight and inches and I'm getting stronger!

    I agree those plie hops are torcher! I'm excited to move on to phase 2 and new workouts =) bring it on! Hope you all are having a great week so far!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I did workouts 3 and 4 for the first time this week, and they are so totally kicking my butt. They make cardio 1 seem easy. I feel like my cardio days are rest days, LOL. I don't do well with plank or downward dog, so 3 was absolutely torture for me. I love the results I'm seeing so far, though, so I'm going to push through this. Since I'm extending the program length, I have a whole month to build myself up on 3 and 4.
  • mellymo29
    mellymo29 Posts: 70 Member
    We are finishing the first week of Phase 2 today. I know we will stay on it at least 3 weeks, maybe four. There is a tricep extension where you are lying on your side and try to straighten your arm out to work the tricep. It actually hurts my hip a lot worse than my arm. I am going to have to put a towel under the hip to do that one. I should be fat enough to have plenty of cushion, but not at that angle.

    I really like the Cardio 2. There's a lot of variety so you don't get bored.

    As always, the front of the body is very difficult, and the back I enjoy more.
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    My grandmother passed away Monday evening so my workouts are out of sync. I did 3 Monday morning, but didn't do anything Tuesday (the day we went to the funeral home to plan). I did 4 last night and cardio this morning. I am thinking about doing 3 tonight so I am back on track to do 4 tomorrow morning. Has anyone else doubled up on workouts in one day to makeup for missed time?
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    My grandmother passed away Monday evening so my workouts are out of sync. I did 3 Monday morning, but didn't do anything Tuesday (the day we went to the funeral home to plan). I did 4 last night and cardio this morning. I am thinking about doing 3 tonight so I am back on track to do 4 tomorrow morning. Has anyone else doubled up on workouts in one day to makeup for missed time?

    So sorry about your grandma :( I've done two workouts in a day. I think it was a strength and cardio. I've never done 2 strength but I don't think it can hurt too much as long as you don't do it all the time. Good luck.

    Last of strength 3 today! Excited and nervous for next week with Strength 5 and 6. Definitely losing some inches in my ab area which is my trouble spot! Looking forward to some changes in my upper thigh next...

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    I've read a lot of posts that people don' t like workout 5 so I'm a little worried to move into the next phase. I am, however, looking forward to changing it up again. I definitely did enjoy workouts 3 and 4 (I guess you could call it enjoyment haha). I was very happy with myself today that I could actually pretty much put my heels to the ground during downward facing dog! I've never been able to do that! I can't help but wonder though if it was the difference between doing it in the morning vs. the evening.

    Almost 1/3 of the way through!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    I need to watch workout 5 but if people don't like it I don't want to watch it and get discouraged. Might as well just be surprised! lol

    I did a lot of workout 4 today with 9.5 pound weights and I'm feeling it right now. I figured since it was my last time I would just go all out!

    Excited to take measurements and pics tomorrow. I had a cheat meal last night though and it's showed up already today. Hopefully staying on track tonight will get rid of it.

    Is anyone else going to take measurements and pics tomorrow?

    Have a great day!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    I will definitely measure and weigh myself tomorrow. I wasn't going to take pics but that's a good idea. My diet wasn't much better this week, but my body still feels different and my muscles feel tighter. I think I need to spend some time on Pinterest this weekend looking up healthy and low fat recipes. I also need to look through Jillian's book again.... Although I really wasn't a fan of most of her recipes. I hate tomatoes and I'm allergic to mushrooms. Maybe I need to look at it again with an open mind. Does anyone have any recipes they recommend??
  • Hey guys! New here but I started Jillian when you did, just didn't find this forum then :P. I actually haven't been following her meal plans but I am watching what I eat and restricting calories accordingly. One recipe that you guys might find handy (and it does have a lil tomato in it, but there's so lil it can probably just be taken out) is a recipe from Food Network by Alton Brown on Good Eats. It's his Lentil Soup. It actually tastes really good and is extremely low in fat. My main reason for eating it though, only 372 calories with a whopping 24 grams of protein. Woohoo!

    I'm actually doing BR to really tone up. A couple months ago I got down to 116 pounds with just mostly calorie restriction and realized that although I weighed tiny, I was still carrying quite a bit of fat. 116 with a body fat percentage of 25.9% is not good! I started BR at 122 pounds and am currently 124 something. It's really hard to let myself get heavier on the scale, so I only weigh in Monday mornings and avoid it the rest of the time. That way I'm accountable through the very tempting weekend hours and I don't spaz out and restrict too much in panic at the gained weight.

    I actually have pictures so Monday I will post beginning and end of Phase 1 pics with measurements. Oh, and anyone who's previewed workouts 5 and 6 - it does look tough and like it's going to hurt, but watch 7 and 8 and suddenly you will have motivation. I hope I kick butt the next two weeks so I survive 7 and 8 when they come lol. I was practically crying for them when I watched it and I wasn't even doing anything!
  • I forgot, I wanted to throw this out there in case it could actually help someone. I started taking Creatine Monohydrate last week and it's really, really helped me with being sore. I missed my workout Monday so I had to double up and missed that cardio break on Wednesday and I can honestly say I wouldn't have made it without the creatine. Don't worry it's natural and the most studied supplement like ever so it's safe. It does make you retain a lil water but I've only noticed a tiny bit.

    Basically I put it in my protein shake right after my workout and the next day I'm sooooo not as sore. Of course I'm not completely pain free (my hamstrings, biceps, and triceps always hate me) but it really does help. And it's nice not to feel like a block of knotted muscles when you eventually find the strength to roll out of bed in the morning. Not being as sore the next day I think let's me work harder because I'm not so stiff.

    Well, thought I'd throw that out there. It isn't expensive and if you get the pure cheap kind (which also works the best) it has no sugar, no sodium, no nothin' except creatine. So if you're struggling, this might help. I'm a wimp sometimes so it keeps me from whining out of my workouts.
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey guys! New here but I started Jillian when you did, just didn't find this forum then :P. I actually haven't been following her meal plans but I am watching what I eat and restricting calories accordingly. One recipe that you guys might find handy (and it does have a lil tomato in it, but there's so lil it can probably just be taken out) is a recipe from Food Network by Alton Brown on Good Eats. It's his Lentil Soup. It actually tastes really good and is extremely low in fat. My main reason for eating it though, only 372 calories with a whopping 24 grams of protein. Woohoo!

    I'm actually doing BR to really tone up. A couple months ago I got down to 116 pounds with just mostly calorie restriction and realized that although I weighed tiny, I was still carrying quite a bit of fat. 116 with a body fat percentage of 25.9% is not good! I started BR at 122 pounds and am currently 124 something. It's really hard to let myself get heavier on the scale, so I only weigh in Monday mornings and avoid it the rest of the time. That way I'm accountable through the very tempting weekend hours and I don't spaz out and restrict too much in panic at the gained weight.

    I actually have pictures so Monday I will post beginning and end of Phase 1 pics with measurements. Oh, and anyone who's previewed workouts 5 and 6 - it does look tough and like it's going to hurt, but watch 7 and 8 and suddenly you will have motivation. I hope I kick butt the next two weeks so I survive 7 and 8 when they come lol. I was practically crying for them when I watched it and I wasn't even doing anything!

    Glad to have you!

    I'm in the same boat you are. I lost a bunch of weight with calorie restriction and running. Was about 121 when I started the program and am now about 125. I'm ok with it though because I'm losing inches. It is a little annoying to get on the scale and see a gain though, especially after working so hard for the those pounds to go down. Can't wait to see your pics!

    Ravensgirl, there are two recipes in Jillian Michaels cookbook that I like. The fritatta (omit the mushrooms) and the chicken salad. Good stuff, both of them.

    So tired tonight, so excited for a good nights sleep. Running tomorrow instead of the Cardio DVD. Supposed to be beautiful weather so I am excited. Taking measurements in the morning too!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    I also need to look through Jillian's book again.... Although I really wasn't a fan of most of her recipes. I hate tomatoes and I'm allergic to mushrooms. Maybe I need to look at it again with an open mind. Does anyone have any recipes they recommend??

    I've tried several of the recipes and thought all of them were delicious, with the exception of the creamy cucumber and yogurt salad.Plain Greek yogurt + lemon zest + lemon juice+ raw red onion was just too sour and pungent for me. My very favorite was Dinner Option 14, the Thai green curry barramundi and Thai spaghetti squash. If you are a fan of coconut and curry, you will *love* this. You can make it with any mild white fish--we've used both cod and tilapia. Spaghetti squash is very filling, too!

    Second favorite is Lunch Option 9, the Roasted chicken with whole-wheat pasta and spinach pesto. It's supposed to be 6 lunch servings. We have it for dinner and make it 4 servings. You could always leave out the tomatoes, or add another vegetable (red peppers, cauliflower, etc.) instead.

    Lunch Option 13, Poached salmon with green goddess yogurt, was delicious and pretty quick to make. I left out the anchovies (I don't like them), and the yogurt sauce was delicious. You probably wouldn't like the toasted oats and tomato soup that went with it, but we thought it was good.

    Dinner Option 4, Mediterranean lamb burgers: yummy! We had them with whole wheat pita and hummus on the side.

    These recipes tend to be time-consuming to make. They usually take me about an hour. But they (for the most part) taste delicious and I like that all of the ingredients are real, whole foods.
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    So, busy yesterday and forgot to share my results.

    I've gained 4 pounds but gone down 2.5 inches! Can't be made at that. Most of the areas I've gone down in is my stomach which is my trouble area, so I'll take it!

    I still need to take pictures......hopefully today.

    Any other results worth mentioning?

  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member

    That's all for today :)