Do you work out in the morning or night?



  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 258 Member
    I enjoy afternoon and evening workouts and sundays I get my workout in the morning
  • BrookieHatesCookies
    BrookieHatesCookies Posts: 54 Member
    Definitely a night person!
    Much cooler out at night but I feel more energized if I exercise in the morning.
    Any tips on how you have switched this pattern/gotten used to it?
  • bmendi79
    bmendi79 Posts: 7
    Morning...before my body figures out what's going on..... but I also workout after work to release the day.
  • I have to workout in the evening after the kids have gone to bed. I would love to try morning sweat sessions but I hate to wake up the little ones and end up getting an interrupted run at it! :angry:
  • charynp
    charynp Posts: 21 Member
    I prefer working out in the morning but usually do it in the afternoon cuz it is too hard to get up at 330 am most mornings
  • broncosbabe
    broncosbabe Posts: 50 Member
    BOTH!! Depending on what group fitness classes are on offer at the gym. I love doing pilates in the evening because it makes me sleep a lot better :)
  • Sheakat
    Sheakat Posts: 29 Member
    I have a rough time getting my heart rate up in the mornings..which is surprising because I'm a morning person! Nights for me, right after work. If I walk in my door at home, I'm not going to the gym!
  • Simariana
    Simariana Posts: 1 Member
    Tried both and I personally find that working out at night is sooo much better. I have a lot more energy at night, while I get tired really quick in the morning!
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Fasted cardio in the mornings. Strength training in the evenings.
  • Since I work night shift it has been difficult to find a good time.... i thought that right after work in the morning would work but I'm so tired from the night that I can't put the right effort into it. I find that working out in the afternoon after i wake up and before I go back to work at 7p gives me the energy to keep going well into the night and i sleep like a baby the next morning. :)
  • Sheakat
    Sheakat Posts: 29 Member
    I work out immediately after work, before I go home. If my bag is packed with my workout gear in my car, I don't make excuses. Personally, I can't seem to get my heart rate going in the morning.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I take walks in the early morning and late evening...I do my high intensity workouts in the afternoon!! :happy:
  • LilMrsSmarty
    LilMrsSmarty Posts: 17 Member
    Morning ALL THE WAY! =)
  • I work out during the early evening hours; anytime between 5 - 7. I find it to be a good way to decompress after work. Not to mention that working out before dinner blunts my appetite and promotes a solid night's sleep.
  • sire137
    sire137 Posts: 41
    in the afternoons after work. about the only exercise I can do in the morning some waling/hiking on the weekends.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I have NEVER been able to work out in the morning! I don't know what's wrong with my body and why it doesn't like AM workouts. I feel drained the entire day if I exercise in the mornings : ) I work out in the evenings and sleep like a baby when I do : )

    This. Morning workouts make me feel terrible. I have tons of energy after dinner. Shrug.
  • schakiiiii
    schakiiiii Posts: 39 Member
    I work out in the morning! and yes it was struggle but Im not just adjusting! so far Its simple stuff tho. A little Cardio and then some strength trainig. I feel i dont know anything tho! but hopefully in time i will get the flow. Mornings are better to wake me up and also not alot of ppl on the machines you need.
  • auntkk28
    auntkk28 Posts: 55 Member
    I workout after work, the gym is conveniently on my way home. I like to go after work because it helps me to de stress (I work at an animal shelter at the intake desk so I have some pretty stressful days). I always feel better after I workout. On my days off I will try to get my walk in early when it's cooler outside, especially now that we're in the middle of summer:)
  • bookdeity
    bookdeity Posts: 37
    Like some others here, if I workout in the mornings I'm tired for the rest of the day. So evenings work best for me.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    My preference in mornings, but I find that I cannot do tougher workouts on an empty stomach, so mostly, I do evenings.