Protein Bar Debate

Heeeeey everyone - I am new here, thought it would be a good place to track my daily macros and make sure I am keeping up with everything throughout the day, especially my protein. Gaining muscle and serious about it! :)

Quick question if anyone has a moment to respond - does anyone else have problems digesting some protein bars? I am thinking about just scrapping the store bought ones (even if they are the absolute best I can find) and making my own... My stomach doesn't seem to respond well to most protein bars I buy... thoughts, comments, concerns - welcome.


  • kinman23
    kinman23 Posts: 13 Member
    I personally don't think protein bars are the best way to get what you need. So many of them have sugar alcohol in them. I think a whey protein or casein protein for night is much better. Or just eating high protein foods. Good luck!!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'd suggest looking at the ingredient list. A LOT of bars use scary and hard to pronounce ingredients. I really like Quest Bars, they have a natural line so each bar has ~200 calories, 20g protein, 17g fiber. The coconut cashew is DELISH.

    Take a look at this, it helps break down the best and worst bars.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    My question is are you sure it's the protien bars themselves? or the increase in protein in general.

    I don't make a habit of eating them, but only b/c the only ones i like are the snickers marathons - and they aren't the best version (protein / fat / carb ratios) - but they are yummy and a snack when i'm craving one.

    other than that, as said above, i'd suggest you look at the ingred. list to see if you can find what's bugging you.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Awwww I love my luna bars!!!

    That said I usually save them for snacks inbetween meals, or emergency situations where I end up being out and really hungry. I try and plan my meals to be overall high in protein so I don't depend on bars.
  • 1fit_fox
    1fit_fox Posts: 12
    wow! Thank you ladies so much for your responses, I really appreciate each of them! Just for an update - I haven't eaten protein bars at all this week and feel pretty darn great. I started eating smaller meals every couple hours that include chicken and tuna. again, thank you SO much for your input, have a great day! :)
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    Tried the Quest bars and they stop me up. Went back to Lunas.
  • Nitxinha
    Nitxinha Posts: 4
    Keep the eye on sugar. 4g of sugar is one tsp. Some bars have 20 gs. and even if they do not say sugar, anything that ends in -ose is an indicator. Stick to a Fat Carb combination like a piece of fruit and a handful of nuts or some veggies and hummous. They will satiate you, and are alot of bang for your buck!