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  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    So happy to have found this group. I joined myfitnesspal just so I could be a part of it. I'm single with a son in college. 51 years old, 5 feet tall and as of this morning I weighed 197 pounds. I started FBD on Monday and weighed 198.6. I want to lose around 67 pounds and then I'll re-evaluate. I've given up a 30 year diet pepsi habit this week and it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. I'm enjoying the food and feel so much better just giving up all the processed food I was eating. It's a lot of planning and a lot more work then sticking a frozen dinner in the microwave but it's worth it.

    I'm a little unsure about portion sizes when the food I'm eating is not from a recipe. It's mostly the snack portions that I find confusing. Hopefully there will be a topic where we can discuss things like that. I'm committed to this for at least the 28 days. I needed something like this to get me focused on eating whole, healthy food again. I've been on every diet and lost and regained the same 50 pounds over and over again. I work out with a personal trainer twice a week and try and get to the gym for some cardio another two days a week.

    Looking forward to going on this journey together!
  • ginab7
    ginab7 Posts: 1
    Hi! Happy to found this group. :) I am a mother of 3 (ages, 9, 7 and 10 months) and a military wife. I am 5"2' and weigh 150. I haven't had a weight problem because I like to stay active (but I can shed the baby weight I gained from my last baby). I enjoy working out and try to do so 4 days a week - depending on my schedule. I also enjoy eating food!! and love to cook! We eat healthy for the most part but do enjoy going out to eat once a while.

    I have and read the book. I think she makes a lot of sense. I look forward to this support group and good luck to everyone!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    I bought the ebook & started phase 1 two days ago, heading into phase 2 tomorrow. I don't really need to lose weight, but want to get into a better maintenance plan.
    Amazingly feeling good on this... its not too much different then my normal diet, except I haven't been able to quit coffee. Funny thing though, I'm not drinking much at all on it either.

    Thanks for starting a group! :happy:
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi! Happy to found this group. :) I am a mother of 3 (ages, 9, 7 and 10 months) and a military wife. I am 5"2' and weigh 150. I haven't had a weight problem because I like to stay active (but I can shed the baby weight I gained from my last baby). I enjoy working out and try to do so 4 days a week - depending on my schedule. I also enjoy eating food!! and love to cook! We eat healthy for the most part but do enjoy going out to eat once a while.

    I have and read the book. I think she makes a lot of sense. I look forward to this support group and good luck to everyone!

    Welcome to the group, and I want to thank you and your husband for your service! My husband retired from the Navy after 22 years. Being a Military wife and mother is a hard job!
  • lincolor100
    lincolor100 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Linda Noel and a mother of 4. Now 3 teenage men 20, 18 ,15 and a 9 year old daughter . I know you wont think I weigh that much but for years I was att my goal weight or lower which is 115 but woulsd settle weight watchers goal 118 . I'm 48 years young started at 130 and almost 5 feet 4 . My problem was i was back to exercise and wasnt eating the best and wasn't dropping a pound . I usually lose very slow so already 4 pounds since I just started last Monday is fantastic . I already have so much more energy and no cravings for bread or chocolate .. I really love sweets so want to try some recipes that you've given .. Im going to enter menapause soon and want to have my hormones more balanced and feel good .Im also small boned and have that pooch from having kids so would be nice to flatten a little .. I'm a make-up Artist for years and around many picture perfect people in Los, angeles/Beverly Hills but I just want to be healthy and love life ...
  • Hi. I'm 41 years old. In 2005, I went on the "divorce" diet (too anxious too eat). The anxiety was bad, but the secondary weight loss motivated me to eat healthier and workout again. I reached 132 pounds by 2006 and maintained it until last summer. I had done a lot of stress eating, and I do believe my age is catching up with me. i now weigh 154 pounds. I have been on some kind of diet for the last year and have had NO success. My willpower has faded over the years, and I only workout about 3 times a week. I constantly cheat (big time) on diets, too. The good news is that despite my struggles, I still haven't given up. I started the 28 day Fast Metabolism diet yesterday. I did not weigh myself at the start, however. It usually depresses me, so I'm going to wait about a week. I drink tons of water, but I'm still drinking coffee. can't live without it. I was on another diet that restricted coffee but said if you must drink it, just drink the equivalent in water. I'll see how it goes with the coffee, and reconsider giving it up if I don't see results. Anyone else drinking coffee? Anyone having success?
  • fitsonia24
    fitsonia24 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I just turned 45 and I am about 40 pounds overweight. Since last October I have been exercising 6 days a week and watching what I eat but with no result on the scale. I then realized that something was wrong with my metabolism and I saw Haylie Pomroy on the Dr. Oz show speaking about this. So I bought the book and now I am on day 3 of the diet. Since I am not a short order cook, I decided that my boys (13 and 16) would eat the same way as me and they actually like the recipes! So I am taking this new way of eating one day at a time and hopefully this will wake up my metabolism!:smile:
  • fitsonia24
    fitsonia24 Posts: 10 Member
    I have and it's a big hit in my house. Very good!
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    I'm Leo - I'm 5'6" - 191.5 at the beginning of this. I've been on MFP for around 2 years - up and down in a 10 pounds range. I bought the book and the app and did Week 1 - i lost 8.5 pounds in the first week (183!) - never had anything work like that for me before. Last week i was out of town at a convention - impossible to eat on plan - i tried and eventually gave in. I got back and tried to salvage what was left of the week. I gained 2.5 during the week so back to 185.5 (still down 6). Half way through day 1 here so far - sticking with the plan and essentially starting week 1 and continuing. In 2 weeks i hit my 44th birthday so another bump in the road but i'm hoping to be in the 170's at that point. We'll see. I am tired of tracking calories on MFP that this program is a relief. Eat it and move on. Phase 2 really sucks - there are only so many ways to eat chicken. The problem is chicken is quick so tends to be relied on. Going to put more effort into week 2 because its the biggest struggle. Good news is i pulled out the BBQ this weekend and have it all cleaned up so at least that will help......
  • klt924
    klt924 Posts: 1
    I'm a 47 yr. old mother of two and a teacher for preschool aged children with moderate to severe learning delays. Today is day one for me and I found this group by surfing the web looking for someone else to chat with about this new way of thinking about and using food. I have thyroid disease and while numerous doctors and lab tests say that I am in the normal range; I still retain significant thyroid symptoms. I need to lose 20 lbs, but more than that; I need to lose the feeling that "nothing I do really makes a difference." I faithfully exercise daily, I eat clean, and still I stay the same. I've tried 1200 calories, 1500 calories, low carb, low fat, high protein, you name it... I still have the same last 20 lbs to lose.
    I am excited and scared about this new plan. I'm excited that something will finally match what my body needs. I'm scared that it won't work. Honestly, I'm a little scared about the amount of food I ate today. I struggled to eat all of my Day 1/ Phase 1 foods. The food is good and since I've been eating clean for quite some time; I've just use the food lists and amounts recommended and made my own recipes. But the overall quantity is massive compared to the amount of food I'm used to eating. I've been reading/ learning for a couple weeks and gradually reducing my green tea (caffeine) intake so I I haven't struggled with the withdrawal. That's a good thing! Fitting in the snacks at the times specified has been a bit tough with work. My students are wonderful, but "needy" and it was hard to find the time to slip away and eat my apples. (I didn't want to eat in front of them. They wouldn't understand and it would be rude.) It's not an insurmountable hurdle; just one I'll need to tweak a bit more. (laughing...) Maybe I just need to pack snacks that I can eat much more quickly! LOL
    I am grateful to this group! Finding you has certainly been a blessing! The theory is interesting. But, the support of others who are trying/ learning the same thing is crucial to my success!
    OK, enough about me, I'm off to walk a bit and then reward myself by reading more of your posts.
  • vikdubbs
    vikdubbs Posts: 13
    I am on day 1 of week 2 or day 8 .... The FMD has been a bit of a challenge for me , I am a 44 year old mother/wife and weigh 188 and I am a vegetarian. So phase 2 is not my favourite phase. I eat eggs but do not eat soy (well I did but through this process I decided to take a break for soy as well and I do not eat fish). Last Wednesday I ate 18 egg whites in a day..... Yikes! This week I found a version of a FMD protein bar that will have to suffice as an alternative because I cannot eat egg whites 5 times a day.... Hope it works out.

    If anyone has other suggestions or is facing similar challenges I would love to hear from you.

    My husband is doing the plan with me and figure it all out along the way has been a bit of a challenge but we seem to be muddling through - he eats meat so protein for him is easy.

  • vikdubbs
    vikdubbs Posts: 13
    I am on phase 2 day 1 and have only lost 4 lbs. I weigh in daily so I can track it on my FMD App..... It does seem slower than I expected but its better than gaining! Stick with it.... Good job on losing 3lbs already!

    How's the water going for everyone. I find it a bit much. Last week I drank what is asked but too much water is not always good either so this week I am going to cut back a bit. 94 oz seems too much so I am going to drop to 66.... Anyone else have any issues with this area.....
  • its3adi
    its3adi Posts: 5
    I feel really awkward but umm Hi I'm Noor and I'm in denial. However I figured I have nothing to lose so I hope to start this diet tomorrow. Dont have a great track record of committing to diets, but there is always a first time for everything.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Hi I am Linda, I am 44 I am 5'5.5" and weigh 179.8 pounds. About 6 months ago I was at 158, doing everything "right". I ate healthfully and lifted weights. I was on a role. Then I just broke, after 9 months I was so so tired of writing everything down and measuring everything. So now I am trying to actually do this right. I grew up very slender. My metabolism was amazingly fast. As I hit my 20's it slowed a little., after I had the first of our 6 children it slowed even more. Though every time I added exercise and ate better it would fall off again. So I was in a true yo-yo cycle.

    I am now reading through the book thoroughly and will start this with my husband (only needs to lose 15lbs) on Monday. He says he will give me the 28 days of total control of what he eats. He works 7 days a week (the midnight shift) so this should be interesting.

    What I found interesting this time around in gaining back my weight, is that I have gained in my middle this time. I have never done that before. So I am wondering if my Hoshimoto's is gaining traction this time around.
    SHERRYLLAC Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Sherry, I am newly 50 (last month), 5.5" 214 lbs. I have one 12yr old amazing daughter and 1 dreamy husband and I'm pretty sure neither one of them are going to want to eat this way for long. Daughter did like the French toast this morning though. I started gaining weight at about age 35yrs old. I then had a difficult pregnancy and bed rest, gained more. I got down to a nice 150lbs when my daughter was about 3 and then when she was 6 I stopped exercising due to plantar faciitis (sp?) and after that was put on beta blockers for an arrhythmia, and here I am 214lbs! I was recently taken off beta blockers and feel that I should be able to take some weight off. I love to cook so this plan sounded good to me. I am not sure of the science of it but she sure convinced me in the book. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak. I will miss most Chardonay and doritos. :sad: I am willing to go the whole 28 days and hoping that I will feel so good that I will never look back :bigsmile:
    I really need this group and the support, you are all welcome to friend me also.
    Good luck to all.
    It's just about time for my turkey Sammy, looking forward to it.
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 134 Member
    Hi! I'm Pam. I am in my 40's and mom to two teens and married to the love of my life. I just completed week 1 and am on Phase 2 of week 2. My weight had been slowly creeping up over the last year, no matter what I would do. I've dealt with thyroid issues for the past 10 years which made loosing weight a challenge, but I could usually loose the weight if I worked hard at it. The past two years have brought other health issues that I am sure have impacted my weight. During the first week, I mostly loss even with a 2 pound gain at the end of the week with Phase 3. My starting weight with this was 151. I kept weighing myself the first week just because I just thought I couldn't loose anything. Can't wait to see what happens at the end of the 28 days.
  • I am so glad to have found u guys I am on week 2 down 10lbs 40 to go!!
  • tenagreear
    tenagreear Posts: 26
    I am on week 3 and have not given up coffee. I am doing fine on the program. Down 8lbs and still losing.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    How wonderful for you!! I'm so happy to hear of your success! :flowerforyou:
  • bar6ara
    bar6ara Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Barbara, age 54 and living in the UK. I'm 5'4 and 144 pounds. I know I'm not really overweight according to various guidance charts, but I was always more comfortable at around 134 pounds in my 30’s and it's been creeping up and up since then. Also, although I eat all the good stuff you're supposed to have in a day, I eat too much bad stuff too! I want to lose a bit of weight but also improve my eating habits in general. I've never posted on a forum before but I don't have a buddy to diet with and I've had loads of false starts recently, so I think this group will really help me. Good luck, everyone!