COMMITMENT - 04/29/13



  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    Went out hiked the hills this morning and didnt know what this evening would bring, my wife wanted to go for a walk so walked the stupid hill and more.
  • LBinSF
    LBinSF Posts: 81 Member
    For today's Commitment, I will go to the gym after work - and do 20 minutes on the exercise bike (for knee ligament physical therapy). Then, I will walk to Nordstrom to return 2 items. That's about 1.3 mile walk. Earlier today, I already walked the dogs 1.5 miles. However, I have been WAY overeating carbs for the past week.

    Work stress / and a ski injury in 2005 (broken arm/ nerve pain/ death of a beloved dog) is how I allowed myself to get really fat originally.
    Now, over the past 1.4 years I've worked REALLY hard at losing weigh in order to get back to within a normal weight range. And I don't want to give up now that I AGAIN have work stress and a second ski injury (torn knee ligaments).

    Now it's time to get back on track.
    Now there are just 4 weeks until my college reunion and 6 weeks to lose the 20 pounds that we have committed to doing.
    Thank heavens for this group or I would likely have continued being 'off track' tonight & tomorrow.
    Speak with you all tomorrow...
  • LBinSF
    LBinSF Posts: 81 Member
    Great goals!
  • LBinSF
    LBinSF Posts: 81 Member
    Great job! Hills are tough...
  • Maxieboy123
    Got up at 5 and did 30 slow pace rowing (have a broken leg, it sucks!) Tomorrow I'm going to add counter pushups and wall squats.
  • babyblackbutterfly
    Just finished a quick run. Gonna bust out some planks during commercials...
    I was a little disappointed with my weight loss of 1.6 pounds this week, but last night I took my pic to compare with last week and the results are unbelievable. Thank God for MFP and all of my new friends! I never would have done measurements or taken my picture. The transformation in just one week was so motivating. I posted it on our shutterfly site if you want to have a looksie...
    I'm so encouraged for this week.
    Keep working hard everybody!!!
  • grk_tigris
    grk_tigris Posts: 48 Member
    I had no real workout commitment other than to get thru my physical therapy appointment and enjoying my birthday today. Still managed to get in 9000 steps since i had to do a walkdown of a facility at work.
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    My commitment for today is to complete more reps during my am strength training and to stay on the treadmill for 45 minutes tonight, which should mean a little over 4 miles. I also want to walk to the garden up the road from my house with my daughter tonight to check out the tulip festival. To get there and back is almost 2 miles. If she decides to ride her scooter I might even get some extra running in.

    I've already completed my strength training this morning. Instead of doing one set of 12 reps of each move, I did two sets of 15 reps, then I had a little more time so I focused on my abs a little more. Part 1 of my commitment was a success!

    Well, I did complete 45 minutes on the treadmill tonight and did right at 4 miles. I don't feel like I really pushed myself very hard though, but I'm still happy with what I did. My daughter and I did also walk up to the tulip festival, so that was another hour of walking almost 2 miles. And I stayed under my original calorie goal and didn't use any of my extra calories earned by excercise. All in all it was a good day!
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    My commitment was to repeat yesterday's c25k day, which I just did. Yesterday, my husband WALKED along side me as I jogged. I am that slow! It was a wake up call to start picking up my pace.

    I pulled the trigger and ordered 3 JM DVDs, including 30 Shred. Excited to begin!

    I plan on getting in another 30 minutes on the treadmill later this afternoon.

    Now to get dressed and do my volunteer stint at the local senior center.

    I did squeeze the second workout, but only lasted 20 minutes. I'm pooped.