Shall I start reset? need some opinions...

SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
Hi all,

I need a few opinions on whether you think it's ok for my to start a cut
My story thus far...

I have started to increase calories a few months ago, building from around 1300-1400 to my tdee of 2150. When I started increasing calories I was also calorie-cycling, so some days I was eating at full tdee and some at around tdee-15%. So, the first 4-5 weeks of reset have been done like that. Over the last month I have been eating at full tdee.

I have gained 12 lbs in the process, most of them in the first month when I wasn't at full tdee daily. I had terrible bloat in the beginning and used to struggle get my calories in, but the last few weeks have been ok. I haven't seen any weight/water loss though.

I would really like to start my cut from tomorrow (tdee-15%) as the extra pounds are making me very very uncomfortable. It's getting very hot where I live and the extra weight makes my daily life much harder! My question is, do you think my body had enough time to reset? Should I have seen a very small weight (water) loss before I consider cutting? any other signs that might show that my body has resetted?

Thanks a lot!


  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Do you feel that you have reached tdee? Some people just stop when they stabilize and don't push their bodies to their max potential.
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    I think so...but even if not i'm happy at this calorie range. Right now i'm very very uncomfortable with the gain. I don't have the crazy bloating i used to have in the beginning, i'm sleeping better etc
    But i don't like at all the way i look now, so i want to g back to my pre-reset weight. I'm just wandering if there are any signs that would tell me that the reset has or has not worked..
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I think so...but even if not i'm happy at this calorie range. Right now i'm very very uncomfortable with the gain. I don't have the crazy bloating i used to have in the beginning, i'm sleeping better etc
    But i don't like at all the way i look now, so i want to g back to my pre-reset weight. I'm just wandering if there are any signs that would tell me that the reset has or has not worked..

    The reset is as much a mental reset as it is a reset for your body. Honestly, if you're still worrying about the weight gain and WANT to cut calories, you aren't done with your reset. Give it some more time. Love your body as it is now and keep fueling it at TDEE until your mind has reset. AND DITCH THAT SCALE!!! :flowerforyou:

    Trust me, I know how hard it is. I did TWO resets. One from July-August 2012 and another from October 2012-mid April 2013. Forcing it to end to soon will only cause you to need to redo it later when you don't get the results you're looking for when you cut.
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    It's not about the scale weight. I just feel really uncomfortable right now. I am the heaviest i have ever been at this point and it affects my everyday activities, from working out to even by sex life! So as much as i would like to continue, i'm afraid i need to stop as i have lost my motivation
    To be honest' all i ever wanted was to be able to maintain my pre-reset weight but with eating a bit more than 1300. Maybe i should have increased my calories slower, i don't know. But 8 weeks is still just a number, right? Isn't it possible that i loose some weight after a shorter reset?
    The ONLY thing i don't want to happen is not been able to loose anything after all this!
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    It's not about the scale weight. I just feel really uncomfortable right now. I am the heaviest i have ever been at this point and it affects my everyday activities, from working out to even by sex life! So as much as i would like to continue, i'm afraid i need to stop as i have lost my motivation
    To be honest' all i ever wanted was to be able to maintain my pre-reset weight but with eating a bit more than 1300. Maybe i should have increased my calories slower, i don't know. But 8 weeks is still just a number, right? Isn't it possible that i loose some weight after a shorter reset?
    The ONLY thing i don't want to happen is not been able to loose anything after all this!

    I put on 12 pounds in 8 weeks. I started to really feel fat toward the end of my reset. It was harder to run with the extra weight. I didn't feel sexy. But that only lasted for a couple of weeks. You need to put aside body image and know that you're doing something GOOD and healthy for your body. If you are consistent with your calories and exercise, your weight should stabilize. If you are eating close to your macros, and not a lot of junk, you will gain *minimal* fat. Trust me when I say the bloat is mostly water. You will most likely lose it in the first couple of weeks of cut, as long as you are working out and eating right.

    However, if you cut too soon you risk stalling out and wasting several weeks. Yes you feel bloated now, but that will dissipate. If the only thing you don't want is to not be able to lose, then I think you know you need to give the reset a proper chance. Stick it out. It won't be for nothing.

    Also, don't think the pounds will necessarily fall off after cut. I mean, you will lose body fat but the scale may not move as fast as you would like. I will weigh in after 4 weeks of cut.

    To put things into perspective, I weigh 40 pounds more than I did the last time I wore my current clothing size (8/10).... Back then I was eating 1200 calories a day...
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    I saw this. This is what Kiki said:

    Kiki: 4-6 weeks is minimum, 8-12 is even better. I did take 3+ months, because most research that I'd done showed that it could take up 6 months, and I didn't wanna chance it, & quit early. It's personal, which is why there is no definite time given. The whole point of the reset is for the individual to get in touch with their own body and understand it better. Most people will rush the process, which is fine, because, they feel overly bloated and full (& again, it's personal) The only thing to consider with that is that there is a high probability that if you're still feeling stuffed, you haven't fully reset. So as far as signs to look for, that was mine. When I went to cut, I had completely "plateaued." Meaning, I was no longer gaining and did not feel overly stuffed. I didn't have any more bloating, & was completely comfortable eating that amount of food. When people are feeling "relieved" at the thought of cutting, because they are looking forward to less food, it's kind of a red flag for me, that things aren't *completely* fixed. But, at the very least, they've eaten at higher cals long enough to give the metabolism a little boost, & if they take diet breaks every 6-10 wks, it can typically still work out fine.
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you guys!

    @alicia - thanks for this, it gives some answers

    @kitka - i agree with you. To be honest, i'm comfortable eating those calories without bloating now. But the urge to loose the weight won't go i'm afraid. I want to loose it no matter how comfortable i am with the current calories. I also think that with tiny adjustments i can go to tdee-15% without feeling deprived at all!

    What i'm trying to see is if the first 4-5 weeks that i was eating between tdee-15% and tdee do count. Meaning some days i was eating well up to tdee and some others slightly less.

    Anyway, i guess i'll find out soon...unfortunately i have a terrible stomach bug today and have not been able to eat anything yet! And its almost 6pm here! Anyway, i might well start with a short detox :tongue:
  • beautifulswan1
    beautifulswan1 Posts: 58 Member
    I think so...but even if not i'm happy at this calorie range. Right now i'm very very uncomfortable with the gain. I don't have the crazy bloating i used to have in the beginning, i'm sleeping better etc
    But i don't like at all the way i look now, so i want to g back to my pre-reset weight. I'm just wandering if there are any signs that would tell me that the reset has or has not worked..

    The reset is as much a mental reset as it is a reset for your body. Honestly, if you're still worrying about the weight gain and WANT to cut calories, you aren't done with your reset. Give it some more time. Love your body as it is now and keep fueling it at TDEE until your mind has reset. AND DITCH THAT SCALE!!! :flowerforyou:

    Trust me, I know how hard it is. I did TWO resets. One from July-August 2012 and another from October 2012-mid April 2013. Forcing it to end to soon will only cause you to need to redo it later when you don't get the results you're looking for when you cut.

    I'm with Holley. I am planning another reset once my gym membership starts as I feel that I didn't give myself enough time to mentally heal as well as physically heal. I want to get to the point where my mind isn't focused on what the scale may or may not say and just enjoy my body and myself. I know it's hard, but it is so worth it. Hope all works out for you. :smile:
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    I know this isn't helpful but I know exactly how you feel ... I cut after 4 weeks coz I couldnt take it anymore ..!!
    However ... Some days especially this week I have gone up to TDEE :-(
    Some days at 10% cut.
    I haven't weighed or measured.
    Time will tell ... I just would be happy to lose 7 lbs or go down to a UK Size 10 from a size 12 .. So what I'm really hoping is that my short reset will get me those goals ... Even if I stall again ... If I'm 7lb lighter or a size 10 I don't mind x
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    I know this isn't helpful but I know exactly how you feel ... I cut after 4 weeks coz I couldnt take it anymore ..!!
    However ... Some days especially this week I have gone up to TDEE :-(
    Some days at 10% cut.
    I haven't weighed or measured.
    Time will tell ... I just would be happy to lose 7 lbs or go down to a UK Size 10 from a size 12 .. So what I'm really hoping is that my short reset will get me those goals ... Even if I stall again ... If I'm 7lb lighter or a size 10 I don't mind x

    Thanks linski! To be honest, what you said IS helpful! It is helpful to see that some other feel the same way as I do

    the thing is, I am NOT obsessed with the scale. truly, I am not. I am obsessed with how I feel. And lately I am not feeling "myself". For sure these 4 weeks at around tdee and 4 weeks at/above tdee have helped a lot. I am not obsessed about food, I don't think about food all the time, I had the chance to eat many "forbidden" food and realise nothing will happen. I have also realised that I can eat much more than I think. So it HAS helped.

    BUT my gym sessions suffer (note: I love my gym sessions!) plus I don't feel nice with the extra puffiness in my everyday life. Truly, I don;t care about the number on the scale, just how I feel and look. Some people don't mind that much, others don't gain that much but everyone is different. And the fact that I'm the heaviest (not only by scale weight but also cloth sizes) makes me feel uncomfortable

    Again, I'm not sure if this has worked or not. That's why I was trying to get different opinions & experiences from people that did it/doing it. Time will tell, i guess
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    I reiterate Everything I said in private message x
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I know this isn't helpful but I know exactly how you feel ... I cut after 4 weeks coz I couldnt take it anymore ..!!
    However ... Some days especially this week I have gone up to TDEE :-(
    Some days at 10% cut.
    I haven't weighed or measured.
    Time will tell ... I just would be happy to lose 7 lbs or go down to a UK Size 10 from a size 12 .. So what I'm really hoping is that my short reset will get me those goals ... Even if I stall again ... If I'm 7lb lighter or a size 10 I don't mind x

    Thanks linski! To be honest, what you said IS helpful! It is helpful to see that some other feel the same way as I do

    the thing is, I am NOT obsessed with the scale. truly, I am not. I am obsessed with how I feel. And lately I am not feeling "myself". For sure these 4 weeks at around tdee and 4 weeks at/above tdee have helped a lot. I am not obsessed about food, I don't think about food all the time, I had the chance to eat many "forbidden" food and realise nothing will happen. I have also realised that I can eat much more than I think. So it HAS helped.

    BUT my gym sessions suffer (note: I love my gym sessions!) plus I don't feel nice with the extra puffiness in my everyday life. Truly, I don;t care about the number on the scale, just how I feel and look. Some people don't mind that much, others don't gain that much but everyone is different. And the fact that I'm the heaviest (not only by scale weight but also cloth sizes) makes me feel uncomfortable

    Again, I'm not sure if this has worked or not. That's why I was trying to get different opinions & experiences from people that did it/doing it. Time will tell, i guess

    If you aren't feeling "yourself", you definitely need to keep pushing. Give your body a chance to catch up with the increased amount of food. I gained 21lbs altogether and a few inches in my hips, but lost inches other places AND lost a bunch more body fat during my second reset. Yeah, I felt gross occasionally, but I knew I was on the right track and needed to give my body time to sort itself out. Give it time!

    Maybe it's just me, but the fact that I weigh over 200lbs doesn't bother me at all. I'm beautiful every day even if my tummy is bloated. I wear clothes that make me feel good and fit right depending on how "svelte" I am that day. It helps to pick clothes wisely! Own your size NOW. Love your body NOW. That is the best thing about the reset. You have a chance to reflect on all the reasons you're trying to lose weight and get healthier. I learned that I don't want to lose weight. I want to lose body fat and inches. The scale does not accurately reflect those loses, so I don't really weigh-in except to make sure I'm on target calorie-wise. I only weigh-in every week right now because of this Fat Loss Challenge at my gym.

    I'm not sure why your gym sessions are suffering due to extra weight. If you're eating at TDEE, you should be seeing good strength gains right now! My gym sessions tend to suffer if I'm eating too much sodium, not enough carbs right before, or if I'm dehydrated. Maybe it's one of those things rather than the weight! How are your sessions suffering? Are you tired? Doing less than before?

    Also, if you still have the urge to lose weight, you do still care about the scale to an extent. You just have to stop weighing in until you don't associate beauty with that number. Focus on measurements. This is so hard. I know how it is! I have been there. I started at 198lbs and didn't gain until my first cut, which is when I decided I needed to do a longer reset. After that, I gained 21lbs. I just started cutting two weeks ago and I'm already down to 219lbs. However, during that time that I gained, I also lost 4-7% body fat (it's a range due to margin of error). So not all of the gain was fat! Some was LBM. I would highly recommend checking your body fat now and then once a month to see if there's any progress there.
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks holleysings, I really do appreciate all that! And to an extend you are right

    On the other hand, everyone is different. To me, my body image does matter. Not the actual weight, but how I feel with my body, how I look in the mirror etc. I want to like what I see. And I did before reset. The only thing I didn't like was my relationship with food. And this one was fixed during my few weeks of reset. Now it's time to fix my body as well

    I do weight myself each week just to make sure the reset works. Before reset I used to weight myself every month or so... not even. I used to be able to tell if I have gained weight by how my clothes fitted.

    I have been strength training for a long time now and I know that muscle weight more that fat. I could see that. when I say my performance suffers in the gym, I mean that I used to be able to do pull ups for example and now with +12lbs it's getting much harder. Or if I ever do HIIT I really struggle to move 12lbs more. etc. It may sound weird to some, but it's true.

    Again, don't get me wrong, I truly appreciate your words! I just want to point out that I can't feel happy about my body right now. I just can't BUT I don't think in an un-healthy way. I have gone up 2 dress sizes, so it's normal to like the way I looked pre-reset.
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    Weighed and measured this morning ... After a wee and before eating or drinking .. Which is what I always do .... Scales are exactly the same 142lb... But I'm out if the whole scales thing so I'm not that bothered ... However I'm a bit bothered that my waist is still 30inches ..!!! Hasn't moved a jot ..!!! But I did my usual HITT type class last night and a lot of people report an abdominal bloat after exercise ... So ill check again tomorrow :-)
    I KNOW if I'm a size 10 ill be happy ... I KNOW that if I lose another 5-7lb ill be happy ..!! I don't want to get to 120's lbs ... Just 135lb would be ace :-) or just drop 1 dress size x

    Also I totted up my food fir the last two weeks when I made the cut ... And due to the days that I went over, as a weekly average I ended up at TDEE ... So no cut taken lol ..!!! Oops .. Still looks like I'm doing a reset ... Bugger ... I will try harder this week lol but as I said I don't think I'm doing right anyway as the scales are definitely not moving ..!! TDEE I think is higher than I think it is ..!! Maybe it's 2100 not 1900 .. I'm going to a skinny pretty girl wedding in June .. If I up my cals again and I gain then I shall be big fir the wedding ... Sigh .... IF my TDEE is higher than I think then 1900 will be a cut which is what iv been eating ... And nothing is happening .. Then I'm obviously stalled and need to do something about it .!!
    Am I making any sense at all..??

    I completely understand that if you were Size 10 before reset and now you're a 14 you will not be happy ..!! I can't see how people would be happy with a gain of two dress sizes .! Maybe it's me ..! But I'm a 12 and if I went up to a size 16 I'd be devastated ..!!! Become a hermit and in no way could I learn to live my body at that size when I was pervious a 12 and not looking too bad .!
    I'm with you all the way on that one my lovely x
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks hon! I can totally relate, as you know :-)

    By the way, if you are eating at tdee and not gaining or loosing, then that is great. Cause you know that if you add a small deficit, then you'll see a loss. Something like -200cal/day might work for you, since you don't have many lbs to drop. Or an extra 20min walk...

    As for myself, I've decided to try tdee-15% and see where this gets me...
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Weighed and measured this morning ... After a wee and before eating or drinking .. Which is what I always do .... Scales are exactly the same 142lb... But I'm out if the whole scales thing so I'm not that bothered ... However I'm a bit bothered that my waist is still 30inches ..!!! Hasn't moved a jot ..!!! But I did my usual HITT type class last night and a lot of people report an abdominal bloat after exercise ... So ill check again tomorrow :-)
    I KNOW if I'm a size 10 ill be happy ... I KNOW that if I lose another 5-7lb ill be happy ..!! I don't want to get to 120's lbs ... Just 135lb would be ace :-) or just drop 1 dress size x

    Also I totted up my food fir the last two weeks when I made the cut ... And due to the days that I went over, as a weekly average I ended up at TDEE ... So no cut taken lol ..!!! Oops .. Still looks like I'm doing a reset ... Bugger ... I will try harder this week lol but as I said I don't think I'm doing right anyway as the scales are definitely not moving ..!! TDEE I think is higher than I think it is ..!! Maybe it's 2100 not 1900 .. I'm going to a skinny pretty girl wedding in June .. If I up my cals again and I gain then I shall be big fir the wedding ... Sigh .... IF my TDEE is higher than I think then 1900 will be a cut which is what iv been eating ... And nothing is happening .. Then I'm obviously stalled and need to do something about it .!!
    Am I making any sense at all..??

    I completely understand that if you were Size 10 before reset and now you're a 14 you will not be happy ..!! I can't see how people would be happy with a gain of two dress sizes .! Maybe it's me ..! But I'm a 12 and if I went up to a size 16 I'd be devastated ..!!! Become a hermit and in no way could I learn to live my body at that size when I was pervious a 12 and not looking too bad .!
    I'm with you all the way on that one my lovely x
    I guess this is where things get hairy a bit. Some people believe that just because their weight has plateaued at let say 2200 that thats their tdee which could be true or untrue. What if you aren't giving you body much fuel that its just stuck. Just like, for instance, people stalling out at 1200. You wont know your tdee until you up cals and start gaining consistently. Like 1 lb over a 2 week period would mean you are 250 cals over your tdee. This is without any changes and weighing on a valid weigh in day of normal sodium the day before and no water retention from lifting etc.

    I maintained at 2200 and now I'm maintaining on 2450. I could've said oh my tdee is 2200 lets cut! And I would have possibly suppressed my metabolism or have a huge cut because i dont know my true tdee. Right now I will up my intake every two weeks until I gain consistently over a two week period. Next week I will be upping to 2700 calories because it seems my weight is on a downward trend but wont know for sure if its fluctuation or true loss until Thursday. Hope this helps!
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    Alicia, I totally agree that under ideal circumstances that's what we should do. Meaning, not care about gaining weight at all and have all the time we need to find out TRUE maintenance.

    Unfortunately, some of us are not that patience. Or comfortable with the weight gain for a long time. Bear in mind that some of us coming from low cal diets might need up to 6 months to do all that (i,e, firstly increase to "theoretical" tdee, then stay there for a few weeks to stabilise, then start increasing even more to see where we gain consistently)

    In my case, I would be perfectly happy if I have managed to push my tdee to around 2100! To be honest, I don't think I have, but let's say I have. So the fact that I can eat 1800 and lose it's a win for me. I agree, maybe that's not my full potential. But right now, I don't mind. Maybe in the future I will do all this again, more patiently and increase my tdee even more. But for now I would be really happy if I have managed to push my tdee a bit higher.

    What I don't know is how long the body needs to reset to a new maintenance level. So to be honest, that was my initial question :smile: I mean, even if this is not my FULL potential. but for now I'm happy with that. Has my body adapted to this new level though? Are 4+4 weeks enough (4 close to tdee and 4 at/above tdee)? That's my question...

    btw, I love what you're doing and admire your determination! you're dong it the right way and you'll get the most out of it for sure!! but again, everyone is different :-)
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    You should care about how much you weigh just not let it dictate getting your metabolism in a healthy state. I came into reset memtally prepared to possibly gain 10-20 lbs back but i havent gained anything so maybe its easier said then done. But i prepared myself for the gain. After all i wasnt in my current size or shape for very long so although id rather be smaller I'm lookin at the long term effect. If i did gain weight long term is im increasing my metabolism, getting healthy and eating more so that i can lose weight eating more and feeling better. But everyone is different and has thier preferences. I would just hate to cut too early and find out im still stalling out because i didnt eat my potential or stay in reset long enough. Time will tell whether we've reset effectively when we cut. I think another potential problem is cutting to soon and possibly gaining more weigh because of a second reset. But we all have to do what we feel is right for ourselves. Everything is a learning process. I cant say whether those total 8 weeks is enough. Thats partially why I just jumped up to 2200 because i didnt want to wonder whether those days near or at tdee counts toward reset. Ive made it a point to be at least 10 calories within my goal so i have valid data on whether im maintaining or not. You will know whether its enough or not when you cut for a few weeks
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    To be honest, I wouldn't worry at all if I hadn't gained anything when I upped the calories. Or even if I have only gained a couple of pounds

    I was also prepared for the gain mentally, but believe me it's different being prepared and having to actually deal with it. Much different!! That's why I'm saying everyone is different. So I don't think it's fair to say that I wasn't committed to it. I was. And I really tried to stay there for longer. If I hadn't gained anything I would definitely going to push it up as much as possible. Cause that would mean I would gain 2-3 pounds at most! no problem with that! But having gained 12-14lbs in 8-10 weeks is really hard, trust me! no matter how well prepared you are for it mentally

    Arghh, I'm SO jealous of you right now :tongue: :smile:
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Lol dont be jealous. And the fact that youre struggling about cutting shows committment. In the end its your decision and we really dont know anything unless we try it. Do what feels right for you and see how it goes. You should read through the reset thread. I think I read a few stories of people gaining about 20-30 lbs that stuck it out. They had the same feelings you do. But if cutting will help you by all means do it.