4/30 Lets make it a challenge day!

krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
Can you believe the end of April is here???? So to celebrate the first third of the year gone by us, let's challenge ourselves, push yourself that extra 5 or 10 minutes, the extra mile,or whatever it takes to make the next weigh in a definate for you! Lets hear from you, what will it be?

I've been biking some lately, I have been avoiding this one hill, not this time, I am going to go up it, even if I have to get off and push!!!


  • pologirl1
    pologirl1 Posts: 62 Member
    Way to go tackling the hill. I too sometimes avoid step hills due to feeling I may have to get off and push while my kids zoom right up. I plan to work out a the gym today on my lunch hour. I will add a fun activity with the kids when I get home like bike riding or one of the dancing video games. I will also start back on the 100 push ups program. Short sleeve weather I here and my arms are not ready.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    SOUNDS AWESOME! I am going to push myself to do more walk/jog intervals.... for a longer distance today. Also, I will do some squats and ab work tonight. (My arms are on a break after all the work they got yesterday haha)
  • nicf76
    nicf76 Posts: 50 Member
    Honestly I really don't want to do anything today, so I guess my challenge will be finding the energy and motivation to get up and get some sort of exercise in.
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    4/30 Committment and Challenge Day:

    Well I forgot to put my bodymedia on today because it was charging aftter work last night :(

    My committment:
    -Drink 10 glasses of water
    -Stay under my calorie goal (and not snack!)
    -Walk 1 mile at work

    My Challenge:
    -Do an Insanity Workout
    -Walk at the park (1-2 miles)
  • okishkash
    okishkash Posts: 142 Member
    My challenge for today will be to not bring work home. I will spend time with my family and get those 10,000 steps.
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    I was very tired yesterday. So I decided to rest, drink a lot of water, walk a little, and concentrate on simple household tasks.

    Today I plan to bike 3 miles and be cognizant of 5 servings of fruit/veggies and 8 glasses of water.
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    I didn't want to do anything today but I pushed myself to do my usual workout- 45 mins of Billy Blanks tae bo and 15 mins strength training. I might even go for a walk in the afternoon. :wink:
  • junkintrunk5
    junkintrunk5 Posts: 93 Member
    Challenge for today:

    I'm going to run extra today.......I'm strapping on the shoes and going for a 30 minute run for my lunch:)
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    I'll extend my run tonight by 10 minutes, making it 55 minutes. I'll push it to reach 5 miles in that time frame!
  • AmandaBlue1
    AmandaBlue1 Posts: 19 Member
    Today my challenge will be to eat less then 100 carbs, go to the gym and take a nice long walk on top of that!
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    My challenge for today will be to take the stairs in my building throughout the day (except leaving, since I work on 22nd floor!). Our company has floors up to 10 stories above mine, and one below, so I'll make the elevator off limits to myself when running between floors today.
  • missharleychick
    Okay, my commitment today is to do P90-Chest and Back (or whatever Mondays normal routine is for Week 2) and go to the gym and do 45 minutes of elliptical.

    My challenge today will be to bike for 15 minutes.

    Since I have my stupid splints, I have to go to the gym...so might as well make use of their tools.

    (I have not met a single challenge yet. My first challenge was to run 4 miles in 45 minutes, I did it in 48 minutes. My second challenge was to finish P90 - Plyo that I had not finished the previous day. I couldn't due to shin splints. By golly, dammit I am meeting todays challenge NO MATTER WHAT!!!!)
  • TheFabTam
    TheFabTam Posts: 88 Member
    Today was going to be my day of rest, because this is the one day of the week where I need to look professional more than sporty. lol After my work day is through though I will challenge myself! I will either run or plank until I cannot anymore! I think the planking is actually harder lol My commitment today tho is to stay under calorie budget. I came this close to binging on pizza and mcdonalds. It was really hard and everyone else was. i did sub comb, but managed to stay under my calorie budget.
  • nicf76
    nicf76 Posts: 50 Member
    Honestly I really don't want to do anything today, so I guess my challenge will be finding the energy and motivation to get up and get some sort of exercise in.

    Ok I did it I jogged and did a very short walk, I have to say I feel good that I got off the couch! I am planning on taking the dog for a walk tonight, so I will end up doing even more than I wanted to!
  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    I straight UP kicked *kitten* in the gym this morning!!

  • angieshubin
    angieshubin Posts: 99 Member
    Commitment: Stay w/in my calorie budget, walking at lunchtime this week
    Challenge: Walk extra mile w/speed & try a new work out video tonight after work
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    SOUNDS AWESOME! I am going to push myself to do more walk/jog intervals.... for a longer distance today. Also, I will do some squats and ab work tonight. (My arms are on a break after all the work they got yesterday haha)

    CHAAAAANGE OF PLANS! My challenge today is to clean the house up & do laundry; pack a lunch and have breakfast stuff ready, and be in bed by 9:30pm.... because tomorrow morning at 6 am I have my first PERSONAL TRAINER SESSION! :D
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    Great ideas, committment and motivation everyone! I knocked my work-out out early this morning. My son has volleyball practice at the park this evening so my extra challenge will be to walk/jog back and forth to the practice. Might even take the little doggie along for the fun!
  • Frickin_Kat
    Honestly I really don't want to do anything today, so I guess my challenge will be finding the energy and motivation to get up and get some sort of exercise in.

    Ok I did it I jogged and did a very short walk, I have to say I feel good that I got off the couch! I am planning on taking the dog for a walk tonight, so I will end up doing even more than I wanted to!

    Now THAT is inspiration!! Way to go!!!
  • Frickin_Kat
    I did my ellipticle/ incline treadmill workout this AM for my commitment. So my challenge is going to be no wine or chocolate tonight (and no substitutes). That is is big for me!!