Ren's Wedding Prep Paleo Journey

RGroenland Posts: 27 Member
Hi All,
I am getting married August 3rd of this year. I need to get my diet on track in order to lose the weight I want to for my dress.
I track my food to visually ensure I am keeping with the program. I am taking a Whole9 (Whole30) approach to the whole thing as well. If you don't know what that is you should check out their website.

Please feel free to add me as a friend(My logs are open and I am always up for comments/criticism if I am starting to slip!), throw some comments down or whatever :)
I will be using this thread to check in every now and then and to stay accountable.

Thank you and good day!


  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome. Good luck on the deadline. I have one for June 30th - the first of three Spartan races this year. I'd like to get to 10% bodyfat by then. I do not appear to be on track to make it, but that's alright. I'm going to crush the thing anyway.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    Did you just start on whole 30? You seem to be leaning a lot on fruits and there was grains on tacos and a multigrain bread? You also seem to average a pretty high carb number.
    not judging but you said to "throw it down".
  • RGroenland
    RGroenland Posts: 27 Member
    Did you just start on whole 30? You seem to be leaning a lot on fruits and there was grains on tacos and a multigrain bread? You also seem to average a pretty high carb number.
    not judging but you said to "throw it down".

    I Keep starting W30's and then fail miserably!
    I am not doing a 100% true W30 until just before the wedding as I have a bunch of events and trips coming up (yes an excuse) But I do want to maintain the W30 approach for all but those events going forward. It has been a rough couple of weeks for me diet wise.
    Other than yesterday I generally have 2 servings of fruit at the most per day.
    I wouldn't say my carbs are too high? I am training for 3 half marathons in the next few months and I also work two jobs (one of which is physical) so I generally keep my energy up with sweet potatoes at lunch.

    Judge away! I asked for help :)
    Thank you!
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    It looks like your macros may be still set to the default MFP ones that are based on the low-fat, high carb model.

    And you picked a good day. It'll be 22 years for my wife and I this August 3rd.
  • RGroenland
    RGroenland Posts: 27 Member
    It looks like your macros may be still set to the default MFP ones that are based on the low-fat, high carb model.

    And you picked a good day. It'll be 22 years for my wife and I this August 3rd.

    Congratulations! that is awesome :)

    I dont really try to hit or avoid certain macros.
    I am wondering if I should change them up... I am more using it has a diary of what I ate.
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    If you are just tracking food and not the macros then you don't need to change.

    Some people are bothered by the red numbers when they go over a macro though. :)
  • RGroenland
    RGroenland Posts: 27 Member
    May 6 -
    Really struggling with peer pressure and saying no to people. Fell off the wagon this weekend and both times were social outings. I have a feeling my trip to Halifax will be difficult. Once I get started I have trouble with taking a 'taste' of something and not finishing off the whole plate (of Nachos!).
    I feel super heavy this morning.
    On the plus side my 15km run this weekend was out in the lovely sunshine! Spring may have arrived in Calgary.
  • RGroenland
    RGroenland Posts: 27 Member
    Did so well all week! fell off the wagon this weekend after an emotional and badly planned day.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I feel you! I've tried the whole 30 a couple other times and never make it. It's tough.

    I'm getting married in September and soon i'm going to give the whole30 another go around.

    I haven't started yet, but you can feel free to add me if you want!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    May 6 -
    Really struggling with peer pressure and saying no to people. Fell off the wagon this weekend and both times were social outings. I have a feeling my trip to Halifax will be difficult. Once I get started I have trouble with taking a 'taste' of something and not finishing off the whole plate (of Nachos!).
    I feel super heavy this morning.
    On the plus side my 15km run this weekend was out in the lovely sunshine! Spring may have arrived in Calgary.

    I think Whole 30 might be a bit to much for you to commit to right now. You are going through one of the more stressful times you are ever going to face, adding in a new diet plan probably isn't going to be sustainable for you.

    Just stick to Paleo/Primal as closely as possible and don't put that added stress on yourself. 80/20 rule (stick to the diet 80% of the time and you are doing well.)
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I agree with bostonwolf. Some of us do well going all in, others need to phase things in.

    I think another thing you should look at is the reasons you're going off the path. You've mentioned emotions, peer pressure and events. Pre-planning can help you deal with events. The peer pressure and emotional eating is a whole different thing. That comes down to you wanting to treat your body well, and showing a conviction when things aren't optimal (e.g., not touching the nachos, requesting they only bring the fajita meat, onions, peppers and guacamole and 86 the rest). We are the hardest enemy we face in remaking ourselves. Don't beat yourself up when you slip, but rather learn from it.
  • bethanylaugh
    bethanylaugh Posts: 237
    If you are just tracking food and not the macros then you don't need to change.

    Some people are bothered by the red numbers when they go over a macro though. :)

    I HATE the red numbers... hahaha

    And I agree, if the pressure from people in your life is causing too much stress, it's not worth it during such an already stressful time! Do the best you can and if you have to "cheat" don't let yourself feel guilty - think about how much better you're doing than before you went Paleo :)

    AND I agree with amisnercpa as well... pre-planning can be absolutely crucial in keeping it up. I plan 3-4 days of lunches at a time so I don't get lazy at work and cheat :)
  • RGroenland
    RGroenland Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you everyone for the continued support!
    I do plan my meals out for the most part and that is why during the week it is so easy for me. Same breakfast and lunch every single day. Dinners have been tricky lately because of how busy I am with a second job & part time/evening schooling twice a week. But I am happy to say I have not hit up a fast food place yet. I do wish there was a better bar or shake I could down on those nights. I dont have time or the ability to eat much real food. (I can't heat anything, and I can't use a fork/knife, nor can I sit there crunching on raw veggies). The Elevate Me bars seem to have the least amount of non-real food (only whey protein powder) and give me enough energy to get through a class. I do stick with the Banana Nut flavor because it does not contain Sunflower Oil or added cane sugars like the other flavors.

    Weekends are my tough spot.
    Going to Halifax on Friday for a race, eating out a lot & eating with folks who do not understand or care to hear about my food Preferences. That is when I usually cave. I will do my best, stick to salads and I should be good for breakfasts/lunches. A bit of wine will be consumed that is for sure. My goal is to stay Gluten Free for the whole trip!! That is my biggest/most painful trip up.

    I hope everyone is doing great :)
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    When I'm traveling and get into a pinch, I like to have some snack bags of various nuts (walnuts, almonds, mixed nuts). These provide enough fat (good fat) to get me through to my next meal. I'll carry several in my backpack so they're always handy.

    I've been using Dr. Mercola's Miracle Whey (the unflavored version). It will mix with water and gives me a good chunk of protein without much fat or carbs (2 grams each). I only do that to get protein in when I'm in a place where I won't have access to appropriate meat, fish or eggs.