
srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
Hello there and thanks for joining! This is a great spot to introduce yourself and what your goals are! I finally had time to share mine later in the post.




  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi, I'm Vicky, just turned 28 and live in London. Overall Iv lost approx 50lbs going from 220 to 171 and have been at a plateau since September. I keep gaining and losing the same two pounds.
    Iv lost countless inches in that time and what I see in the mirror isn't half bad. My target is 150lbs which puts me at the upper end of my health weight range.
    I exercise outdoor with a personal trainer in a group setting which I really enjoy.
    Starting on Saturday I am trying to cut back further on sweets, chocolate etc. Me and the hubby have a holiday booked to New York for our first wedding anniversary and would love to be able to rock a cute pair of shorts.

    Looking forward to seeing more people here
  • biggirlfd
    biggirlfd Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Ava, I think this is a great challenge for 51 days. I am not great at exercising but today is good day to start. This will hopefully jumpstart me to be more active.

    I feel at the end of the 51 days I will be better then day 1. Some days I feel like I am back sliding but this will keep me challenged to move forward. Much success to us all !!!!!
  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    Hi, I'm Nikki.... I live in Los Angeles! :)

    I struggled with weight most of my life and the highest I weighed was 188/189.

    I just got married on April 5th and haven't been consistent with my diet since. I'm trying to get back into a great routine. I've hovered in the 130s for the last 3 years, got down to 128 for my wedding. I want to get back under 125, and ultimately under 115.

    Starting tomorrow I've decided to take public transportation to work instead of drive. This includes 1 mile of walking. So that's at least a jump start in activity. Then I hope that motivates me to get back on my runs, hikes, and gym routine
  • bhealthyagain
    bhealthyagain Posts: 41 Member
    Hi, I'm 27, 5'1 and I've always been average....until I had kids. After my first one I managed to lose 45 lbs. This second baby has been a little more difficult. I keep gaining. I have lost 5 lbs (fluctuating) since i started at the beginning of April but nothing past that. I would love to be back at my healthy weight (115-120lbs). I don't really like sweet stuff, but I have an issue with late night snacking and over eating at dinner. I love meat, i don't want to give it up. I want to be healthy for my girls, show them the proper nutrition for life! I also want to feel good about myself again... which i haven't been lately. I avoid mirrors and i am DREADING beach days! All of that needs to change!! No better time than the present!

    I am so looking forward to being a healthier, more fit version of myself!!
  • ManduhPanda
    ManduhPanda Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm Amanda, soon to be 27 and, of course, the heaviest I've ever been.

    I used to run (ran a few 5k's and a half marathon in 2011) and I would like to get back out there. Currently, I attend a woman's fitness class that is similar to CrossFit and I LOVE it.

    My goal for the next 51 days is to get my eating under control: keeping away from the vending machine, packing food from home, and taking breaks throughout the day to walk around the office. I'd also like to get back to running 3x a week.

    It would also be great to feel comfortable in my body, no matter where I am with weight loss/fitness.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Welcome welcome welcome everyone! It's so great to see that people are willing to share their stories! I promise I'll add a little more about me. Feel free to add me as a friend. I promise I'm not mean ;)

  • kels1152
    kels1152 Posts: 74
    Hi Everyone! I'm Kelsey and I'm 25.
    I've always been into fitness and I love working out and I'm glad I do. I always say that if I didn't work out then I wouldn't be able to fit into my "skinny" jeans :)
    I've ran a few 1/2 marathons along with some 10ks and 5ks as well as mud runs. I did ToughMudder last year and I will be doing it again in June :):) It's an awesome race. I'm also signed up for the color run and warrior dash this year with my fiance :)

    My struggle has always been with nutrition. Sometimes i just crave sugar/something yummy, especially after dinner but then I always want more. My biggest challenge is definitely snacking past 8pm. I know that if I could control that, many issues I have could be diminished.

    I'm not overweight but I would like to get down 5-10lbs.
    I'm 5'7 and I'm right around 145. My heaviest was around 157 and that was a few years ago. I started Insanity almost a month ago and I've gained 2 lbs! i was 142 when I initially started it so I'm not too happy about that but I will be doing measurements at the end of this week to see if there are any changes in inches. I would love to get down to 135 especially by November since thats when my wedding is :) I really just want to tone up, especially in my stomach area since that's where my fat likes to sleep :)

    Feel free to add me and i look forward to seeing where we're all at in 51 days!
  • Jewels_in_the_rough
    Jewels_in_the_rough Posts: 39 Member
    I'm Julie, and I'm a 24 year old college student. I live in Oregon. Last year I was able to get down from 170 to about 145 (I'm 5'3), but have since quit and went back up to 155, and I'm determined to not let it get any higher. Right now, I go for a 3 mile run about 4-5 times a week, but I'm hoping to increase my workouts, either by duration, intensity, or both. I have access to the school gym, and I'm not taking advantage of it right now.

    Anyway, my overall goal is to weigh about 130-135. I would be happy to get to 140 by the beginning of summer. I know it's going to take a lot of work, but I know it's going to be worth it.
  • joannanm
    joannanm Posts: 13
    Hi! I'm Joanna, 26 and live in Kansas. I have only been on mfp for about 3 weeks, but have found it has been extremely helpful in getting me on the right track to losing weight. So far, I've lost 4lbs and have about 12 more to go.
    I try to work out every day - even if it is just a walk. I have been doing the Jillian Michaels dvd (6 week 6 pack) 4-5 days a week in combination with running/jogging/walking on my treadmill. Good luck to everyone and feel free to add me : )
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hey I'm Heather, 31. I've been losing consistently, working out consistently, and doing well. I always like a challenge to keep me accountable and to meet new peeps. I'm currently training for a few 5k obstacle races. I have a team race that I have not committed to at the end of June... I don't want to be the slow one on the team lol.. and a rugged maniac race in september. My next goal weight is 145, I weight in at 159 today and then probably to 130 before I'm satisfied with my body. Nice to meet all of you.
  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Meredith from sunny North East Florida! I am 31 years young and have a gorgeous 2 year old. I put on about 20 extra pounds after mini-me was born but I am back down to 145. Which is GREAT but now I want to be back to my "fighting" weight of 135. I have been at this weight for awhile, allowing everything to come between me and getting back to healthy but NO MORE EXCUSES!!!

    51 days to get my butt in gear and be ready for bikini/minis/shorts.

    I am so ready to do this!!! BRING IT ON!!!
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Hi, I am Josie, just posted my stats/goals in the other section. I am 47, married, only 4-legged kids, live in Central PA. I believe I am dealing with the struggles of weight loss and body changing that come from perimenopause... Hoping to be more accountable logging food. Recently went gluten free and feeling better health-wise (bloating minimal, less headaches). Work has been a real stress for me lately so I am sure that is not helping things. I have my 30 year class reunion June 29th and I want to look fantastic. My vanity weight would be to lose a good 15 pounds but I think I would be good with 10... I hope I can inspire and please feel free to give me a good kick in the pants if I need it! :drinker:
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Oh crap! Just realized I am the old lady here! :laugh:
  • LoveKNK
    LoveKNK Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am pretty new to MFP, but am looking for like minded people who have set a goal and are diligently working toward that goal. I would like to lose 25lbs, but more than that I want to gain health, feel better and get that positive mo-jo you get from being active! Thanks for adding me to the group! :happy:
  • krisgood58
    Hi, I am Kris from FL. Turning 55 in July and every year I tell myself this will be the year I get my weight under control. I was always just a bit overweight when I was younger (except for several years in my 30s when I got slim) but when I hit 40 developed thyroid disease and really packed the pounds on. I am approaching menopause and over the last year began accumulating the dreaded belly fat that makes it impossible to find clothes that fit properly. I have always been athletic and currently walk my dog 4-5 miles per day and run a couple of miles 2-3 times per week. Need to get back to strength training (have a full set of dumbbells and a bench) and pilates. My goal is to track more consistently, eat cleaner and exercise more. I would like to lose 30 pounds. Look forward to participating in the group -- thanks for starting it!
  • deemartin2
    deemartin2 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi all, I'm Dee. I'm 23 and from the tri-state area, PA to be exact. I'm currently 141 with a starting weight of of 147. I'm hoping to drop do to 120 lbs as of right now. Then see what direction I'd like to go in from there. It's not a huge amount to lose but I'm extremely short (4'9") so it will make a huge difference. I think this will be a fun way to keep motivated and to reach that goal.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    OK...I have some time so let me tell you all about me since I started this challenge.

    Thank you for joining. I hope that I be provide some inspiration and learn from all of you! As humans, life is fluid and we are constantly changing. I hope to bring in tips/tricks from all of you. I'm going to get pretty personal because I want to encourage everyone to be POSITIVE and UNDERSTANDING of one another. We are all here for the same reason: to live healthy life styles.

    About me:

    My name is Sierra. I'm 26 years old and live in Northern California. I primarily grew up here and went to college in San Diego. I have always struggled with my weight and accepting myself for who I am. My friends have always been beautiful, thin, attractive people. I don't think almost any of them have ever struggled with being obese a day in their life. I know that everyone has their own body issues but they have always been thinner. I, on the other hand, was not despite being an athlete. For some reason, I was just always bigger. I became more out-going when I was a junior in high school and now I'm the resident extrovert.

    Growing up, I had (still have quite frequently) body image issues. While I was/am extroverted, easily make friends, natural athlete, I never felt pretty or attractive. I always felt like the DUFF (designated ugly fat friend). Even to this day when I go out with my girl friends, I carry that chip on my shoulder. :'( (Mom, don't start crying...thanks). I am not ashamed to say that I have body image issues and I have serious issues with it. In some ways, I have tied my self-worth to how I look and in my mind, I know that is sad. I know that I am more than what I look like, however, that is how my mind works. I do not see myself as being beautiful or attractive. I do not see myself as being someone of high self worth. It is a struggle which I face daily. Every.single.freaking.day. I wish that it were different, but the fact is, it's not.

    "Comparison is the thief of joy."

    I am a firm believer that beauty is more than skin deep but it's quite hard when we live in such a superficial society that pushes ideas that many of us (men and women) do not fit. I do not fit those standards and I never will. Let's start with the fact that I am all of five feet tall -- last time I checked, I'm even below average in height.

    I went through an AWFUL break-up at the beginning of the year (January). I never felt worse about my life or myself until I went through this break-up. It was not my first break-up but he was my first love.

    "Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along." -- Rae Smith.

    It was in those lowest moments after the break-up where I had to rebuild myself from the inside and I was trying to truthfully figure out what makes me happy, that I focused on the outside. I ran a few races in the previous years, but this year, I realized that while I'm not an excellent runner, running makes me happy. So, I signed up for MANY races and even a full marathon! Running was something I could do to start off and think and as my runs get longer, I don't think and I'm focusing on completing the task. I combined running with a strength training program (Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer) and started seeing results. WOW! It was amazing to see my body start to transform. For the first time in my life, I felt good about me and who I am because I felt like I looked good. I finally felt like I looked like the athlete I always have been.

    It was during my runs and post-workouts were I thought about who I really am and what I want to accomplish. Not just with exercise, but in life. With that, I started to finally be proud of who I am. I started to find a confidence in me that has never existed.

    This last month I've spent partying and honestly enjoying life (post-break plans that all came to fruition this month) -- perhaps a little too much because I've inched up the scale (hehe). Currently, I weigh about 136 lbs and stand at 5 feet tall. Weight is nothing but a number, but I want to feel good about myself everyday. Unfortunately for me, my demon in how I feel about myself is tied to my body. I believe that the ideal weight for me rests around 120 lbs because I would prefer to look athletic. I don't think I can lose 16lbs by June 21 but I do know that I can lose at least 10 in a healthy way.

    My goal, by the first day of summer is to be 125 lbs and rock that bathing suit I bought in February like a beast! I would also like to be able to feel good about myself more days than not.

    "All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
  • TheLotus
    TheLotus Posts: 1
    Hello, My name is Celeste and I just want abs for the summer and to be able to fit into my size 2 jeans again :I
    I LOVE to hula hoop, run on the treadmill, Kayak, and swim. I'm not so great with ab workouts because i cant touch my toes, i cant do sit-ups properly, but if i lay on my stomach, i can bend backwards until my feet touch my face XD
  • krisgood58
    Thanks for sharing all of that Sierra. I totally get where you are coming from. I think you have a very healthy attitude and are doing some great "work." I mentioned that I have always struggled with my weight and that the approach of menopause and thyroid disease have made the struggle harder; however, I know I have been using those issues as excuses. I was slim during two periods of my life. When I was in high school I dropped the weight a very unhealthy way, after a coach made a remark that the girls on the team would perform better if they weighed less. I went from 133 to 113 in weeks and looked great (to me) and awful (to others). I could not maintain that weight for long and went back to my set point of 133. In my early 30s I lost weight again, going down to a reasonable 122 at just under 5'3". I exercised a lot and tracked my food and kept the weight off for several years. I remember how good it felt to be able to shop for clothes so easily and feel comfortable in a bathing suit. I felt good in my own skin as they say. Fast forward to late 30s and job stress, then thyroid disease, then peri-menopause, and here I am. 5"2 and 1/2 (need that half inch) and closing in on 160. Will weigh and measure myself tomorrow. Feel so sluggish and unattractive even though I do a lot of cardio. Tired of panicking every time we get invited somewhere because i have nothing nice that fits me. Wanting to wear a bathing suit again. Happy to be joining a group of people who are wanting to make changes!!!
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Hi all, I'm Dee. I'm 23 and from the tri-state area, PA to be exact. I'm currently 141 with a starting weight of of 147. I'm hoping to drop do to 120 lbs as of right now. Then see what direction I'd like to go in from there. It's not a huge amount to lose but I'm extremely short (4'9") so it will make a huge difference. I think this will be a fun way to keep motivated and to reach that goal.

    Yeah Another PA person!!