


  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story Sierra... and if that is you in the pic, you neither fat nor ugly... you are gorgeous!

    We all must remember that real beauty comes from within. We must all stop calling ourselves bad names, fat, ulgy, lazy.... If you have a beautiful heart you are a beautiful person and that is what others see.

    Yes I compare myself to others and turn green with envy at times for what my body will probably never be, but as long as I am making the best choices and doing what is right for my body most of the time, that is something to be proud of.

    So no getting down on yourself if you slip up. You have have great days, bad days, great weeks, bad weeks. The important thing is to not let those days or weeks continue on a downward spiral. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and get right back on track. Life happens and I know personally I am not going to sacrifice a good time with friends/family for fear of gaining weight or worrying about every thing I put in my mouth. Life is too darn short... live, laugh, love and do it every day!
  • Hi, I am Rachel and I am 32 from Pittsburgh. I have slowly, but steadily, gained about 50 pounds over the past few years and today I weighed in higher than ever before - I broke 200. Holy crap that was a slap in the face. I have always been heavy for my size, if that makes sense and I am not overly concentrated on lb's but 200 is HIGH! I am planning on doing my areas Tough Mudder and I refuse to back out.
    I am here because I need support and because I know I can be there to help push others along. I will put on a bathing suit this summer!
    Bring it on:)
    Please feel free to add me if you want to help keep one another motivated.
  • yasi27
    yasi27 Posts: 1
    Hi all,
    I have never joined a group on MFP before, but there is no time like the present!
    My name is Yas, I'm 27, 5'8'' and currently about 150 lbs. I was never overweight until I was in my 20s. I gained 50+ lbs in my early 20s form being largely sedentary due to illness, and also bad eating out of boredom. I lost all that, and then broke my back! So three months of bed rest and I had lost all of my muscle mass and gained all of it back. After that, I worked very hard at my rehabilitation and getting my body strong and healthy again. within 8 months I was down to 136lbs and fit and healthy and happy. I then mysteriously became more and more ill over the course of a year, and gained lots of weight (stopped weighing myself once I reached 170 lbs) despite the fact that I was barely eating. I became weaker and weaker and fatter and fatter. As it turns out, I was recently diagnosed with celiac disease, and now that I have been gluten free for 4 months I am able to go to the gym and move around more and more. Recovery is slow, but promising. Anyhow, all of this has happened in the last 6 years, so my weight has been a journey for me. I don't want it to be anymore. I want to be healthy, fit, have lots of energy and be proud of my body. My ultimate weight loss goal is 120 lbs. But honestly, I don't care about the number, I'm more concerned with how I feel about my body and getting back into my favourite jeans, no matter what the scale says. My birthday is at the very beginning of summer and I would like to be 140 lbs by then if I made it to 135 I would be ecstatic!
    I eat well the majority of the time and I exercise as often as my body allows, that is currently 2-5 times a week :) I like the gym and I love being outside, and this year I joined a baseball team, despite not knowing how to play baseball... yikes! My goal from now until summer is to continue to eat well. Cut down on emotional eating. Exercise more and start walking outside again now that the temperature is in the positive digits. Oh man, I want to wear a bikini this summer and go to a water park!!! Thanks to everyone who has posted so far. Very supportive and encouraging. I would love to have a great support group so please add me if you are up for that!
    Good luck everyone!
  • Hello all!! U am new at this but I am ready to take weight loss serious. Nine weeks ago I welcomed my second daughter (my first is 7years old). I am currently breastfeeding and I have found it difficult to do jumping jacks and other movements that require a lot of movement (LOL). I have a really difficult time with being an emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy, sad, frustrated, or whatever, I eat! So I am really on here seeking support and words of encouragement. I am excited about this challenge and I have a goal to do Pilates and yoga as well as strength training to reach my goal of losing 2 lbs. a week. I also will be working towards adding more veggies and fruits by eating them for my snack three times a day. Feel free to friend me, I also want to be able to encourage and support others as well, hopefully to build friendships. Thanks and good luck to all!
  • Ms_Cindyrella
    Ms_Cindyrella Posts: 61 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Cindy and I am a foodaholic.
    I tell my grown kids that I have been carrying them for almost 30 yrs, baby fat that is :)
    Anyways, its late right now, I just wanted to join a group and get started on this new bod I have been dreaming of, ready to make it a reality.
    I will come back tommorrow and have all the measurements and such to get started.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Hello to all the courageous, brave, determined folk who have come before, or may still come after!

    My name is Kyt, and I am in the TX/OK area and in school. I started my journey up around 415 (not sure, since I didn't start MFP until I had dropped to around 385.) I have steadily - at an almost frightening pace - lost 83 pounds to date. However, things are starting to plateau, and I'm starting to bumble around the 302 mark.

    This journey started with an unexpected weight loss, which my family and I THINK may be related to my recent diagnosis with diabetes. (And, I HATE having to admit I've got it!) Because of this, I have had to make some rather drastic changes in eating habits which will be with me for the rest of my life if I intend to continue to control this monster without recourse to medications. (NOT a good idea, since my metabolism and medications tend to fight, rather than cooperate. UGH!)

    I'm not typically the one to reach out a helping hand first, if someone asks for help, however I WILL bend over backwards to either offer what help I can, or to help them find the help they need. I do not judge anyone, though if asked, I am a good "watch dog" and know how to use a set of cooked noodles to splat someone effectively if tasked to do so. I also, tend to be a lurker, more than I respond unless it is in a one-on-one situation.

    Thank you Sierra for starting this group, because I think it is what I need to help keep me on track during the summer break from school. I have a FEW friends who are helping me with my main goal - get and keep my carbs under control (under 150 g total, no more than 50 g per main meal time)

    However, I also am needing help in just the opposite of most folks here. Because I AM so heavy, and I love my swimming, or walking around a zoo, or weight lifting routine, I tend to have MONSTER calorie burns (if I'm under 500, I've had a HORRID day because the burn is too low.) Because of the carb restriction, I have trouble MEETING my calorie goal when I exercise, which is the other BIG goal I'm striving for.

    So, in summary for this summer:

    Continue to swim 3 - 4 times per week for an hour or more
    Continue to lift 2 - 3 times per week
    Carbs under 150 for the day or 50 per MAIN meal time
    MEET my calorie goal for the day to get the scale moving again while keeping the inches peeling off
    (and not food related, but health important - break my last bad habit: smoking. I'm down quite a bit, but just can't seem to leave the stupid cancer sticks alone!)

    Measurements are updated monthly on my profile picture. Though, if you want, I can copy them into another post.

    edited for measurement information
  • Peg_M
    Peg_M Posts: 34
    Hi My name is Peg and I am 53. My goal is to be in onederland by summer right now I'm at 212. My highest was 242 went down to 205 and stayed there for ever....... got really discouraged and gave up. Went back up to 223 so here I am again . I didn't do anything on MFP except log last time so this time I am asking for help and hope I can give others help in return. I do really well at logging and am trying to walk and bike 5 x a week. I have a broken arm right now so am limited on some of the things I want to.
  • xojessieannexo
    xojessieannexo Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! I'm Jesse I live in beautiful Colorado!! I've always been overweight. I've probably lost 40 lbs over the whole process already. I lost 30 lbs my last time on MFP then deleted my account to start completly over. This time around I have lost 16 lbs. I'm currently 152. Lowest is 150.6. I have just over 10 lbs before my major goal! Then I will see where i want to go from there! 51 days until my vacation! I would love to be 140-145 by then! We will see!! Nice to meet all of you! :)
  • kbprado
    kbprado Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! First off... Thank you, Sierra, for starting up this group! :) I love all the positive vibes in this group already.

    My name is Kristine, and I'm originally from Sacramento, CA. I currently live in the socal area, the Inland Empire to be more specific (about an hour east of LA). I never enjoyed being active as a kid or a teen because I was very intimidated by sports, and I didn't pay much attention to what I ate. As a result, I've been overweight my entire life. It didn't help that my relatives and even my parents would point out that I'm heavier than the "average" girl. I've struggled with body image for so long, and I always envied my friends, past and present, who could eat whatever they wanted and never gain a pound. It wasn't until recently that I decided to do something about how I looked. I also want to be healthier so that I can enjoy all that life has to offer without worrying about serious problems later on.

    I've recently gotten into running, and so far, I'm really liking it. It was difficult to start at first, and at times it’s painful, but it got easier (or I just got better at it.) It challenges me, yet relaxes me at the same time. The more I keep at it, the better I become at it. I’m always looking to improve with it. I have my easy days with it, and then there are my off days with it. But even so, I can’t see myself doing without it. It makes me feel stronger. It pushes me. I've accepted that I may never be an Elite runner, and I'm more than okay with that.

    I also started seeing results when I included weight lifting and interval training to my routine as well as played around with diet. I attempted to go vegetarian in February 2013, and I went paleo for 2 weeks in March 2013. In these past few months of 2013, I've realized that no diet or exercise regime is created equal. When it comes to exercise, you really have to pick an activity that you'll enjoy and stick with. It's also important to challenge yourself. My best friend told me that if cardio gets too easy, you have to switch it up or kick up the intensity. As for diet, I couldn't fully commit to either the vegetarian or paleo diets, so I'm currently eating clean. (But when I'm with company, I do enjoy the "cheat" stuff every once in awhile. I don't beat myself up for it. It's called a treat for a reason, right?)

    As for progress and goals?
    SW: 165lbs in November 2012 (size 11-12)
    CW: fluctuates between 146-150lbs (in between a size 8-10)
    GW: 130lbs would be ideal (size 6ish)

    I'm not so fixated on my weight anymore though. For now, I've decided to focus on building longer distance for running and let the results follow. :)

    Feel free to add me! I look forward to reading about your journeys to better health and well-being.
  • br0hammer
    br0hammer Posts: 81 Member
    Hi I have lost 140 pounds on here in one year and 2 months looking for friends
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Hi everyone! First off... Thank you, Sierra, for starting up this group! :) I love all the positive vibes in this group already.

    My name is Kristine, and I'm originally from Sacramento, CA. I currently live in the socal area, the Inland Empire to be more specific (about an hour east of LA). I never enjoyed being active as a kid or a teen because I was very intimidated by sports, and I didn't pay much attention to what I ate. As a result, I've been overweight my entire life. It didn't help that my relatives and even my parents would point out that I'm heavier than the "average" girl. I've struggled with body image for so long, and I always envied my friends, past and present, who could eat whatever they wanted and never gain a pound. It wasn't until recently that I decided to do something about how I looked. I also want to be healthier so that I can enjoy all that life has to offer without worrying about serious problems later on.

    I've recently gotten into running, and so far, I'm really liking it. It was difficult to start at first, and at times it’s painful, but it got easier (or I just got better at it.) It challenges me, yet relaxes me at the same time. The more I keep at it, the better I become at it. I’m always looking to improve with it. I have my easy days with it, and then there are my off days with it. But even so, I can’t see myself doing without it. It makes me feel stronger. It pushes me. I've accepted that I may never be an Elite runner, and I'm more than okay with that.

    I also started seeing results when I included weight lifting and interval training to my routine as well as played around with diet. I attempted to go vegetarian in February 2013, and I went paleo for 2 weeks in March 2013. In these past few months of 2013, I've realized that no diet or exercise regime is created equal. When it comes to exercise, you really have to pick an activity that you'll enjoy and stick with. It's also important to challenge yourself. My best friend told me that if cardio gets too easy, you have to switch it up or kick up the intensity. As for diet, I couldn't fully commit to either the vegetarian or paleo diets, so I'm currently eating clean. (But when I'm with company, I do enjoy the "cheat" stuff every once in awhile. I don't beat myself up for it. It's called a treat for a reason, right?)

    As for progress and goals?
    SW: 165lbs in November 2012 (size 11-12)
    CW: fluctuates between 146-150lbs (in between a size 8-10)
    GW: 130lbs would be ideal (size 6ish)

    I'm not so fixated on my weight anymore though. For now, I've decided to focus on building longer distance for running and let the results follow. :)

    Feel free to add me! I look forward to reading about your journeys to better health and well-being.

    xoxo <3 My hs friend! Thanks for joining Kristine!
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    To everyone who has joined and posted their stories here...WOW. I am impressed with how much each person has really opened up to a group of people in which they have never met. This is only the beginning to 51 days of WONDERFUL things that will happen.

    I am so glad to see how much motivation everyone has~! Tomorrow....we fully begin if you haven't already! I'll be posting my stats.

    "Let your past make you better, not bitter."

  • rnl1993
    rnl1993 Posts: 13
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Becca. I'm 20 years old. I am a full time college student. Getting my associates this May then continuing on for more! I plan to become an English professor at a college level. I also work part time at a restaurant as a host. I live in the wonderful and incredibly hot Phoenix, Arizona.

    I have always been considered overweight and have struggled my entire life with self-esteem and having confidence. I've tried fad diets in the past but have never been to serious. This time I am serious and committed to not only losing weight but gaining a better and healthier lifestyle! I'm currently at 174lbs. I want to reach 150lbs then evaluate from there to see how much more I want to lose.

    My immediate goals are to successfully complete the 30 Day Shred Challenge. I'm on day 5 tomorrow! Fit into a bikini this summer and feel confident in it. Drop down to at least a size 10 before the end of the summer.
  • Hey everyone! I'm Ashley and I'm 24. I'm 5'2" and currently 147lbs. I struggle with under eating and overeating due to a medical condition so the weight loss is slow to make sure I'm healthy. I'm a runner and love working out! I have the marine corps marathon in October so I'm training for that. I usually eat healthy and try to stay away from processed foods. I've aLways been overweight, even now I'm still 12lbs away from a healthy bmi. But i will get there! I'm the end though all i want us to be happy and healthy. If i focus on exercise and eating right and weight loss as a perk then hopefully it won't seem like it's taking so long. Feel free to add me!
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129

    I'm Sarah. I'm 37 years old, and I live in the Tampa, FL area. I am married with four very active teenagers and a full time job, which means I have very little time to devote to myself.

    A couple years ago I lost around 37 lbs using MFP, and I had integrated physical fitness into a natural part of my life, biking to work instead of driving, playing tennis with my sister on the weekends, etc. Then my sister hurt her back and I accepted a new position that was 50 miles away and the time constraints did me in. I left MFP and gained about 50 lbs. When I started back up again I weighed in at over 216 lbs, which is much too close to my heaviest weight ever, which was 220.

    Currently I am at 210 lbs. I know that I can do this, I just have to take small steps towards a larger goal and be realistic.

    I'm excited about this group, and look forward to getting to know all of you!!
  • Hi everyone!

    I am Rochelle. I'm 35 and currently in Texas. I had my first and likely only child 10 months ago and I am trying to lose the baby weight plus the adult weight. :laugh: I have been overweight most of my life with the exception of my teens and early 20's when I managed to keep it off for about 10 years. It all found me again. I was in the process of getting fit in hopes of getting pregnant and/or preparing for my life without a child if that's the way my story unfolded. I was gifted by the universe and my body with an awesome baby who sucks all of my time up. I also work full-time. It hasn't been until the last 3 weeks that I have had a single second to exercise. In that time I started using MFP and have lost 10 lbs. I would like to lose much more, but honestly the most important thing is I want to feel good again. I am so tired of being tired.

    We are taking a trip in July to see my husband's family in Oregon. I haven't seen many of these people in a long time and I really want to feel good about myself. I want to fit comfortably in the airplane seat. I want to not feel 90 getting up off the floor from playing with my child.

    So here I am and I'm dedicated. Let's do this!
  • Elly115
    Elly115 Posts: 27 Member
    Wow Sierra! Thanks for being so open and awesome! I loved the quote you mentioned "Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along." -- Rae Smith.

    Beautiful! & thanks everyone for sharing your weight loss journeys, inspiring!

    About me; I'm Eleana but people call me Elly for short. Im from New York and have been on MFP for a year on and off. I have been dealing with my weight pretty much my entire life but Ive also been very active most of my life as well. My problem has always been my EATING which I began to realize when I left for college and quit all the sports teams and had an enormous amount of unhealthy foods at my finger tips aka 'dining hall's and I managed to put on 40+lbs from freshman year to junior year.

    To make a long story story, I got into boxing which I LOVE! amazing work out and its also nice to know you can kick some *kitten*! and lost 15lbs. Then I started Medifast which was a meal replacement and lost another 45lbs which was AMAZING! Got to a weight I Never thought I could see again, similar to junior high school days. But once I got off I realized I didn't know how to follow a healthy diet with out the meals and but on 30 of those 45lbs lost. NOW im back on here finally researching and studying how food effect the body and meal preping. I have lost 5lbs so far and I just started the Insanity Program which I love. In the middle of week 2 and I hope to loss about 20lb by summer which means 2 lbs a week. My CW is 213

    Wish the best of luck to everyone, and feel free to add me for support :)
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Once again, welcome welcome welcome to everyone!