Shall I start reset? need some opinions...



  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    Well ... I am jealous, can't help it :smile:
    But I have to deal with what I have right now. And that is a suppressed metabolism and my willing to not gain any more weight. So I guess I'll need to cut short and see if these few weeks of reset have actually done ANY good!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Well ... I am jealous, can't help it :smile:
    But I have to deal with what I have right now. And that is a suppressed metabolism and my willing to not gain any more weight. So I guess I'll need to cut short and see if these few weeks of reset have actually done ANY good!

    Have you gotten your RMR checked? I had a scare with mine a few weeks ago (it tested at 878 which seemed wrong, so we re-did it and it was 1771)...and it really opened my eyes to how important it is to let the metabolism repair itself. The thing is if you think your metabolism is suppressed and you cut too early, your metabolism could potentially reset at your cut level rather than maintenance, so you'll plateau quickly and have to reset again. I'm really hoping that doesn't happen for you, but just know that it could.

    Just as a side note, I did have to start wearing my bigger pants (size 16) again towards the end of my extended reset, but I'm back in my smaller ones (size 12) two weeks into my cut.'s possible if you body is ready to cut, you'll be right back where you were pretty quickly. I'm hopeful that cutting early will go well for you! It does for some. I had a terribly history of restriction, so my journey has been one of patience and faith. You'll get through this! As I kept repeating to myself, it took me years to get to the bad place I was in before EM2WL, so it might take years for my metabolism to recover and pull me out of it.
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Well ... I am jealous, can't help it :smile:
    But I have to deal with what I have right now. And that is a suppressed metabolism and my willing to not gain any more weight. So I guess I'll need to cut short and see if these few weeks of reset have actually done ANY good!
    well just let us know how it goes. Hope it goes well for you.
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    @holleysings : I had it tested and it was 1560. which is ok I think... I also have a history of restriction, but the last few months (actually since last October) I have made an effort to increased my eating and had several higher calorie days. I am A LOT worried that I will stall, but my real concern is to stall before I manage to loose the weight I have gained. Cause if I manage to loose those 12lbs and then stall and the level I'm cutting (around 1850) then I'll be really happy. Cause that would mean I can maintain at 1850ish. Not ideal but better than 1300 or 1400! Now, if I don't manage to loose at this level, I'll be in real trouble. As I'll be taking steps back. we shall see :-) thanks for the support!

    @alicia : thanks again, will surely let you know. I'll be around :-)
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    How and where do you get your RMR checked ..?? X
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Had mine done at an exercise and metabolism college research lab.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    How and where do you get your RMR checked ..?? X

    I got mine tested at my gym. Lots of health places have the testing equipment!
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    Is it a lot of money .??
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    I got it done for free, but for student and faculty it is $50. For outsiders not sure. But I know a few places where prices range from $150-200. $50 at the uni is very cheap seeing as it state of the art equipment and athletes and competitors are always there tracking bf% and making sure they are in tip top shape.
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    I had mine tested at a dietician. Paid in euros though (50 euros last year) so that's not very helpful lol!

    150-200$ sounds a lot to me by the way, but then again I don't know. Different countries, different prices! Check at your gym first and if not you can look for a local health centre/dietician
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    Ok I'm in UK .... I may look up dieticians in the area. I'm a hospital nurse ... Wonder about them .. But I don't suppose they have the equiptment .! And I'm not a member if a gym ... I have my own little home gym with weight rack abd bench and a treadmill :-)
    I have a thyroid disorder ... But well medicated according to my blood results ...
    I will look into it ...
    Thanks guys for the advice x