Super Summer Challenge: Starting!



  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    As of May 1, 2013 (6:50 am PST)

    Name: Sierra
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'0"

    SW: 136.0
    GW: 125.0 (11 lbs -- a lot considering I'm only 5 feet tall!)
    Neck: 13.25 in
    Arms: 12 in
    Bust: 36.5 in
    Waist: 29
    Hips: 39 in
    Thighs: 23.5 in
  • mylifemadelite
    Name: Rochelle
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'9"

    SW: 297.4
    CW: 287.6
    Neck: 16.5
    Chest: 42.5
    Waist: 41.75
    Hips: 52.25
    Thigh: 30
    Calf: 19.5

    I was about 255 and losing steadily when I got pregnant. Now 10 months post partum I am trying to get back down and keep going. My immediate goal is to lose 2 lbs a week until our vacation at the end of July which would put me at a 22 lb loss. I just joined a group who are not going to weigh in for the month of May. I work full-time so time is tight. Right now I jump on the Stairmaster for 30 minutes in the mornings MWF and walk for 20 minutes during my lunch M-F. On the weekends I try to stay active with my family through walking or hiking. I will also try to fit in another cardio session on the Stairmaster if time permits. I will start a calisthenics routine three days a week starting tomorrow and will do that TThSat. I also started a squat challenge with a FB group and will be doing that for the next 30 days.

    Whew. Good luck everyone!
  • ManduhPanda
    ManduhPanda Posts: 4 Member
    Amanda W.
    Weighed in this morning: 164.5lbs
    26 (27 next week!)

    Lose 1lb per week, ending May at 160lbs
    Attend GFit class 4x a week, giving it my all each time
    Take 20 mins walk at lunch 3x a week
    Do a pushup challenge

    Let's kick butt this month!
  • meghanmaeandrews
    meghanmaeandrews Posts: 53 Member
    Name: Meghan
    Age: 36
    Height: 5-4
    Weight: 184.8
    Size: 14
    Chest (breasts): 41.5
    Waist (belly button): 37
    Hips: 44.5
    Thigh (L - mid thigh): 24
    Calf (L): 15.5
    Upper Arm (L): 13
    Thigh (R - mid thigh): 24.25
    Calf (R):15.75
    Upper Arm (R):13

    Goals: 172 by the end of June when my parents come to visit. They have NO idea how well I have been doing with my weight loss. I would love to show them a huge difference. I was over 200lbs the last time they saw me.
    I am also trying to tone up to. I have no idea how quickly i can lose inches because never really paid attention to it before so I will say I would like to lose 4 inches by the end of June as well.

    I currently am doing JM 30DS and C25K On days I don't work I do both in one day and alternate one or the other on work days. I try and get in a few long walks when I have time. I also am starting a challenge with a friend today that combines the 30 day squat/plank/crunch challenge.

    LET'S DO THIS!!!!!
  • Pam1727
    Pam1727 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    This is my first post, first group, first everything! I have been tracking my food/fitness for 10 days now and I am ready to start getting serious about losing weight and getting fit. I am going to weigh and measure soon and will post later but just wanted to say Hi and say how excited I am to join you on this journey. I really relate to the body image issues and how it affects all areas of our lives. Talk to you soon! Pam
  • rnl1993
    rnl1993 Posts: 13
    Joining in on the fun! Here are my stats for May 1st!

    Name: Becca
    Age: 20
    Height: 5' 2"
    Weight: 174.6
    Size: 12
    Chest(under armpits): 38
    Chest(breasts): 41
    Chest(underneath breasts): 37
    Waist: 39
    Hips: 40.5
    Thigh(largest part): 25
    Neck: 14.5
    Upper Arm: 13

    Short term goals - I want to lose at least 5lbs this month and 5 inches off my waist.

    This is me currently. Not the most flattering picture but i'm hoping to see improvement.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    This is my first post, first group, first everything! I have been tracking my food/fitness for 10 days now and I am ready to start getting serious about losing weight and getting fit. I am going to weigh and measure soon and will post later but just wanted to say Hi and say how excited I am to join you on this journey. I really relate to the body image issues and how it affects all areas of our lives. Talk to you soon! Pam

    Well welcome to MFP! Glad to see you decided to join the challenge!
  • Shia_Deann
    Shia_Deann Posts: 1
    Name: Elishia
    Age: 24
    SW: 212
    CW: 186
    Size: 12-14
    Height: 5'8

    I'm currently in my 4th week of Insanity. My goal is to leave the 180s!
  • fitOsaurus_Rex_we_changed
    here's my starting stats! the measurements are off because they are from March, but I haven't taken new ones yet.

    Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'2"
    Age: 24

    SW with MFP: 160
    CW and SW for Challenge: 147.8

    Calf: 14 1/4
    Thigh: 22 1/2
    Hips: 30 1/2
    Stomach: 33 1/2
    Waist: 28 1/4
    Bust: 33
    Arms: 10 3/4

    My goal for the challenge will be to lose inches and my goal weight for the challenge will be my second GW2 of 136. That will put me at the highest weight for a healthy BMI for my height! lets do this!
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    Name: Tabby
    Age: 35
    Height: 5 ft
    Date: 5/2/13
    SW: 147.4
    CW: 116.8
    GW: maybe a few more pounds?
    Bust: 37
    Waist: 31.75
    Hips: 40
    Thigh : 20


    1. Strengthen/Tone up my body. Try to firm up my mommy pouch/c-section area.
    2. Try to eat more diverse food choices
    3. expand workout time & intensity
    4. get outdoors more & take the kids & hubby with me.
  • xojessieannexo
    xojessieannexo Posts: 95 Member
    I'm going to keep mine short! I dont have my measurements with me right now.
    Name: Jessie live in Denver !!
    Age: 22
    Date 5/2
    SW: 168 (this go around)
    CW: 152
    GW: 145 by summer? My vacation date is June 20th I would love to lose that 7 lbs by then!

    Goals: Lose those 7 solid lbs, maybe a few more, really focus on lifting weights and toning more ( I notice more of a change in the way my body looks when I lift) but maybe not in the scale as much. Another goal would be to really switch up my workouts with my cardio legs one day, arms the next, and abs in between! Feel free to add me! :)
  • xojessieannexo
    xojessieannexo Posts: 95 Member
    here's my starting stats! the measurements are off because they are from March, but I haven't taken new ones yet.

    Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'2"
    Age: 24

    SW with MFP: 160
    CW and SW for Challenge: 147.8

    Calf: 14 1/4
    Thigh: 22 1/2
    Hips: 30 1/2
    Stomach: 33 1/2
    Waist: 28 1/4
    Bust: 33
    Arms: 10 3/4

    My goal for the challenge will be to lose inches and my goal weight for the challenge will be my second GW2 of 136. That will put me at the highest weight for a healthy BMI for my height! lets do this!

    You rock :)!!
  • cngarland
    cngarland Posts: 6 Member
    I took some measurements this morning. I'm not sure how accurate they are but here is what I got:

    Thigh: 20.5 inches
    Hips: 32.75 inches
    Waist: 26 inches
    Upper Arm: 10 inches
    Current Weight: 108 pounds
    I'm about 5 feet, 2 inches.
  • fitOsaurus_Rex_we_changed
    I'm going to keep mine short! I dont have my measurements with me right now.
    Name: Jessie live in Denver !!
    Age: 22
    Date 5/2
    SW: 168 (this go around)
    CW: 152
    GW: 145 by summer? My vacation date is June 20th I would love to lose that 7 lbs by then!

    Goals: Lose those 7 solid lbs, maybe a few more, really focus on lifting weights and toning more ( I notice more of a change in the way my body looks when I lift) but maybe not in the scale as much. Another goal would be to really switch up my workouts with my cardio legs one day, arms the next, and abs in between! Feel free to add me! :)

    i <3 you!!! so glad we're doing this together :)
  • meghanmaeandrews
    meghanmaeandrews Posts: 53 Member
    How is every one doing?? I weighed in today and am down 1.2lbs. not planning on redoing my measurements every week. How often do you re measure?
  • fitOsaurus_Rex_we_changed
    How is every one doing?? I weighed in today and am down 1.2lbs. not planning on redoing my measurements every week. How often do you re measure?

    congrats on the loss!!!

    i'm down to 146 which is 1.8lb loss for me so far. i'm not redoing my measurements each week either. i did them at the start of the challenge and then will do them again probably the last weekend in May and again at the end of the challenge.