May Chat

Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
It's May!!!!!!

No cute images this month as we are living out of our travel trailer and I haven't figured out how to do that on my new iPad. :heart: the iPad. Hopefully I'll figure out how to post photos as we work our way to University of Minnesota - Duluth campus where we will be spending 10-weeks. The weather is so much nicer than Phx :laugh:

I'm having the challenge of controlling my eating not only on the road but also when friends along the way entertain us. Any suggestions will be great appreciated.

Wishing everyone a wonderful month of May!


  • ranoe
    ranoe Posts: 8 Member
    It may be May, but it is still winter where I live in Texas. We are still having freezing weather, the wheat crops are 90% destroyed, and the trees and flowers are dying from the cold. It snowed last week, and snow is in the forecast for tomorrow night. Brrrrr!!! I hate winter.

    Wooken, I have two words for you--portion control. I went on a four day business trip last week and did not gain. I was very proud of myself. My biggest problem has been eating very large meals. I'm trying to teach myself portion control. It's not easy.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Woken--being away from home is a real challenge. I, too, believe in portion control, but friends and family that you don't see often are sometimes a real bad influence. So I wish you good luck. Enjoy your travels and do the best you can.

    I'm having issues with my new iPad, too. It doesn't seem to work at all like a computer. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it is proving more challenging than I expected. I plan to register for a one-on-one class in the next couple of weeks.

    Ranoe, I thought I was tired of the cold, then I quickly got tired of the rain in northern Illinois, so I really feel for you and the freezing weather. Hope good weather arrives soon.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    It may be May, but it is still winter where I live in Texas. We are still having freezing weather, the wheat crops are 90% destroyed, and the trees and flowers are dying from the cold. It snowed last week, and snow is in the forecast for tomorrow night. Brrrrr!!! I hate winter.

    Wooken, I have two words for you--portion control. I went on a four day business trip last week and did not gain. I was very proud of myself. My biggest problem has been eating very large meals. I'm trying to teach myself portion control. It's not easy.

    OMG!!!! We are to overnight in Amarillo, TX tomorrow night en-route to Tulsa OK. Excuse me, I'll be right back. OK per Weather Underground we may hit rain during the day: rain no-problem...icy road, huge problem. This means we'll just leave earlier tomorrow morning and be all settled into the RV park way before the temperature starts to drop.

    And I though MFP was just for weight loss support - LOL!!!
  • _Liz_M_
    _Liz_M_ Posts: 39
    Have a wonderful time. Eating will be a challenge but try to keep tracking.
  • phylsyl
    phylsyl Posts: 284 Member
    So looking forward to hearing about your travels, be sure to post about where you go and what you see! I pads take great pics if you can figure out how to post them! Travelogue!
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Can't believe it is snowing this morning.... I am sure it won't stick to the ground long - but what a surprise!

    I need to hit his group/board more often - I want/need interaction with folks closer to my age (not that we are old!!).. Hope everyone has a good day!

  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Happy May Day everyone. No, I did not find any flowers on my porch this morning, but was hoping. I might leave a basket on my next door neighbors porch later today. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    @Wooken, stay safe in your travels and check in when you can.

    @Pamela_June, I am so sorry your weather is crazy. I think weather really has changed all over the world. I know it has around this part of Calif. We are going to be over 90 today and then by Sat down to 72! Crazy, but I would not trade this for what most back East and the Northern states are dealing with.

    Oh I must say, I have been down because in the past year I have only lost like 12 pounds, but then I put on a T shirt from last year and it is longer and looser on me! Yipee. Plus I think to myself, wow, I have not been in the 170's since my early 30's right before having my last child. My middle son and daughter are 19 months apart, so I did not have much time to lose baby weight from him (which was a lot. He weighed in at 9pd 1 oz.) I used to write down in a little booklet my weight and measurements each month. Well the other day I came across that booklet, dated 1998. I weighed 222 pounds! So, I guess I should be very happy to be at 175. My son the other day heard my complain to myself about not losing and he said, "well at least you have not gained Mom". So that encouraged me.

    Well, happy May 1lst to us and may we all meet or exceed our goals this month. Do you all have any suggestions for a monthly goal for us to aim for? Like so many calories burned, new food tried, water drank? That might be fun for us to post a monthly goal. Of course it has to be something we all could do, esp. in the exercise dept.
  • ppaolini4340
    Wooten, instead of using the MFP app on the iPad, go through the Safari button out to the internet and log into the MFP just like you would on your PC at home. I find that the app is only good for simple things like adding food. Have a safe trip.

    God Bless.

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hi everyone...from the North of has been a beautiful day here today....... I will also be travelling later this month - two weeks over on the West Coast of USA....driving from San Francisco to Seattle........ hoping for lovely weather and walks on the beach....I expect to gain weight but will be taking my baby netbook with me so hope also to log in each day and kind of track....... a huge part of travelling abroad is enjoying the restaurants for us...... but I will try to be sensible.......

    Have a great month of May wherever you are and whatever you get up to......

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Oh my gosh Jean, how exciting for you. You are going to be in my neck of the woods, sort of. LOL I am 90 miles straight up from San Francisco. But I am sure you will probably be going over to Hwy 5 for your travels north? I hope the weather stays good for you. I heard on the news that San Francisco will actually be at 80 for a few days. Beautiful for sure.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Jeanrob--keep us posted on all you're see and enjoying. It sounds like it will be a fun trip. I've never gone up to Seattle from San Francisco, just down as far as San Louis Obispo once. It was very enjoyable.

    Californiagirl--a monthly goal sounds great and I think it should have something to do with minutes exercised and calories burned. For instance, up the minutes you e exercise each week until you have added 30 minutes a week to your total and that will automatically increase calories burned. Or we could have individual goals, and post them, then post progress.

    Meanwhile, we're having a great time with the grand kids--even though it is turning out to be more work than we expected.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Wooken, completely forgot to agree with whoever said to go to Safari and then the MFP webisite, it is a much better way to keep in touch. The app is great for logging, but not much else.

    Have fun!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Welcome to spring in Amarillo, Texas. We left Albuquerque in beautiful weather n hit wind at the Texas boarder. At 5pm wind was 35 to 40 mph with gust over 50 n to get stronger! Plus freezing sleet with a low of 29 was expected. We can do cold in the trailer just fine. However, I can not do high winds. When the wind makes the trailer rock, I am out of there!! So we are now snug in a KOA cabin while the trailer is button down n facing into the wind. The sleet n higher winds have arrived, so no early start to Tulsa tomorrow. Gotta remember, travel is an adventure. :bigsmile:

    Thanks all for the iPad advice. I really do :heart: it when it is not driving me crazy :sad:
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    OH my gosh wooken. I too would be in a cabin in that type of wind. Too scary. Sorry you are not getting your early start today as you hoped for. And yep, travel is an adventure. Besides the wind and sleet, I envy your travels right now! Stay safe and keep us updated.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    We have done the SF - Seattle trip before in reverse..... I believe the road through the mountains which we love...via Crater Lake - is still blocked by the snow so we may take the coastal route this time ...... either way I know we will enjoy it...we love the USA and have been there many times and seen quite alot of the country....... up and down both coasts and bits further inland........ very exciting!!!!!


  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Hi all...I'm still struggling for control well traveling. :sad:

    Friends in Tulsa feed us too well and now we're in Branson MO where dinner theatre is quite the thing. I brought half of tonight's dinner home for breakfast and lunch tomorrow. I did get a stationary bike ride in today as the condo has an exercise room :smile: But staying within calorie count is a lot harder than I thought it would be :grumble: . Hopefully when it's just Hubby and I living out of the trailer I'll do better. Well they do say, travel is broadening. :bigsmile:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    We're home from helping out in Baton Rouge with the grand kids. It was a long drive after a long week. When we go to Baton Rouge, we do household chores for them and help out with the kids' homework. It's hard for them right now because the step daughter is going to nursing school and the husband works full time. The kids have after school activities 3 days a week, too, so we're glad to help out and make sure they get some good dinners after all the running around. We do enjoy it and they love having us. The grands don't want us to leave and its really very sweet. This trip I learned that I can still jump rope and make the occasional basket with the basket ball; however, I'm having trouble with the hula hoop (lol).

    Now back to routine for us!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Happy Mother's Day everyone! We have now made it to central Illinois after stops in Tulsa OK, Branson and Jefferson City MO Once again staying with friends in a farming community of 200 people. Needless to say, everyone in town knows Richard has company :). The great news is after 2 weeks of traveling, My weight has stayed the same :drinker: And with the total lack of routine, I am so very happy :bigsmile:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    So glad you are having such great travels. Depending on where you are in central Illinois and where you are going in Minnesota (seems to be that's where you're headed), you could make it with only another day's travel. Won't it be nice to finally make it to your destination? I know you're enjoying the trip, too, though.

    It's wonderful that you're holding your own weight wise. That's really hard to do when you're on the road and away from home for long periods of time. Good for you. Enjoy!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Set off tomorrow....... can't wait!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
