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Day one 29.04.13



  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member

    just did the first routine, Plyometric training. Loads of fun though there was no way I could keep up! I like how one does the routine a few times, faster and faster. I couldnt do the jump squats, I just did the squat and reached up fully without the jump at all.

    Now, I've noticed my lower back and shoulders are aching a little, and not my tummy at all. Can anyone pinpoint which exercises I'm not doing properly with form, which could be causing the ache? I should be using my core muscles and I know I tend to use my back which is not good but I cant think what I can do to change!

    Enjoy your first plyo folks!
  • cybillj
    cybillj Posts: 3 Member
    Did my fit test yesterday - not so happy with my results.. Looking forward to seeing much improvement in two weeks. I will be doing first real workout this morning when I get off work!! Excited!! Here are my fit test results -
    switch kicks - 60
    p jacks - 30
    p knees - 65
    p jumps - 18
    globe jumps - 9
    push-up jacks - 9
    plank - 33

    I weighed in at 193.8 - two years ago I was 127....
    chest - 42.5
    l. bicep. - 14.5
    r bicep - 13.5
    waist (at belly button) - 40.5
    hips - 46
    l thigh - 28
    r thigh - 28
    l calf - 16.5
    r calf -- 17

    ready to see my fit test numbers go up and my measurements go down!!!.
  • Good Morning folks,
    Time to DIG DEEP! Today is going to be a long one for me. And I am starting early to crush the day! :happy: Plyo Circuit today just incase you did not see before I posted Week #1 schedule on the main board in our group here.
    Have FUN.
  • DAY 2:

    It's DAY 2 and I wanted to remind you about Hydration, hydration, hydration! Water helps curb hunger. Shaun suggests drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. Not only will water keep you hydrated and quench thirst, it will ease your hunger.

    Have you read your nutrition guide yet? If not get all over that TODAY! You can not expect to obtain great results if you are only doing part of the program (sure you'll still get results but you may not be happy with them in the end).
  • Starting tomorrow! Can't wait! Super nervous, anxious and really excited. I haven't been able to loose weight or inches at all in the past 4 months of working out, so I am hoping that Insanity will give me the push I need!!
    Keep me accountable!
  • mnwelch
    mnwelch Posts: 56 Member
    Day 2 was horrible for me. I made it, but it was hard!
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    The fit test was interesting. I couldn't even do one push up jack properly so I didn't count any of them.
  • I know today was CRAZY....those push up jacks are hard....the one I disliked the most was the Globe ones. UGH!
    Keep going you all are doing GREAT! YOU made it with Fit test and/or Day 1. Before you know it you'll be at the end. WooooWhoooo.
  • laura666666
    laura666666 Posts: 22 Member
    Yay, first proper session over. I couldnt do the bringing the knees to chest while kind of in a push up position- instead i just did normal sit up so at least i was doing something.
  • @turbomoma

    Thank you soooo much for the support. And you are right, we will stay committed this time. No more stopping and starting. This time will be the time we complete the whole 60 Days. I am doing Day 2 tonight :bigsmile:
  • @mzbrentzel,
    Exactly! I dont want to see anyone drop out on this....its too important not only to YOU but your family, friends, co-workers. The way you feel about yourself trickles down to everyone around you. Plus I need everyone of you too....when you dont have anyone in your friends/family network to work out with you its hard to keep that motivation alone.

    Everyone, Someone asked about the CORE tightening... are you doing a little slower so that you can really focus on using the core? Or are you going FULL out (fast as possible)?
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    I did day 3 today, the cardio crazy one (I've heard cardio recovery tomorrow might be even more mad)

    It went well, and I loooved the running hurdles, that was fun! COuldnt do the pressups, I just did tiny dips.

    What's the best way to progress - do the same move, as fast but smaller to keep up, or the same move but slowly to do it properly. Like the V-pressups - keep up with their speed which means minute dips for me, or try and do a 'proper' pressup (which for me is still only half way!) and not worry about speed?
  • cybillj
    cybillj Posts: 3 Member
    Ok - I got in My plyo cardio yesterday after work - about DIED!!! My legs are so sore tonight that I can barely walk.. l managed to get my body revolution workout two in when I woke up yesterday - it seemed to loosen my legs up once I got going. So I am looking forward to the gym this morning for C25K W1D2. Then home for my insanity workout. I'm not sure which one it is - but will check my schedule when I get out of here!!! I don't know about everyone else, but I had to do a lot of resting during plyo cardio!!! Couldn't do any of the pushups - so I was trying to drop to my knees on those!!! Can only get better right!?!?!
  • DAY 3:

    The key this week is landing softly and learning to engage your core. When beginning or advancing in a workout program, the primary muscles often get stronger before the connective tissue does. This can result in discomfort, particularly in the joints. How do you avoid this with an intense program like INSANITY? Never skip the warm-ups and cooldowns, always focus on form, and modify or take a break if you are in pain. Keep your joints safe for the long haul.

    I had to do this with my Knee today. It started to hurt so I have to modify and take my intensity down. However, I was putting extreme FOCUS on my form. Keep in mind you don't have to be perfect with those on the video. You do have to be perfect with yourself, your situations, and your form!
  • KristaHuyer
    KristaHuyer Posts: 57
    DAY 3:

    The key this week is landing softly and learning to engage your core. When beginning or advancing in a workout program, the primary muscles often get stronger before the connective tissue does. This can result in discomfort, particularly in the joints. How do you avoid this with an intense program like INSANITY? Never skip the warm-ups and cooldowns, always focus on form, and modify or take a break if you are in pain. Keep your joints safe for the long haul.

    I had to do this with my Knee today. It started to hurt so I have to modify and take my intensity down. However, I was putting extreme FOCUS on my form. Keep in mind you don't have to be perfect with those on the video. You do have to be perfect with yourself, your situations, and your form!

    thank you for this!! I had a friend do the whole program and said the same thing, FORM is much much better to focus on, then the speed of everyone on the video! Slow with form!
  • laura666666
    laura666666 Posts: 22 Member
    So, after I finished the Day 3 workout this morning I looked in the mirror and realised I could replace a lighthouse the way i was shining red. But a little while later I thought my eyes are brighter today, I look happier!!

    When I got in my car this morning I had to adjust the rear view mirror as I was sitting up so straight. My aim is to not slouch like a teenager anymore. Was amazed when I got in the car tonight when I realised how much I sink during the day. My posture is shocking, but hopefully insanity will help me get it back!!
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    Plyo was CRAZY! I loved it though. I think it will be a great challenge to improve. The basketball drills have me! I want to improve on those so bad. I am already getting addicted to this workout which is great. I love a good challenge and this is definitely one. Especially since I had a few people tell me that I shouldn't do this until I was more fit.
  • Its best to do it properly and slower if you have to. The more you do it the better you get, the better you get the faster you will move. So always use proper form over speed!
    I did day 3 today, the cardio crazy one (I've heard cardio recovery tomorrow might be even more mad)

    It went well, and I loooved the running hurdles, that was fun! COuldnt do the pressups, I just did tiny dips.

    What's the best way to progress - do the same move, as fast but smaller to keep up, or the same move but slowly to do it properly. Like the V-pressups - keep up with their speed which means minute dips for me, or try and do a 'proper' pressup (which for me is still only half way!) and not worry about speed?
  • INSANITY is just that....it will make you feel like crap and want to puck during BUT after you cool down and catch your breath you will feel amazing! I love MFP, but I really really wish they allowed groups to post pics. I would share with you all but dont want on my page for all to see...ya know...lol. :P
    I have some posts on my FB with Lobster face, sweat, and passing out poses....lol. Its simply AMAZING to feel so good after working so hard. LETS GOOOOOOOO YA'LL. Day 4 soon to be under way. Make sure you are getting enough sleep as well to keep the body recharged. 7-8hrs a night. ;)
    Sleep well and Good Night!
  • mnwelch
    mnwelch Posts: 56 Member
    Cardio Recovery made me sweat! :)