05/01 - A New Month!



  • missharleychick
    I spent the morning cleaning and then I decided to get outside and hit the trails. I am SO FRUSTRATED with my workouts outside. Before the weather warmed up I was a gym rat and 4 miles jogging on the treadmill was very doable, now jogging 3 miles outside is HELL. Its warm, windy, and hilly all the things the gym is not! I'm going to keep doing it everyday and try to get over this slump! :grumble:

    You can do it... Just keep doing it and it will get easier. I know exactly how you feel... Don't give up!!!
  • missharleychick
    Yay for May! (Hey that rhymes...)

    Today I am doing P90, Chest and Back plus Ab Ripper.

    I changed my workout plan. I simply do not have time to work out 2 hours a day with my previous plan which included P90 plus an hour of cardio. Yesterday I worked 6AM - 4PM, by the time I get home and got to the gym it was 6:30. I did cardio until 8:00PM (felt amazing, unfortunately not running though, just elliptical and cycling..) so I didn't get home till 8:30, then had a late dinner (but healthy). There was no way I could also do P90 like I had wanted to unless I got up at 3:00AM again, and that just about killed me (when I did that). So my new modified plan is P90 one day, cardio (1hour - 1.15) the next, P90 the next, so on and so forth. My goal is not to be ripped, but to lose weight first, then I can focus on toning. So this new plan has me relieved and not so stressed on how to squeeze in 2 hours of fitness a day. Kind of impossible with a full time career and kids galore!

    Yay me! I did my P90, Chest and Back!! Doing P90 only today then focusing on cardio tomorrow instead of both everyday has me feeling soooo much better. I was over doing it...now I feel like I can achieve this!!!!
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    I'm so glad it's May! Spring and Summer are my favorite seasons! I just wish the weather would cooperate. I live in Kansas and the weather here is reliably unpredictable. Yesterday and Monday it was sunny and 85 degrees, and today a cold front is moving in with a chance of snow early tomorrow morning. Winter is hanging on as tight as it can this year! UGH!

    Anyway - I'm looking forward to a great month of excercise and weight loss. I started 30 Day Shred this morning before work and I'm definitely feeling it already! Tonight I'll do another 45 minutes on the treadmill. I think each week I'll increase my distance by a quarter of a mile, and on challenge days I'll do a mile above that. This morning my husband commented on my shrinking waistline and said he thought I'd be in a bikini by mid-summer. Who knows, maybe that will happen! I've never worn one before, even as a kid, so the thought of me in a bikini is just weird to me. Maybe someday soon I'll be able to surprise my husband and myself!:smile:
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    I'm so glad it's May! Spring and Summer are my favorite seasons! I just wish the weather would cooperate. I live in Kansas and the weather here is reliably unpredictable. Yesterday and Monday it was sunny and 85 degrees, and today a cold front is moving in with a chance of snow early tomorrow morning. Winter is hanging on as tight as it can this year! UGH!

    Anyway - I'm looking forward to a great month of excercise and weight loss. I started 30 Day Shred this morning before work and I'm definitely feeling it already! Tonight I'll do another 45 minutes on the treadmill. I think each week I'll increase my distance by a quarter of a mile, and on challenge days I'll do a mile above that. This morning my husband commented on my shrinking waistline and said he thought I'd be in a bikini by mid-summer. Who knows, maybe that will happen! I've never worn one before, even as a kid, so the thought of me in a bikini is just weird to me. Maybe someday soon I'll be able to surprise my husband and myself!:smile:

    Wow, by the end of the day today I was REALLY feeling 30DS! That combined with freezing my butt off at my daughter's softball game tonight, and I wasn't too excited about jumping on the treadmill this evening. I just wanted to curl up in a blanket and move as little as possible. But I fought that temptation, stretched my sore muscles and got on the treadmill, completing a little over 4 miles in 45 minutes. And now my muscles aren't hurting so bad!:smile: I'm looking forward to Day 2 of Level 1 tomorrow!
  • mcwdvm
    mcwdvm Posts: 54 Member
    I changed my workout plan. I simply do not have time to work out 2 hours a day with my previous plan which included P90 plus an hour of cardio. Yesterday I worked 6AM - 4PM, by the time I get home and got to the gym it was 6:30. I did cardio until 8:00PM (felt amazing, unfortunately not running though, just elliptical and cycling..) so I didn't get home till 8:30, then had a late dinner (but healthy). There was no way I could also do P90 like I had wanted to unless I got up at 3:00AM again, and that just about killed me (when I did that). So my new modified plan is P90 one day, cardio (1hour - 1.15) the next, P90 the next, so on and so forth. My goal is not to be ripped, but to lose weight first, then I can focus on toning. So this new plan has me relieved and not so stressed on how to squeeze in 2 hours of fitness a day. Kind of impossible with a full time career and kids galore!

    Good idea. I was planning on training for a half marathon at the end of the month, but just couldn't fit in the miles with my job and family. When I finally realized I wasn't going to do it, I had such an overwhelming feeling of relief. I now enjoy my shorter weekly runs with 15 minutes of strength training and save one long run for saturday when I do not work. I have run several halfs and have GAINED weight while training for them because I would completely neglect my diet thinking a few extra miles would cover it. I am now losing weight running half the time- and thoroughly enjoying it while I am instead of being stressed about running far enough fast enough.
    Your new plan sounds awesome!
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 71 Member
    Today throughout my day I walked 7 miles, so that ain't nothin! But I am completely off my gym cardio/weight lifting routine, and I'm having a lot of trouble motivating myself. It's finals, I have a fifteen page paper due on Monday, my parents are coming Friday, and all I want to do is eat guacamole. Really Kate Moss? NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels? I do not think you have tried this avocado based spread.
  • mcwdvm
    mcwdvm Posts: 54 Member
    Yesterday and today I met my calories, ran both days, and strength trained both days. Hopefully I'll make it three in a row tomorrow.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    My goals today were to go for a jog; have my fitness assessment done by a PT trainer at the gym I go to before work... and tonight I want to squeeze in a walk after supper and some more freakin' push ups because they are hard, I hate them, I can't do many and that doesn't matter because in time I will master them! :)

    Made my personal training session yesterday; and managed to jog 15 mins straight with no urge to stop. I only called it quits because if I didn't I'd never have time to shower and make work on time. THAT WAS A GREAT FEELING! ...By the time I got home (which was late) I skipped the walk and extra pushups... I WAS SORE! :)
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    May 1st Commitment:
    -Walk 12,000 steps (I remembered my bodymedia this morning! Wahoo!!!
    -Walk at least 2 miles after work with a friend
    -Drink 8 or more glasses of water
    -Inspire some one to lose weight (Yesterday my little sister sent a sweet text message that made me cry stating how I've inspired her to lose weight and to get her steps in...yesterday she did 13,000 steps and stated that she was aching and how she didn't understand how I could get 12,000 in everyday--or aim too)
    -Start packing for my weekend trip with my niece and nephew to see my little sister.
    -Get in more protein


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    *edited to add my ticker!*

    Well...I made most of my committment! I got in about 11,000 steps (I decided not to do 12,000 because I am doing more today), I started laundry for my trip this weekend, Walked 2 miles with a friend, Got in more protein, drank 10 glasses of water, AND inspired some one to get on board with me with fitness!!! WAHOO!!!! :)