July 2013 Babies



  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    wednesday weigh in!


    starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'', normal BMI
    recommended gain: 25lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 1.0 lbs
    11 weeks: - 0.5 lbs
    13 weeks: + 0.0 lbs
    14 weeks: + 0.5 lbs
    15 weeks: + 2.5 lbs
    16 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    17 weeks: + 3.5 lbs
    18 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    19 weeks: + 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: + 4.5 lbs
    21 weeks: + 5.0 lbs
    22 weeks: + 6.0 lbs
    23 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    24 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    25 weeks: + 9.5 lbs
    26 weeks: + 12 lbs
    27 weeks: + 13 lbs
    28 weeks: + 13.5 lbs

    ecstatic that I kept it to +0.5lb this week! more walks, more water, more salads. keep it up ladies!!
  • rszalley
    rszalley Posts: 12 Member
    I've got to remember to start coming here more!

    I'm at 28wks, up 11.5# total, so I'm feeling pretty snazzy about that. Except for the fact that the third trimester is usually half a pound to a pound a week, for normal weight person, to put on. So, here's hoping!
  • pregmeg119
    pregmeg119 Posts: 151 Member
    28w 2d and feeling HUGE! It's hard to believe we still have 12ish weeks to go!

    How is everyone feeling?
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    28 weeks 5 days and also feeling huge! My back and belly are starting to get sore. It is hard to stand or sit for any real length of time. I imagine it only gets worse! I teach orchestra, so am on my feet most of the day playing/conducting, and trying to find stools to sit on to make things more comfortable. Nothing is really working wonders though :)

    Suddenly needing much more sleep again. 9pm is really my ideal bedtime, even though it is almost impossible with how many after school obligations I have through May. I will make it! Going to have to kick the cats out of the bedroom, since all of their walking about constantly wakes me up.

    Otherwise enjoying all of the constant squirming in my belly. Things definitely are starting to feel more real :)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    29 weeks 5 days and counting!

    I have cankles and back pain and feel huge and miserable lol. Cant wait till this is over. going to OB every 2 weeks now! yay!
  • graycalico
    graycalico Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 30 weeks 1 day. Not sure how much I've gained. I try not to stress too much about it. I gain tons of water weight when pregnant. Last time I probably peed out 15 pounds after my son was born. Haha. But I'm starting to watch my calories a bit and stay active so I don't gain much more. This pregnancy has gone by so fast, I can't believe there's only 10ish weeks left.
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    wednesday weigh in! 29 weeks

    starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI
    reccommended gain: 25lb
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 1.0 lbs
    11 weeks: - 0.5 lbs
    13 weeks: + 0.0 lbs
    14 weeks: + 0.5 lbs
    15 weeks: + 2.5 lbs
    16 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    17 weeks: + 3.5 lbs
    18 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    19 weeks: + 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: + 4.5 lbs
    21 weeks: + 5.0 lbs
    22 weeks: + 6.0 lbs
    23 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    24 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    25 weeks: + 9.5 lbs
    26 weeks: + 12 lbs
    27 weeks: + 13 lbs
    28 weeks: + 13.5 lbs
    29 weeks: + 15.5 lbs

    not thrilled with a 2lb gain this week, but keeping my head up! on the other hand, baby girl is head down now according to my midwife. so that is exciting! she will be here before I know it!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    wednesday weigh in! 29 weeks

    starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI
    reccommended gain: 25lb
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 1.0 lbs
    11 weeks: - 0.5 lbs
    13 weeks: + 0.0 lbs
    14 weeks: + 0.5 lbs
    15 weeks: + 2.5 lbs
    16 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    17 weeks: + 3.5 lbs
    18 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    19 weeks: + 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: + 4.5 lbs
    21 weeks: + 5.0 lbs
    22 weeks: + 6.0 lbs
    23 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    24 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    25 weeks: + 9.5 lbs
    26 weeks: + 12 lbs
    27 weeks: + 13 lbs
    28 weeks: + 13.5 lbs
    29 weeks: + 15.5 lbs

    not thrilled with a 2lb gain this week, but keeping my head up! on the other hand, baby girl is head down now according to my midwife. so that is exciting! she will be here before I know it!

    Cool, I have a midwife too! I don't have an appointment until May 22nd though so hopefully my baby is turning down too :) Almost 30 weeks, time flies!
  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    28 weeks yesterday, and my scale broke last week. I keep forgetting to replace it whenever I'm out! Probably because I'm afraid of what it will say!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    wednesday weigh in!
    30 weeks today :)


    starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI
    reccommended gain: 25lb
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 1.0 lbs
    11 weeks: - 0.5 lbs
    13 weeks: + 0.0 lbs
    14 weeks: + 0.5 lbs
    15 weeks: + 2.5 lbs
    16 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    17 weeks: + 3.5 lbs
    18 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    19 weeks: + 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: + 4.5 lbs
    21 weeks: + 5.0 lbs
    22 weeks: + 6.0 lbs
    23 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    24 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    25 weeks: + 9.5 lbs
    26 weeks: + 12 lbs
    27 weeks: + 13 lbs
    28 weeks: + 13.5 lbs
    29 weeks: + 15.5 lbs
    30 weeks: + 16 lbs

    seeing a pattern emerge. one week I am up 2lbs, the next its only 0.5lbs. I think I will start freaking out less about the 2lb weeks and not getting quite so smug about the 0.5lb weeks :)
    keep it up ladies, we are almost there!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    happy wednesday! time for my weekly check in! 31 weeks today. getting there!!!

    starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI
    recommended gain: 25lb
    cumulative gain:

    13 weeks: + 0.0 lbs
    14 weeks: + 0.5 lbs
    15 weeks: + 2.5 lbs
    16 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    17 weeks: + 3.5 lbs
    18 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    19 weeks: + 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: + 4.5 lbs
    21 weeks: + 5.0 lbs
    22 weeks: + 6.0 lbs
    23 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    24 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    25 weeks: + 9.5 lbs
    26 weeks: + 12 lbs
    27 weeks: + 13 lbs
    28 weeks: + 13.5 lbs
    29 weeks: + 15.5 lbs
    30 weeks: + 16 lbs
    31 weeks: + 16.5 lbs

    only 12 days of work left... I am teacher and it is almost SUMMER! yay!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    I am a teacher too, just 3 weeks and 2.5 days left until summer. Thank goodness.
  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    I'm also a teacher, though I now teach online, so I mostly work from my "office," otherwise known as "my bed." :)
  • kimberly_grubbs
    kimberly_grubbs Posts: 70 Member
    This baby feels like she's about ready to bust out today! She's rolling ALL over! Only 34 days until my actual due date!
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 257 Member
    This baby feels like she's about ready to bust out today! She's rolling ALL over! Only 34 days until my actual due date!

    I know what you mean! I feel like there is NO more room in my belly!! I'm getting so excited! 33 more days for me!
  • angking23
    angking23 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm due 7/12. Just saw this group now. I do most of mfp on my phone. Please add me if you havent already! 6wk from now I'm going to need some inspiration from other mommies in the same boat as me!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    5 weeks to go for me!!!!
    Counting down the days. The baby still has yet to get into position, but I am doing everything I can to help turn him.
    Cant even remember what its like to sleep more than 2 hours at a pop. I get up at least 4-5 times in an 8 hr period to go to the bathroom at night!

    How is everyone else doing?? I have the babies room pretty well set, but still have to put the carseat in, and that type of thing. I go back to the Dr at 36 weeks and have another US to see if the little bugger has moved. Then I start going weekly. I will also get exam with GBS test as well.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    I am with you with the whole going to the bathroom 4-5 times a night. I also get woken up by her kicking and think it is a cat walking on me, only there is no cat in sight to blame. I am also having my GBS screening this week. Struggling to exercise more than a couple times a week!

    I have been enjoying my sewing machine, and have been making cloth diapers. I made a Mei Tai baby carrier yesterday and I am quite proud of myself!

    Also started organizing drawers... I don't know how we have accumulated so much crap after only living in this house for a year and 8 months.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I've got 3 weeks till D-day and I'm starting to get a little anxious! I had my shower on the weekend which was super fun and nice so now I can focus on getting the rest of things I need and start organizing.

    I too get up every 2 hours or so and then most nights I am plagued with insomnia after getting up one of those times. So over that!

    Started washing my prefold diapers and getting all other clothes washed and will start making some cloth wipes this week. I have to get the car seat installed too!

    I also made a ton of freezer meals this week so I'm set for food at least when the baby comes!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    I am with you with the whole going to the bathroom 4-5 times a night. I also get woken up by her kicking and think it is a cat walking on me, only there is no cat in sight to blame. I am also having my GBS screening this week. Struggling to exercise more than a couple times a week!

    I have been enjoying my sewing machine, and have been making cloth diapers. I made a Mei Tai baby carrier yesterday and I am quite proud of myself!

    Also started organizing drawers... I don't know how we have accumulated so much crap after only living in this house for a year and 8 months.

    That is so cool that you made the baby carrier! Did you find a pattern for it online? How did it turn out? I'd love to see a picture :)
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm back! I missed a week or two, but here is my 34 week check in! (picture is from last week :)

    starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI; recommended gain: 25lb; eating 1,800 calories (when I don't go over!) and walking 20 min/day (when I don't slack!)

    10 weeks: - 1.0 lbs
    11 weeks: - 0.5 lbs
    13 weeks: + 0.0 lbs
    14 weeks: + 0.5 lbs
    15 weeks: + 2.5 lbs
    16 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    17 weeks: + 3.5 lbs
    18 weeks: + 3.0 lbs
    19 weeks: + 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: + 4.5 lbs
    21 weeks: + 5.0 lbs
    22 weeks: + 6.0 lbs
    23 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    24 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    25 weeks: + 9.5 lbs
    26 weeks: + 12 lbs
    27 weeks: + 13 lbs
    28 weeks: + 13.5 lbs
    29 weeks: + 15.5 lbs
    30 weeks: + 16 lbs
    31 weeks: + 16.5 lbs
    32 weeks: + 19.5 lbs
    33 weeks: + 19.5 lbs
    34 weeks: + 19.5 lbs

    thankful to be maintaining after my crazy 3lb gain two weeks ago :) round ligament pain is killing me, but I am working on keeping a positive attitude about it. oh and it is officially SUMMER! no more work for me! suuuuuuper blessed!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    35 weeks, up 11 pounds. Took measurements at the gym last night, and even more impressive are that my butt and thigh are each down 2 cms. The only part getting bigger is my ever expanding mid-section.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    @heathermora11 Great work heather, you look beautiful in your new picture :) I hope the pain doesn't get any worse for you. At least there is only 6 weeks left wooho!! ;)
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    35 weeks, up 11 pounds. Took measurements at the gym last night, and even more impressive are that my butt and thigh are each down 2 cms. The only part getting bigger is my ever expanding mid-section.

    You are doing amazing! You're so close to the end too! :)
  • LauraLouFace
    LauraLouFace Posts: 56 Member
    Hey ladies, congrats to all you expectant mommies! I'm due July 10th and always looking for more friends, so feel free to add me if you like =) I'm 36 weeks and up 28 lbs total, and MFP has been a lifesaver this time (this is my second pregnancy). Along with the support I get from the other women, tracking my food and exercise has made me feel so much more in control!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    35 weeks, up 11 pounds. Took measurements at the gym last night, and even more impressive are that my butt and thigh are each down 2 cms. The only part getting bigger is my ever expanding mid-section.

    You are doing amazing! You're so close to the end too! :)

    Thanks! Who knew that to lose weight, all I needed to do was get knocked up. ;)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    36/2 and finally the baby has turned!!! Yippee! counting down the weeks/days/minutes/hours lol. Starting to get uncomfortable. Hope you all are doing well!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    36/2 and finally the baby has turned!!! Yippee! counting down the weeks/days/minutes/hours lol. Starting to get uncomfortable. Hope you all are doing well!

    Hooray! Great news!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    36/2 and finally the baby has turned!!! Yippee! counting down the weeks/days/minutes/hours lol. Starting to get uncomfortable. Hope you all are doing well!

    Yay, I'm so happy for you! I think my baby is still not right yet unfortunately. Did you do any exercises or something to try to help your baby turn?

    I'm getting an ultrasound next week to see if the baby is turned on its own, and if not they will try some external maneuver to turn it. I will be 35 weeks for the ultrasound.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    36/2 and finally the baby has turned!!! Yippee! counting down the weeks/days/minutes/hours lol. Starting to get uncomfortable. Hope you all are doing well!

    Yay, I'm so happy for you! I think my baby is still not right yet unfortunately. Did you do any exercises or something to try to help your baby turn?

    I'm getting an ultrasound next week to see if the baby is turned on its own, and if not they will try some external maneuver to turn it. I will be 35 weeks for the ultrasound.

    Yes! I started going to a chiropractor who did the "Webster technique" which helps open the pelvis and make more room for the baby down low. The night after the first adjustment I was woken up at 3am feeling nauseous and tons of movement (which is exactly what she told me to expect) and I am certain that is when the baby turned. Prior to that I did try some movements recommended on the spinningbabies.com website, like doing handstands in pool and literally hanging off couch with my butt in the air, but I found these to be really uncomfortable to breath since the weight of my belly was pushing into my lungs....

    I highly recommend chiropractor, especially if you can find one certified in the Webster Technique!! Good luck!!