ashleyeliz25 Posts: 141 Member
How was everyone's Day 1?

What workout did you do? How many calories did you burn? Did you burn more/less than you wanted?

Suggest a workout that you love so everyone can try something new this May if they would like!!

My suggestion for a workout: HIIT (high intensity interval training) -- it is a GREAT workout!! best kind to burn fat and throw your body in for a loop. HIIT is just what it sounds like. What I do is warm up (5 mins), run (6 mins), walk (4 mins), run (8 mins), walk (5 mins), run (10-15mins), walk (5 mins), cool down (10 mins). This is the workout I did tonight. In 61 minutes I burned 577 calories and I feel great!! If you have a HRM, the point of HIIT is to go from normal heart rate (depends on your age but normally somewhere between 110-140 BPM) to your max HR (close to it..which ranges (depending on age) between 150-180). HIIT is great for burning fat as well as building up your cardiovascular's also great for people who can't run longer than 15-20 minutes at a time (like me!) who are trying to lengthen how long you can run for at a time. The few minute breaks every so often helps me out a lot (for both my asthma and my calves since my calves tire easily).

Hope someone finds this info useful :)



  • TssCnn
    TssCnn Posts: 114 Member
    I always suggest the Arc Trainer to people whom have not yet tried it, and they always love it. You can set it to do intervals. I program it to get a higher incline, higher resistance, over the course of the hour I am on it. It is also set to do intervals the entire time as well.

    I get a way better burn on the Arc vs Elliptical. I also wear a HRM and find that the Arc is actually accurate with calorie burn if you input your info. Not way off with some crazy number like other machines.

    I also know so many people say they want to do Insanity but are not fit enough yet....Stop it! Its a go at your pace workout. You are not expected to keep up with those on the video. It is not set up like most aerobic workouts where you do everything in unison. My workout partner AND my brother were both very, very out of shape when they started. Both lost quickly and are doing well with it. Do not let it intimidate you! It is not for everyone, BUT if you wanted to try it, stop waiting!
  • Delll2013
    Delll2013 Posts: 73
    Good tips, Ladies!

    From what you say and what I've read, HRMs are a must. I'm looking into some options. At the moment I'm only inputing the cardio workouts (an average between what the machine, MFP and Runtastic calculate).

    I've burned 500 calories yesterday on the treadmill. My first tip or those of you that are also faithful to this machine is to keep it a minimum incline of 1. To keep it fun, I create my own intervals and change the incline throughout the workout. For example:
    5 min - warm up: speed 5-6.5 km/h, incline 1
    5 min - 15 min: speed 8.5 km/h, incline 1
    15 min - 20 min: speed 8.5 km/h, incline 2
    20 min - 25 min: speed 9 km/h, incline 1
    25 min - 30 min: speed 9.5 km/h, incline 1.5
    30 min - 35 min: speed 8.5 km/h, incline 2
    35 min - 40 min: speed 8 km/h: incline 3
    40 min - 45 min: cool down

    I am proud of myself because I woke up this morning (Day 2) at 5:45 to hit the gym before work as I'm going out tonight. Day 2 results - 448.

    In the UAE the weekend in Friday-Saturday so I'm looking forward to a few busy days with too many culinary tempations unfortunately :))
  • vbailey12
    vbailey12 Posts: 21
    I really wanted to test out my new HRM so for Day1 I did cardio. While watching an episode of King of Queens, I did jumping jacks, skaters, marching, jogging (in place), and high knees. I did them in sets without regard to repetition within the sets. Instead, I let my HRM guide me. For instance, I did enough jumping jacks to get my heart rate to where I wanted it to be. Then to catch my breath I did a set of walking/jogging in place. Then before my heart rate dropped below the minimum I set for myself, I moved to the next high intensity exercise. I did that until I reached the number of calories I wanted to burn which only took ~28 mins.

    Looking forward to Day2!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I did the my Elliptical for 40 mins yesterday AM - burned 320 Calories! No AM work this morning... i needed a break so I'll be burning some this evening... probably doing walk/jog intervals.

    Hope everyone is getting their water in too... with all this sweat it's easy to get dehydrated!! :drinker: Drink up Peeps!
  • erinprattavila
    erinprattavila Posts: 24 Member
    Day 2, can't wait for a heavy cardio day. Yesterday I burned 855 calories but it was my weight day too. Today is my off day so cardio only. I think I can spend a little more time sweating!! Have a great DAY 2 everyone!!! :bigsmile:
  • superpoo
    superpoo Posts: 25 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Day 1 was nothing but motivating. I really wanted to keep my promise of 2000 cals this week and so I started pretty good. Since I'm still wondering what workout is best for me, given my knee pain, I took a steps class and it was brilliant. I enjoyed it and to my utter surprise, I wasn't tired at the end of it at all. But I did sweat a lot.

    I'm doing this without a HRM, unfortunately. So I put my weight in and calculate the calories burnt on the internet. That should usually be right.

    My idea is to burn 10% more than what I planned, that way I'm sure I burned enough by the end of the week. Do you guys think 10% is a good number? (Example: I plan to burn 2200 cals/ week but my goal is 2000 cals)

    p.s - Drink LOTS of water. I haven't been and I sort of feel hungry but I'm afraid to eat up my extra calories.
  • juliasnewlife
    juliasnewlife Posts: 50 Member
    I completed a Zumba class for 658 calories.
  • thinkitworkit
    thinkitworkit Posts: 2 Member
    800 calories doing an 84 min HIIT video.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    704 calories burned through a run and curcuit training.
  • kyleyjo1
    kyleyjo1 Posts: 27
    973 Calories... 25 minutes on the stationary bike, 25 on the elliptical, and two full hours of dancing. In heels. I hurt today :)
  • shesfatagainbutnot4long
    I walked my two dogs for 38 minutes in the morning and did a five mile walk with my Leslie Sansone DVD a little later on!! According to my Polar... I burned exactly 900 calories!!! I couldn't have planned it better!! That was my goal!! :noway:
  • Alotalove4u
    Alotalove4u Posts: 67 Member
    Ladies you are all doing wonderful,
    As for me I walked for 1 hour yesterday(358 cal) and did some weight lifting, I am purchasing me a HRM asap because I am just using Runtastic and thats not tracking calories burned from weight lifting. Ready for day 2..
  • JMFresh
    JMFresh Posts: 76 Member
    Woohoo, great job everyone! I burned 983 calories doing free weights and taking a 60 minute kickboxing class based on the output from my HRM (Polar FT4 - which I'm obsessed with!).
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    Ran for half and hour at lunch
    Gillian Michaels 6P6W for 20 Minutes at lunch
    Walked for 1 hour last night at fast pace (my husband is 6'3" so I have to walk fast to keep up)
  • Ruthy2007
    Ruthy2007 Posts: 11 Member
    Hopped on the elliptical for an hour, did hills with intervals, burned 1030 calories. Gonna do it again today. :-)
  • vbailey12
    vbailey12 Posts: 21
    I walked my two dogs for 38 minutes in the morning and did a five mile walk with my Leslie Sansone DVD a little later on!! According to my Polar... I burned exactly 900 calories!!! I couldn't have planned it better!! That was my goal!! :noway:


    You guys are really burnin it up!
  • Delll2013
    Delll2013 Posts: 73
    Great results, Ladies!

    You've really motivated me to wake up early tomorrow an put it some 2 hours of workout.
  • jacie87
    jacie87 Posts: 46 Member
    I had to help my bf work on a presentation for grad school yesterday, so I didn't get to hit the gym until 11:30 PM! Ugh! BUT, I did at least get somewhat of a workout in... a couple miles on the treadmill at a .5% incline plus leg weights and barre exercises. A little abs thrown in for good measure, too. With stretching & whatnot, I think I ended up around 500 calories, since I didn't get to do my stationary bike time.

    I think I'm starting to have a tendonitis flair up in my knee, so I'll have to take it easy today, too. BOO! Hoping a little rest, ice, and compression will have me feeling better for my long run Saturday.
  • tracyburkee
    tracyburkee Posts: 51 Member
    Day 1:
  • tracyburkee
    tracyburkee Posts: 51 Member
    55 min. mini elliptical w/bands
    20 min. run @ 6mph
    15 min. speed walk @ 4
    20 min. lower ab attack
    20 min. level 1 30 DS

    1020 calories burned

    Day 2:
    60 min. mini elliptical w/bands
    20 min. run @ 6
    15 min. speed walk @ 4
    20 min. lower ab attack
    20 min. level 1 30 DS

    1062 calories burned