Headaches on WFPB????

kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member
So initially all was well - then my sig other and I got these headaches that would hit every day. I researched the B12 and we started supplementing and headaches left.

BUT.................he is still feeling this rush of blood and headachey when he goes from bending down to upright. He is a therapist and had to cut people short yesterday just top end and come home and crawled into bed at 8PM - he is a creature of habit and NEVER goes to sleep that early - 10PM is his bed time so it really struck me. He is supplementing but his headaches seem really different.

I started to think logically - how do we get headaches? Dehydration, being sick and surely not from WFPB................but, and this is me searching for an answer, if the FOK movie is true and many reverse their blockages while the endothilium lining heals, maybe he had a blockage that is healing, starting to reverse, and this "rush" he gets is now increased blood flow that he has not known for years.

He is in his 60's and a runner and healthy as anything. I know some of the things that are signs of blockages that FOK pointed out hold true for him - and the movie states most reverse. I really wonder given that a headache simply CANNOT be from eating so well and we supplemented the B12, if there is any possible logic in this theory........

I just have no other idea as to what else would cause this - and for a short amt of time the B12 had them dissipate - I also said he is not eating enough but again, to have this headache every day and upon bending and then standing up????

Anyone experience this or know of someone who did? And how far fetched is it to think that increased blood flow from this lifestyle could be pushing blood faster and to places he may have had blocked???

The one thing the movie taught us is the body wants to thrive, it wants to heal, it has the capacity to reverse many things - so I thinking there is some truth in this but thought I'd bounce it off the boards....................let me know what you think..............any help would be so appreciated!


  • jansiemoo
    jansiemoo Posts: 5 Member
    It's called orthostatic hypotension. It can be from dehydration, wayyyy too low sodium, or some medications. I think your hunch about the body healing itself is spot on, but since you say he is active, I'd have him make sure he's getting enough food. He may need to graze all day to get enough calories. HH has a "Gatorade" recipe that might be worth trying. :) hope that helps