Introduction For All

simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
Please use this topic to introduce who you are! Give us a little background about you, you can include starting weight and goal weight if you want, what is driving you to make this change or whatever you would like to share. Make sure you take before pictures!


  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Simon and I have been on the improvement path for the past 8-9 months. I've managed to drop a considerable amount of weight that has improved my outlook on life immeasurably. I do it for my health and the health of my family. I'm an ex rugby player and self confessed (ex) junk food addict. Life is too short to waste and at 36 I feel the mortality bell ringing in the back of my head. It's now or never.
  • dwyler21
    dwyler21 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey All,

    My name is Dillon, I'm 23 almost 24. Currently about 50 pounds overweight, I was closer to 75 pounds overweight when starting Insanity 42 days ago. My strength and energy has improved dramatically. I really got motivated when my daughter was born. My career is starting to take off and my whole life is rolling well. Only problem is I'm out of shape and fat, Its time to change that. I want my kids to grow up with healthy role models who are successful is every aspect of life.

    My goal weight for now is 230, I'm 6'3"
  • ashcorp
    ashcorp Posts: 3
    Hi everyone, my name is Tony and I am 27. I was fairly lean up until around when my daughter was born 2 years ago. I think I took the whole sympathy weight thing a little too much. I gained quite a bit of weight, currently I am 230, at my heaviest I was at 240 but I have been trying to do portion contol and I have started P90x as well, albeit slowly. My goal weight is 210, but I want to mainly lose inches and gain muscle as well.

    My wife is pregnant with our second child and she is due in June. She also has gestational diabetes so we have had to make some drastic diet changes in the past couple of weeks in our household. I just want to be a healthier dad and role model for my kids.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Hey All,

    My name is Dillon, I'm 23 almost 24. Currently about 50 pounds overweight, I was closer to 75 pounds overweight when starting Insanity 42 days ago. My strength and energy has improved dramatically. I really got motivated when my daughter was born. My career is starting to take off and my whole life is rolling well. Only problem is I'm out of shape and fat, Its time to change that. I want my kids to grow up with healthy role models who are successful is every aspect of life.

    My goal weight for now is 230, I'm 6'3"

    Hey Dillon, thanks for joining. I will be still heavily involved in our other forum too. This is just for Dads, so you fit perfectly l!!
    Just copy and paste your nutrition, no need to change or all up (don't want to give you extra homework )
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Tony and I am 27. I was fairly lean up until around when my daughter was born 2 years ago. I think I took the whole sympathy weight thing a little too much. I gained quite a bit of weight, currently I am 230, at my heaviest I was at 240 but I have been trying to do portion contol and I have started P90x as well, albeit slowly. My goal weight is 210, but I want to mainly lose inches and gain muscle as well.

    My wife is pregnant with our second child and she is due in June. She also has gestational diabetes so we have had to make some drastic diet changes in the past couple of weeks in our household. I just want to be a healthier dad and role model for my kids.

    Hi Tony,
    Thanks for joining. Congrats on beginning P90X, it's quite a ride. Losing inches should be the goal, so well done already. Dillion and I belong to another great group called "P90X Insanity The Game Changers" which is a fantastic support network that is already established. This group will take the Dads perspective where we can support each other on a daily basis. I will limit the group to 10 people to ensure we work as a tight knit team. What day are you on?
  • ashcorp
    ashcorp Posts: 3
    I'm on day three, I have been doing it kind of sporadically. I need to get a rhythm down to set aside time in the morning. It's hard to do it at night with kids and my wife wanting to spend family time, so I have been trying to carve out time before work.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I know the feeling. My wife and I did our first two rounds of P90X at night after the kids went to bed. That meant staring at 8pm, it made for a long day but it worked.

    We just switched to mornings and it is so much better though. What time do you start in the morning? I'm a teacher so I have to be out the door by 6:45. Are your hours flexible?

    Hang in there, I get the whole quality time thing, it can be a real juggling act keeping everyone happy.
  • vikingchef
    vikingchef Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all. My name is Eric. I have been battling with my weight for many years. About 9 years ago I lost about 70 pounds after the scale topped 400. Unfortunately, it all came back throughout my wife's pregnancy and the following years. I have been up and down.

    So this year I decided that it is the time to lose this weight for good. Not only for myself, but more importantly for my wife and 6 year old twin boys. I want to be able to keep up with them and it is getting difficult. Anyway, I joined Lifetime fitness at the beginning of the year, and the initial weigh in was horrifying. 449. WOW!!!! Gotta do something about this.

    I have had a fairly successful journey so far. I am down 24 pounds. I want to do this. I need to do this.
  • PubCrawler
    PubCrawler Posts: 26
    Hello Im David, thank you for the add....

    Im 29, I'm Currantly 285lbs, My goal is 200lbs
    Im a cook by trade, and changing my career at this time so with new beginings a world starts fresh and as should I.

    My two main driving forces are my two blessed children, and my beautiful wife, who is going through this rigid journey with me... for them i must succeed.. i hope we all will never know failure because we all have the heart it will take.. and we shall..

  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    You can and you will do this Eric. We will support each other through accomplishing small steps everyday. The compound effect of small changes can create something very special. So honored to have you with us.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Hi David,

    Thank you so much for joining us. The very fact that you have such an important goal to meet makes you a winner already. It will take hard work, consistency and thoughtful nutrition, but you can and will get there. My family is my number one motivator too.
  • iradamrawr
    iradamrawr Posts: 35
    hey im adam

    im trying to get back down to about 210 or 200, thats where i was before i started eating when my wife got pregnant. i dont do any crazy exercise but i do like to go for a jog (only about a mile or maybe 2 and nothing crazy fast i think my best mile was 12 minutes maybe 14) i also do alot of stuff around the house either handy man stuff or yard work stuff but nothing else really extra

    i work at Culvers and if any of you guys are from the midwest you will understand how much that sucks for dieting and trying to watch what you eat lol but ive found alot of good stuff i can have from work

    ummm im a dork and a nerd all the way around anything else ask me :)

    ooh my sons almost 2 and ill be 30 in 5 days lol
  • dwyler21
    dwyler21 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey David. Welcome!

    We are the same weight!
  • dwyler21
    dwyler21 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey Adam,
    I'm from the Midwest sort of (Az) and i completely understand the temptations of Culver's haha

    Hey Eric,
    LOL i gained 30 pounds during my wife's pregnancy!
    24 pounds is a huge loss you on your way!
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I know all about sympathy pregnancy too. We can all relate mate