The Red Team Loft !



  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    You can keep track here in a post and just edit it or you can write it down at home and then type it up. What ever is going to work best for you. I think a post here updated each day would be great for everyone because then we can encourage each other!

    Keep up the good work ladies!!
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    1. 4 out of 7 workout days : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

    2. Try a new exercise : I did the Elliptical on Wednesday at the YMCA

    3. Best Butt Exercises For Women: Squats 75/350

    4. Don't forget to take a day rest! Your body needs it.

    5. Food Fish Challenge: 0 (zero)

    Keep drinking water - even if it is not our topic!!! I hope you picked up some good tips.

    cooking challenge
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Red Team PLEASE note the following. I think this was a great decision!

    Would you like this idea ?

    To make it clear for everyone - there never been thought about complete eviction for active members!!! - we are family and we want to have a fun and keep motivating ourself !!! I am sad to say it but there will be people leaving this game because they want to . Not because we will evict them !!! And we are not prison so if anyone decide to leave we will respect it!!!

    Everyone agree to remove inactive team members ( unless they will explain reason why - lost connection to Internet - illness - vacation and so makes it hard for captain and everyone trying to contact them - lets say person has to be idle for 2 weeks.) Should we design rest card for people on holiday???

    Make it easier for me and everyone stop calling this eviction but moving to home pit

    We will be announcing 3 winners - there will be complete winner , home pit winner and biggest transformation winner - last part is based on photos - this will be done by vote-by everyone !!! If you don't want to post picture it is fine - you can still play other parts of game !!!

    What does it mean to be in HOME PIT- not much change - you would stay in your group- you know your group and your group is like your family !!! You should continue playing. Your current captain will keep track of you. You will be still getting extra lbs if you complete challenges .But you will be playing along other home pit players .YOU CAN NOT BE EVICTED FROM HOME PIT IF YOU ARE ACTIVE MEMBER!!!!!!

    People from HOme pit can't win complete A-S BL winner but they can be home pit winner .... I would say we should move 2 people a week - I think this 2 people should be the ones with lowest percentage of loss in that week adding extra lbs from challenges. There is lots of extra lbs in challenges to make it fare for smaller players.

    At the moment we have around 93 members so moving 2 people to home pit would brake this group in half .

    I will be posting A-S BL winners and Home pit winners every week - last week we will have FINALE!!! with no extra challenge lbs and no extra advantages!!!

    Home pit winner and winner is going to be based purely on % of weight loss !!! Transformation winner on vote from other players :-))
  • BlairW_13
    BlairW_13 Posts: 22 Member
    Week 1 Challenge Status:

    1. 4 out of 7 workout days : Monday

    2. Try a new exercise : Planning on tennis this weekend

    3. Best Butt Exercises For Women: Squats 75/350

    4. Don't forget to take a day rest! Your body needs it. Rest day was Tuesday. Wednesday I didn't work out completely, but was on my feet all day and was exhausted by the end!

    5. Food Fish Challenge: I'm a vegetarian. I did have tofu curry today for lunch. It was a new experience for me!

    Keep drinking water - even if it is not our topic!!! I hope you picked up some good tips.

    cooking challenge
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    This week's challenge status:

    1. Tuesday - 35 minutes on the elliptical
    Thursday - 30 minute spin class
    Friday - 30 minute walk at lunch (B-E-A-U-tiful Day! :smile:)

    2. The spin class was my "something new." [completed!]

    3. So far I have done 225 squats...125 to go! I did 70 on Monday, 75 on Tuesday, and 80 on Wednesday.

    4. Wednesday was my day of rest. [completed]

    5. Wednesday I had broiled swordfish for was awesome!
    Thursday I had tuna on my salad. [completed]

    Hope everyone is having a super week!
  • SweetEli1003
    SweetEli1003 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi my fellow red team!! Just stopping in to check in. My first week has started off very slow. Exercise is my biggest hurtle when working on losing weight.

    To sum it
    4/7 sessions of exercise -- Thursday....plan on working out today and Saturday and Sunday to reach this goal
    1 session of something new - I tried out tennis yesterday. I am really bad at it but had fun playing with my husband.
    350 squats - I didn't start these on time where I can finish them. :(
    2 dishes with fish - Plan on having fish for lunch tomorrow and Sunday
    recipe - I'm hoping to find a good fish recipe to fix tomorrow

    Hope everyone is doing well on this week's challenge!!

  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Ladies how are doing this week? Are you ready for weigh in?

    I have not done anything the last couple days, I hurt my ankle/foot pretty good. Dr told me to take it easy for a few days. I've been resting it the best I can with 2 children. I'll be back to normal for the up coming week.

    Please remember to weigh in on Monday morning and get your weights in by Monday Night please. Also update with your challenge info at the same time.
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Good Morning Red team!!!!

    Today is our last day of Week 1! How are you feeling? Do you feel accomplished this week? Are you sore from squats?
  • cherylmaxfield
    Hello Red Team! Was an OK week for me, too busy to focus on the competition like I would like but better to keep going even a little than not at all I say! Hope everyone had a better week than I did.

    1. Got in my 4 sessions for the week.
    Did stair climbing twice 30 minutes each. Went walking/shopping at the mall for 6 hours. Continued to go walking. Total time for the week was 11.5 hours. 1 Hour of that was walking hills! (ughh)

    2. Did yard work and gardening for something different. Also mixed cement to begin building new front porch. Which is quite strenuous might I add! Killer on the arms!

    3. Did not get in all the squats. Only got in 250. Butt and thighs are too sore to do anymore.

    4. Rested on Saturday

    5. Cooked fish twice.
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi lovelies,

    Wow what a commitment from all of you !!! I am so pleased with your efforts I hope you will like this week's challenges .

    This is our second week challenge !!!! Have fun and get healthy!

    There is lbs reward for each part of this challenge

    max 7 lbs

    1. 4 days out of 7 of 30-45 min cardio or strength exercise sessions to be spread out during the week as it suits you best!

    sessions of jogging, fast walking, cross-trainer or treadmill,Zumba, Aerobics, Dance, DVD , Gym etc.
    (moderate cleaning doesn't count ;) !!! )

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed to do at least 4 sessions!!!

    2. Try something new or something you didn't do for a while - independent exercise of your choice for 30 min session at least!!! I know its getting harder to come up with something new :-)) ... so don't worry too much it can be anything interesting unusual - special you would like to share :-))

    If you lack inspiration, you can try swimming, clubbing (DANCING!!!), another class at your local gym, or that new DVD , take tennis rackets and go play tennis with kids in park ... or football ... I found out trampoline extremely hard in 0 challenge :-) and since I went to work last week I repeated it 2x and love it :-))

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed

    so this week we will concentrate on abs!!! And main challenge Bicycle Crunch.

    How to Properly do a Bicycle Crunch
    Lie on your back on a mat with knees bent, feet on the floor, and hands behind your head (don’t clasp your fingers). Press your lower back into the mat and tighten your ab muscles as you lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the floor and simultaneously move your right elbow and left knee toward each other while straightening your right leg (don’t let it touch the ground).

    Draw your right knee back up and immediately move your left elbow and right knee toward each other while straightening your left leg; that’s one rep. Continue to move continuously, as if pedaling a bicycle. Do 3 sets of 15 reps 3 times a week. (so 135 )


    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed 2 lbs for most Bicycle Crunches - BUT DON'T OVER DO IT!!!

    <b> And we please keep doing squats - why to have abs to kill for without nice booty :-)</b>

    so Best Butt Exercises For Women: Squats
    Squats are one of the best butt exercises you can do to build a nice round booty and sexy legs. Make sure you keep your abs tight, back straight, weight on heels, and sit your butt back. - there is only 140 to do - try to spread them in at least 3 days!! but of course if you can and want do more . (There is no advantage lbs for squats this week.)

    4. Don't forget to take a day rest! Your body needs it.

    5. For the WEEK 2 FOOD challenge, I thought we might still keep it BASIC ( I think we will always keep it basic ) ! Let's take this week to focus on breakfast and cooking - preparing breakfast - let other inspire you with their choices and recipes ! I know from looking into diaries - there is so many of you skipping it , but girls (as far as I know we don't have a man in our challenge) come on this is not good for us.

    there is NO excuse girls and having 7x a week breakfast is the only way to get 1 lbs advantage (sorry there is only medical excuse not to have a breakfast - please let me know if you need exception)

    Keep drinking water - even if it is not our topic!!! I hope you picked up some good tips. I hope you got inspired with fish recipes and will keep eating 2x a week fish or other meals that include omega-3 fatty acids as a highlight

    cooking challenge
    Also, I will be doing Cooking Challenge for week 2. It will run from today april 29th - may 5th . I need the pictures and ingredients of 1 breakfast you were having this week for yourself . I will be judging on healthiness, calorie amount and presentation .

    You must send picture + recipe here The requirement this week is breakfast.

    Best recipe will get 2 lbs advantage for week 3 weigh in and everyone who post picture will get 1lbs

    To sum it
    4/7 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage
    1 session of something new - let us know what - 1lbs advantage
    135 Bicycle Crunches spread in 3 days - 1 lbs for the everyone who manage to do 135 Bicycle Crunches an extra 1 lbs for person with most squats
    7xbreakfast - 1 lbs advantage
    recipe - 1 lbs for everyone who post recipe extra 1 lbs for best recipe
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!!!!!!

    I hope you found yourself feeling great after week 1 and you continue on into week 2 with a great attitude!

    Please remember to update me with your info by this evening (for last week)
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Week 1 Update:

    This morning I weighed in at 213.4 lbs. That is a 2.3 lb. loss since last Monday! :happy:

    As for the challenges:
    1. Tuesday - 35 minutes on the elliptical
    Thursday - 30 minute spin class
    Friday - a 30 minute walk
    Saturday - I participated in a 5k - finished in 53 minutes
    I also took a 45 minute Aqua Zumba class

    2. The spin class was my something new.

    3. I met the squat challenge. I finished the week out with 75 squats on Saturday and 50 on Sunday.

    4. Wednesday was my day of rest.

    5. I had swordfish for dinner on Wedesday. I also threw a tuna packet on my salad on Thursday.

    I did not submit a fish recipe. The swordfish was just broiled in the oven with some spices. Nothing fancy.

    I'm feeling fantastic! Hope y'all are doing well and keeping up the fight!

  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Good Evening Red Team!

    We have wrapped up week 1 and are part way through week 2! I hope you are all feeling successful! How is this week going?

    I tried a new machine at the YMCA today and boy do I feel it in my legs! I'm not sure what it was called but I am planning to try it again.

    Here is what I need you to each keep track of this week!

    Weigh In on Monday 5/6

    Did you work out 4 out of 7 days?

    Did you try something new?

    135 Bicycle Crunches?

    Did you do any squats?

    Did you REST?

    Did you eat Breakfast all 7 days?

    Did you summit a picture and a recipe?
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Good Morning Team! I hope you are all having a great week so far. I am home bound today. My older boy is home sick today, so no gym for me. I just posted my breakfast challenge recipe....y'all should check it out! I'm going to go do a Walk away the pounds DVD in a few mins. But I will do 15 Crunched before hand and 15 after.

    This week I'd like everyone to try to be a little more active if possible. The support of your teammates is so important. I know each of us have our own struggles in life but the best thing to do is remember : Your HERE, and that is what counts! You are trying, so keep it up Ladies!!!
  • SweetEli1003
    SweetEli1003 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Red Team,

    How is going for everyone? My first 2 days were not so great this week but I got back on track yesterday. Team captain I was wondering how many people are actually on are team? Is there any way to post the names of the active members on our team so maybe we could friend each other to offer our support? Keep up the good work everyone!!

    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Ladies these are your teammates:

    mjharman (Marsha)

    BlairW_13 (Blair)

    cherylmaxfiel (Cheryl)

    huanu (Cathy) (currently inactive--Please come back!)

    kassiebby1124 (Kassie)

    TryingAgainIn (currently inactive--Please come back!)

    SweetEli1003 (Elissa)

    healthy4meN2013 (Tess)

    Please friend each other and give as much support as you can. Together we can kick this weight!
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! We have half a week left to kick some weight; lets do this!

    Elissa Last week I was having a bit of a hard time too, I'm glad you got back into the swing of it.

    Today I still have my older boy home (stomach bug) and now my 2 year old has no Gym again unless I go later which I might. But I am planning on doing a WATP DVD again if I dont go to the Y. I did 3 miles with the DVD yesterday....Have any of you tried Leslie Sanson Walk Away The Pounds?

    Do any of you have a favorite smoothie? Wanna share the recipe?

    this makes a tall drinking glass

    1/2 c. Plain Greek Yogurt
    1/2 c. Blueberries (I use frozen)
    1 c. Strawberries (I use frozen)
    1/4 c. water

    Blend for 3 mins. I also 1/2 way defrost berries. Pretty darn yummy for 140 calories & 11.5 Proteins!
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Good Afternoon!!! Ladies how's the week going for you? Are you logging your food this week? How is your exercise going?

    I hope your all feeling like LOSERS (in a good way!!) I know from the posts I can see on MFP on my phone you ladies are doing a wonderful job!!!

    Don't forget that Monday I need the following. Please copy/paste this into a private message with it filled in with your details.

    Weigh In on Monday 5/6

    Did you work out 4 out of 7 days?

    Did you try something new?

    135 Bicycle Crunches?

    Did you do any squats?

    Did you REST?

    Did you eat Breakfast all 7 days?

    Did you summit a picture and a recipe?
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Happy Week 3!!!!! Come on ladies lets keep the momentum!

    This week I will need you all to keep track of the following:

    1. Did you work out 4 out of 7 days?

    2. Did you try a NEW exercise?

    3. Did you do 135 of EACH of the following: Crunches, Squats, & Push ups?

    4. Did you have a rest day?

    5. Did you remember to drink water?

    6. Did you each AT LEAST 5 fruits and Veggie servings on all 7 days?

    7. Did you submit a picture and recipe of a meal with at least 2 fruit/veggie servings to the cooking challenge?

    Ladies--Please friend each other if you have not done so yet! Support and encouragement really help! Please see the post above with a message with all your teammates in it.
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi lovelies,

    Wow what a commitment from all of you !!! I am so pleased with your efforts I hope you will like this week's challenges .

    This is our third week challenge !!!! Have fun and get healthy!

    There is lbs reward for each part of this challenge

    max 8 lbs

    1. 4 days out of 7 of 30-45 min cardio or strength exercise sessions to be spread out during the week as it suits you best!

    sessions of jogging, fast walking, cross-trainer or treadmill,Zumba, Aerobics, Dance, DVD , Gym etc.
    (moderate cleaning doesn't count ;) !!! )

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed to do at least 4 sessions!!!

    2. Try something new or something you didn't do for a while - independent exercise of your choice for 30 min session at least!!! I know its getting harder to come up with something new :-)) ... so don't worry too much it can be anything interesting unusual - special you would like to share :-))

    If you lack inspiration, you can try swimming, clubbing (DANCING!!!), another class at your local gym, or that new DVD , take tennis rackets and go play tennis with kids in park ... or football ... I found out trampoline extremely hard in 0 challenge :-) and since I went to work last week I repeated it 2x and love it :-))

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed

    so this week we will concentrate on abs and booty and upper body strength !!! And main challenge Crunch and squats

    At least 135 squats and 135 crunches spreaded in 3 days and as new exercise try 135 push ups again spreaded in at least 3 days

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed 2 lbs for most BUT DON'T OVER DO

    4. Don't forget to take a day rest! Your body needs it.

    5. For the WEEK 2 FOOD challenge, I thought we might still keep it BASIC ( I think we will always keep it basic ) ! Let's take this week to focus on 5 A DAY and cooking and preparing dish with veg and/or fruit - let other inspire you with their choices and recipes ! I know from looking into diaries - there is so many of you skipping it , but girls (as far as I know we don't have a man in our challenge) come on this is not good for us.

    there is NO excuse girls and having 7x your 5 a DAY is the only way to get 1 lbs advantage (sorry there is only medical excuse not to have a fruit /veg - please let me know if you need exception)

    Keep drinking water - even if it is not our topic!!! I hope you picked up some good tips. I hope you got inspired with fish recipes and will keep eating 2x a week fish or other meals that include omega-3 fatty acids as a highlight. And I hope breakfast is your meal for ever .

    cooking challenge
    Also, I will be doing Cooking Challenge for week 3. It will run from today may6th - may 13th . I need the pictures and ingredients of 1 dish you were having this week for yourself. It has to have at least 2 portion of 5 a day . I will be judging on healthiness, calorie amount and presentation .

    You must send picture + recipe here

    Best recipe will get 2 lbs advantage for week 3 weigh in and everyone who post picture will get 1lbs

    To sum it
    4/7 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage
    1 session of something special - let us know what - 1lbs advantage
    135 Crunches 135 squats 135 push ups - spread in 3 days - 1 lbs for the everyone who manage to do all + extra 1 lbs for person with most of all
    7x your 5 a day foods - 1 lbs advantage
    recipe - 1 lbs for everyone who post recipe extra 1 lbs for best recipe

    1 last lb is for person who motivates you the most in your team . This person is going to be voted by other members of team.