
kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
Hey everyone! Welcome! Let's do our best to keep each other motivated! I know this will be hard....listening to Jillian ALONE will be hard! But we can do this! Here's to hoping will all have great success!


  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    Everyone be sure to measure, weigh and take photos!!!!
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    Hi! I'm Rebecca. I really need the motivation, support and encouragement. I am getting married in August and I'm in a plateau!! As of today, I am slicing my calories, and getting on the 30DS again! Let's do this!!!
  • VivaciousVic
    VivaciousVic Posts: 20 Member
    Ok So. All that want can add me... and I will gladly accept... I need motivation daily I can be honest and say that.... As for the pics... I will take some tonight, and get them on here. Not sure what information you need/want at this time, so I'll just share the basic.

    CW: 324
    GW: 250

    So 74 pounds to go. I am also going to TRY insanity... I do the fit test tonight. SO I wish you all luck.... and we can do this.

    Be encouraged.
  • DanaLynnMN
    DanaLynnMN Posts: 192 Member
    I actually started yesterday, so I'm a day ahead. This is my second go at 30 DS. The first time I gave up about 1/2 way through level 2 due to changes at home that took away all of my motivation.

    Please add me if you'd like.

    I took pictures yesterday before my workout. (I shutter when I think about how horrible & miserable I look!!!)
    My starting weight is 207 lbs and I'm 5'3" tall.

    Instead of taking measurements, I'm gonna do before, during and after pictures.

    We CAN do this!!!
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    Feel free to post whatever you would like and only as much as you want. I will take my measurements, etc this evening. Probably won't post anything until the first ten days are done :)

    CW: 189 or so, varies about 2-3 of water weight pretty much daily
    GW: 135-150--just depends on how it looks :)
  • meli829
    meli829 Posts: 19 Member
    Just completed Day 2, Level 1. As soon as my husband gets home from work on evenings, I get those 30 precious minutes to workout while he watches the girls before dinner. I am only on Day 2 but already find I have a bit more endurance and it was a bit easier than yesterday even though I was sore. I feel great though and am looking forward to Day 3! Good luck to everyone who is starting today and for those of you who have already worked out today, Good JOB!! Keep it up!!!
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    Hey! I just started up the 30 Day Shred again today and THEN found this group, so that was kind of cool. I've never made it past Day 10 before I sort of give up I guess, so I'm hoping this time will be different. I'm also starting Couch to 5k in about a week--this week I've just been power walking around the neighborhood to prepare myself haha. My diet is generally on point while I do this.

    - I'm currently 5'4 and 140 pounds.
    - I guess I'd like a goal of 130 pounds, I don't know. We'll see how it goes. Mostly I just want to look a little tighter I guess.
    - No measurements, I'll just photograph myself and see how my clothes feel.
    - I have a bit of vulture neck that I'm hoping that working out regularly will fix--at least a tiny bit--so I'll report on that too, when my thirty days are done. I also get shin splints pretty easy, which has been an issue with 30DS and me in the past, so... We'll see!

    It's great to meet everyone and have some people to follow along with while I do this. Feel free to add me!
  • Autazell
    Autazell Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everyone! I started yesterday, so I was really happy to see this new group go up. I am starting from basically no exercise (just some light walking) so I am sore already LOL! I took some photos and measurements today so I can gauge my progress and I plan to continue eating at my calorie deficit (but add back most or all of my exercise calories). Good luck everyone, lets do this!
  • vikkibaptie
    vikkibaptie Posts: 16 Member
    Hi guys,
    It was a national holiday in the UK yesterday so I'm starting today! I lost 7lbs and lots of inches last time, but best of all I was so full of energy!

    I have a family wedding in 39 days so here's to having a fit bod for then! :-)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Just survived barely L1 D2 - woke up with sore muscles which was a good thing cause I know it's working, now I have rubber legs. Good luck everyone else getting it done today!!

  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    Hi guys,
    It was a national holiday in the UK yesterday so I'm starting today! I lost 7lbs and lots of inches last time, but best of all I was so full of energy!

    I have a family wedding in 39 days so here's to having a fit bod for then! :-)

    Good luck on getting ready for wedding! Wanted to ask if you still maintained what you lost last time or did it come back? 7lbs and lots of inches sounds AWESOME!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Hey, all! Started today, and my arms are killing me. I'm 5'7", currently about 159, goal weight 152. With less then 10 pounds to go, I figure it's time to see if I can work more on improving my shape while I lose the last pounds. Took pics and measurements this morning before I started--lucky for me, I've got a little mid-month bloat going on, so that should help the "after" pictures look all the more impressive.

    Best of luck everyone! We can do this!
  • cjbucci19
    cjbucci19 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi everyone! I started this on Sunday, but just did day 2 today because I was so sore! I'll try to be consistent and post would be nice to have a group for encouragement, motivation & ACCOUNTABILITY! :)