
aanaheldd Posts: 32 Member
Hey ladies! Lets introduce ourselves! Whatever you want to tell us, feel free! Name age and goal loss would be great! And a fun fact about you.

I'm Ana! I'm 23 and I live in South Dakota. I weigh 247lbs and am 5'11. I don't hate my body, I am just starting to be uncomfortable in it haha.
My goal weight is 190. I hope by August to be comfortable to be in my Bridesmaid dress!
I am an outgoing, fun loving girl who's goal in the near future is to go skydiving!


  • Sweetlyxo
    Sweetlyxo Posts: 9
    Im Lindsay! Im 21. Im from Edmonton, Alberta! Im a small framed person and have always been quite in shape, but lately since getting into a relationship almost 2 years ago, I find that Im losing a lot of what I had. I wouldn't say ive gained ALOT of weight, I am still quite small, but im no where happy with what I am. I want to be tighter and leaner. You know! My goal is 115 and if I got to 110 I would be over the moon. I am 120 right now give or take. I actually haven't stepped on a scale in about a year, but not a lot has changed.

    I really just want to be healthier and tighter and comfortable in my clothes. It just got warm here and I tried on all my old summer clothes and it just ended in tears. so I ended up sweating my but off in old "boyfriend" jeans and a hoody!

    So the boyfriend and I have decided to really step up our game! although I seem more serious than he is... time will only tell! its perfect cause he lives right near the river valley where there is parks and trails and endless amounts of stairs to go for runs..(I hate running) but he has a dog now so we have a good reason to get our butts out there.

    So hopefully this will work and I will be happy come next month and feel comfortable in my bathing suit.. or even shorts for that matter, and he will feel comfortable walking around shirtless!

    Again.. only time will tell!!

    Wish me luck :)
  • octopustea
    octopustea Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm Mar and I'm 20. I have been chubby/fat all my life and it runs in my family. I'm a full time college student but it's going to be summer soon so I decided to dust off this myfitnesspal account and try to get involved and motivated to get in shape!

    I'm currently 192 lbs and I want to start small so my currently goal is to get down to at least 180. I'm only 5'3" so I have a long way to go before I reach a healthy weight but I'm going to do my best!

    I'm a creative type person who loves to draw, paint, and design! Drawing involves a lot of sitting around all day but that's why I'm here (haha). I also love visiting museums and zoos. My favorite active activities are ping-pong and swimming.
  • Hi everyone I am a 20 year old University student raised in Upper Darby, PA but currently living in England. I think I've always been overweight. Since I hit puberty all those years ago I have always wanted to lose weight and now I think I'm more than ready and in the right mind set to do so. When I was around 14/15 I was around 245 lbs and I lost weight when I moved to England without a conscious effort and have kept it off since then but now I want to get healthy and be more comfortable in my clothes and be able to go shopping with friends.
    My CW is 224
    My Height is 5'4
    My GW is 145
    I'm not too sure if i want to be that light I would just like to lose inches and fat.

    I'd really love to make new friends on here to help and motivate me on my journey
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    Ello! Im on a nook so forgive my typos and crap punctuation. Im 27 and currently at 206 pounds. Im 5'5" and a short term goal is 195 by july.

    Ive always been a little big and I dont want to be tiny but I want to be healthy and strong. I want to be able to be an example for others, not just for weight loss but a healthy lifestyle period. Im also sort of against diets and those super expensive detox programs. If others donthe research and choose tonuse them I dont mind but Id like to lose weight the old fashioned way and have the ability to maintain and teach that way to my family.

    I have a history of EDNOS and some binging issues so healthy weight loss is important to me. Im interested in a health related field. Im torn between another go at nursing school or becoming a dietitian.

    For now Im a CNA and im working on making my life a more healthy one and limiting fods and people who arent on board.

    Other than that Im a new convert to Dr. Who, I love Game of Thrones, Im a fan of Xena from way back. I like reading, dancing, wrestling shows, music, and being generally awesome. Im hoping for a nice long summer with lots of swimming.
  • HI All! My name is Christina! :) Im 24 yrs old. Currently weigh 240lbs. 5'5. From South Carolina. I have tried dieting several times but never was truly motivated. Im now sticking to a 1500 calorie diet and exercise 4x a week! :) Today, is my first day on my diet and I was actually UNDER my Calories. I was thrilled to know I could reduce my food intake!
    I am excited to get to a new, beautiful me! Something that has always made me fail, was lack of support. My husband is a great motivator but I guess knowing others are out there doing it with me, will help me SUCCEED in getting to my finishing results. I have 110lbs to lose and will work hard to lose it!
    I enjoy meeting new ppl, and look forward to having us a support group all the way. If I find ways that has helped me, I will def. keep you posted.

  • arasky90
    arasky90 Posts: 10
    Hi lovely ladies, my name is Sara, I'm 22 and I live in the UK but I'm originally from Italy.
    I love my body and that's why I want to give it the best treatment possible.
    These past few months have been really hard for me and I've given into too many treats... I feel like I've lost sense of what my body really needs and what I can do to change bad habits.

    But now it's time to go back to a leaner me and to feel comfortable in my skin again!
    I'm looking forward to summer and to get my legs out without having to worry about it :)

    CW: 149.6 lbs (68 kg)
    GW: 132 lbs (60 kg) but I'd be happy at 138 lbs (64 kg)!
    Height: 5'5''
  • Ladyinwaiting4
    Ladyinwaiting4 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi ladies my name is Katie. I am 37 years old and live in Arkansas. I am currently in a class to help me deal with undereating. I started out at 250 pounds and I am currently 177 pounds. I really need to make some changes in my eating and work out habits. ready to return to the girl I used to be before gaining the weight.

    Cw: 177pounds

    GW 136 pounds

    Height: 5'4 inches tall
  • jackstar2
    jackstar2 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    My name is Jacqui, I'm from London and I'm 31 years old (sorry i'm a lil over the age limt!) . I am looking for some motivation and inspiration. I need to loose that last bit of stubborn fat! Oh and if anyone has any tips on how to get rid of cellulite please let me know. I really want to be toned and I find it hard to stay in the 1200 Cal limit so any tips on low cal food that make you feel full please let me know!

    CW 139
    GW 127
    H: 5'4
  • aanaheldd
    aanaheldd Posts: 32 Member
    So nice to have all of you ladies!!

    Lindsay- nice to meet you! It seems like being happy and/or getting into a relationship makes ladies gain weight, I am having that problem as we speak! Good luck girl! I hate running too!

    Mar- I think a smaller goal is a great idea. My family is heavier too so I know it can be tough!

    SpiceinTraining- I understand the want to feel comfortable in your own clothes. I have found myself wearing sweatpants more because my jeans are getting tighter. We are here for you! You can do it!

    SilverLotus- health is a huge motivation for me too. My family has a history of heart issues. I hope we can help keep the motivation.

    Christina- that is an amazing goal! I know you can do it! Just let us know what we can do to help!

    Sara- great to have you here! Those treats get the best of us all! You can do it!

    Katie- Were here for you lady! You can do it! Let us know how we can help!

    Jacqui- That's totally fine! I'm really okay with all ages! I hope we can help motivate you! You can do it! Ill keep an eye out or any good recipes!

    Yay! I'm so excited! Lets do this ladies!
  • mozzypug
    mozzypug Posts: 7 Member
    Hey ladies!
    My name is Marie and I'm 19. I am currently transferring colleges and have had spare time to whip back into shape. I used to play tennis everyday but it's a lot harder now with no competition. Instead I walk my dogs and i've recently started running again. I gained a few lbs in college, im around 185ish right now, but my goal weight is 140. I've got a long ways to go and this is the first time i'll be using a support group to help me along the way! oh, and i'm 5'5" :P
  • mlcrawford
    mlcrawford Posts: 2
    Glad to find a good group of ladies on here! I'm Michelle, 27 years old, single mother and working professional. With the help of MFP over the past couple of years, I've lost over 15 lbs of residual baby fat (my son is now 4 years old!). I'd like to maintain my weight loss and continue to lead a healthy lifestyle, while working to tone my body - yes, I have extra skinnage!! I'm really into to HEALTHY EATING, not just low calorie, so always looking for new tips on how to incorporate nutrient-dense and antioxidant-rich foods into my diet!

    My pre-weight-loss weight was about 130.
    CW between 110-115.
    I am 5'4.

    Looking forward to the mutual support. :))
  • aanaheldd
    aanaheldd Posts: 32 Member
    Nice to meet you Marie and Michelle! Welcome! Hopefully we can all support and motivate each other! Good luck!
  • MaddieHard
    MaddieHard Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Beautiful Ladies,
    I am 18 years old and constantly emotionally distraught over my weight. I let the number on the scale determine my outlook on the day. I feel like a lot of my family and friends don't understand and are constantly pressuring me into eating unhealthy food and making unhealthy decisions. I want to be part of a community that supports me and that can help me achieve my goals. I need to maintain my goal weight in order to be happy- that's just the way it is.
    Hoping to join in on the support, as we all deal with the challenges that come along with achieving our goals.
  • aanaheldd
    aanaheldd Posts: 32 Member
    Great to have you Maddie! We would love to be a support for you and I know you can do it!
  • AlexT29
    AlexT29 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello all!

    My name is Alex, and I'm 25 and 13 months (25 was a good year - not letting go just yet :wink: ).

    SW 185
    CW 177
    GW 160
    Height 5' 11"
    Daily cal goal is 1500

    A good relationship and emotional eating has led me to gain almost 30 lbs over the past couple years. I lost 40 lbs in high school and in January I decided to do something about my weight gain before I was starting completely over. I grew up in the Boise, ID area, but a few years ago moved to a more rural area. Rural, as in the only restaurant is the local bowling alley, and the manager at the only grocery store thought "quinoa" was something I made up. And I love living here :smile: .

    After a 4 year hiatus, I started running again a few weeks ago with the "zombies, run! 5k training" app. I also enjoy yoga, hiking, and bike riding, and am on week 2 of RI30. Looking forward to being a part of the group.
  • Hey there!

    My name is Kristy. I am 24 and a mama of two crazy toddlers. I have always struggled with my body image. I have lost about 30 pounds and have hit a plateau. I am currently 150 and My goal weight is 130. I would love it if there was a way to lose these last 20 pounds. What I am struggling with is not letting my negative self image overwhelm me and take control of me. I need to love my body. I think if I learn to love my body the way it is, I would be more prone to losing weight in a healthy way. Lately I have become SO obsessed with my calories, and exercise to the point that I crash because I don't eat enough and exercise too much (sounds borderline eating disorder to me).
    Looking forward to having some support!
  • aanaheldd
    aanaheldd Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there Alex and Kristy! Excited to have you both! Hopefully you will find support and motivation within this group!
  • islander85
    islander85 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi ladies

    Im Dee, Im 27 and live in London, UK My stats are:

    SW: 160
    GW: 115-120
    Height: Just under 5'4

    Been on diets my whole adult life, you name it I've tried it! I've just started the 5:2 diet and gearing up to start training to complete a 5k next month hopefully.

    Would love to have some weight loss buddies on this journey. Wishing everyone the best of luck with their goals!
  • ruthie0704
    ruthie0704 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Ruthie, I am almost 24, and I live in Las Vegas. I am a stay at home mom to a very silly almost 3 year old. (and a full time student!).

    I have struggled with my weight and self image for a very long time. After I had my daughter I basically starved myself to lose weight, and I did lose it....but that came with so many other problems!

    So, here I am, trying to lose 25 pounds and gain the self respect that I know I deserve.
  • aanaheldd
    aanaheldd Posts: 32 Member
    Nice to meet you ladies!