New Rules and Fat Loss



  • On my days off I just do active stuff..walking etc. sometimes I walk on lifting days..I like lifting.

    I'm eating relatively clean but not obsessively so.

    II dunno..if you want to lose fat you have to cut calories and burn more than you any plan.

    There's no magic..however you will look better if you lift..I've seen enough before and after photos to see that :)

    I never took NROL4W as a fat loss book...just a strenght gain/shape changing program. though it's still talked about to some degree in there. the workouts down the road are very difficult? I hope so..I like to work hard at the gym!

    This is pretty much what I'm doing. I NEED to lose the pounds, but I'm not being obsessive about it. I'd LOVE to wear a bikini by the end of summer, but that's not realistic. At all.

    I chose this route because A) I really hate low calorie dieting. B) I'm very much a weakling and need the strength. C) I hate cardio for the most part, and if that's all I chose to do, I'd give up, eat Ben and Jerry's and live with being fat. <--That's NOT what I want. I want long term, sustainable results. A lifestyle change.

    Anyway, I agree. I'm a more effective fat burner if I'm stronger. That's a no-brainer.
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    Well this is depressing since I just started and fat loss is my main goal.

    My main goal,too...

    I just started Stage 2. Over the 6 weeks in Stage 1, I only lost a couple of pounds, but I went down 2 jeans sizes. Also, the strength I gained by lifting has resulted in the ability to run longer, Zumba better, and has just generally improved my ability and endurance at doing cardio, which I know will contribute to more fat loss.

    I truly think that he's trying to sell the newer books. NROL4W is a great program, and anything that gets us lifting heavy 3x a week will make long-term fat loss easier to achieve, as more muscle raises metabolism.

    Keep at it, I say...

  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    Maybe it's a promotional exercise to get people to buy the newer books - I guess this is the cynic in me!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I think that's a TERRIBLE REVELATION, as well.

    too bad Alwyn couldn't "explain himself" any better....

    I have NROL4W, NROL4Abs, NROL4Life and "supercharged"....I think the BIGGEST difference between LATER books (NROL4Life and supercharged) and EARLIER books (say, NROL4W) is that they hadn't yet figured out that a "complete, all-over, compound" move program should, in their view, include:

    1. a push move
    2. a pull move
    3. a hinge move

    etc., etc. Once they started laying their books out in that format (the "later" books), the SIMPLICITY of it really makes it easy on the reader to understand WHY the moves they have chosen are in the work-outs as scheduled (or as D-I-Y schedule).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I also think Alwyn is koo-koo for not recognizing what an AWESOME NICHE it is/was to market EXCLUSIVELY to women.

    We buy!

    We buy books!

    We buy books that "look" like a men's program, but have some "specifically-designed" work for women.

    Betcha anything, a NEW "NROL4W" will come out, with a similar format to NROL4Life and NROL4Abs because, let's face it, women LIKE IT.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I looked at his wife's new book on Amazon and the description sounded like more of a Insanity/P90X type of workout with day-by-day diet plans. I'm definitely not interested in that. Who wants to go back to the Barbie weights after lifting loaded barbells?

    I agree that NROLFW is a great plan. I like Supercharged a lot, but wouldn't make decent workouts and would never do the big lifts (squats and deadlifts) if I had done Supercharged first.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I actually bought the new book. It is very similar to Supercharged, but the workouts are completed for you. Supercharged however doesn't really have much guidance as far a food plan. Drop 2 Sizes has extensive food lists and menu planning. I actually found it very helpful.

    I did two of the Drop 2 Sizes workouts last week and they were good workouts. I was doing deadllifts, squats, etc. I was definately able to lift heavy. The difference is that I learned so much from New Rules for Women that I was able to adapt the Drop 2 Sizes to my ability. New Rules for Women has a great foundation for anyone that is new to Weight Lifting. I had never stepped foot in the weight room until I got the Womens book.

    For those of you that are experienced, I would definately look into Supercharged. I have been using it since it came out in December. I have realized that I need to eat at a bigger deficit if I want more fat loss. When I did New Rules for Women last year I was eating at maintanence.

    Good luck everyone!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I just want to say that I LOVE this discussion. Thank you everyone who posted!
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    I haven't purchased any of the books yet and now I'm confused. I'm really new to lifting and nursing a pulled muscle in my back from the current program I'm doing. I injured it doing bicep curls while doing sumo squats on my toes. Not good. I heard this program doesn't have those kind of weird moves. Is that true? I'm 47 years old. Which book would you suggest I start with? I know very little about lifting anything but dumbbells. I don't even know what half the stuff in the weight room is for. Would you suggest the NROLFW for me or one of the other books?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You can't go wrong with NROLFW . It is a great book for women to learn the basics.
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    You can't go wrong with NROLFW . It is a great book for women to learn the basics.

    ^^^^totally agree with the above!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    You can't go wrong with NROLFW . It is a great book for women to learn the basics.

    Yep. I thought I "knew" the basics. But alas, I did not.

    I don't know. I'm going to stick with it and finish it and continue my running schedule. Between this and cleaning up my eating a bit I now have abs, and I definitely have muscle definition. I'm already accomplishing the goals I wanted so why not stick with it? I would definitely consider the other programs afterwards. I'm too methodical... once i start something I need to finish before "on to the next one..."
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I guess I'll go with the NROLFW and start there. A little nervous to start seeing that I already injured myself. Lol I'm doing Chalean Extreme now and I like it but it has a lot of weird isolation moves and makes me much more prone to injury. I guess my sense of balance is worse than what I thought it was!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I was "eh" about the "we didn't evolve as runners" and the "it matters when you eat" info in Nrol4W book, but I LOVE the exercises.
  • bdetty
    bdetty Posts: 13 Member
    Avie, you can do anything. Burpees, treadmill, bike, elliptical, jump favorite right now is box jumps(;desktop_uri=/watch?v=opuA4Ej2GDs) and farmers carry just using weight plates (;desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D9i4Vk-ZJ4os).


    I know someone who landed on the box, shin first & split hit leg open. it required 16 stiches. He'd been doing them w/o incident for about a year when the accident happened.... they're very risky and many gyms have removed their boxes.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Avie, you can do anything. Burpees, treadmill, bike, elliptical, jump favorite right now is box jumps(;desktop_uri=/watch?v=opuA4Ej2GDs) and farmers carry just using weight plates (;desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D9i4Vk-ZJ4os).


    I know someone who landed on the box, shin first & split hit leg open. it required 16 stiches. He'd been doing them w/o incident for about a year when the accident happened.... they're very risky and many gyms have removed their boxes.

    Sounds like a Crossfit calamity! I've heard of several Crossfitters having that injury. I don't think I'd do them on one of those plywood boxes.

    I use them as end-of-workout HIIT a lot. I do them onto the flat benchpress bench at my gym. That way I can lightly grab the bar in the rack for balance if I need to, and if I slip, the bench is smooth and padded so it won't cut me. Also, as you get fatigued, you need to slow down and watch your form and not push beyond your capability to do them safely.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I just wanted to add that I bought Drop Two Sizes and I actually really like it. I have been doing NROL4W but only stage 1. I loved NROL4W as it introduced me to lifting and helped me to understand why it is so much better for me than hours on the treadmill etc. And it made me realize that I much prefer weights to endless cardio workouts.

    I had some success with NROL4W as after about 4 weeks people were asking me if I lost weight which I think is a great sign plus I felt great.

    I do really like Drop Two Sizes and I feel at this moment in time it is the better program for me. It has a a RAMP warmup which I like a lot. Many moves are actually the same as in NROL4W such as lunges step ups etc. You also do squats and deadlifts just with dumbbells I think this is in the book so it will be easier for people to workout at home. I think I will still use the oly bar for those. You still have overhead press and lat pull down etc just different variations that workout the whole body more. It also incorporates body weight exercises such as variations of planks.
    On top of that you have metabolic workouts for your non lifting days. I have only tried the workouts at home to see what I think and I really liked it. I was soaking wet and I felt it the next and even though I have just done a couple of workouts I feel great. I can understand what Alwyn was saying as the Drop Two Sizes feels as if the latest science has been incorporated- if that makes sense. They are using the workouts in the book in their gym 'Result Fitness'. I really like it and I think it is great for people like me that are overweight and just want to focus on fat loss rather than purely building strength. I will definitely go back to their other books afterwards.

    As the TRX and resistance band were mentioned they are actually just optional if you do workout from home or if your gym has TRX. Mine doesn't but it is no issue as there are options to do the workouts with other gym equipment.

    The eating plan I personally really like. I normally never really care for them and I have never looked at the one in the NROL4W book. I do like this one as it is normal and easily available food and as it is not far off from what I normally eat (when I am being good) I decided to give it a go.

    I am sure the Cosgroves are doing well financially so I don't think they have a reason to push the new books by putting the old ones down as well as I am sure they still make a profit from NROL4W.

    I just wanted to give my opinion as there is not much out there about Drop Two Sizes yet but I think it is a great program and has been dismissed unfairly here... :smile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    I am sure the Cosgroves are doing well financially so I don't think they have a reason to push the new books by putting the old ones down as well as I am sure they still make a profit from NROL4W.

    Daisy, I totally respect your opinion of the program, I cannot disagree with you at all as I've never read it, but this part cracked me up. They are running a business, it is about making money. Of course they care about what they are doing, helping people to be more fit and healthy, that's the best kind of job you can have is one that you care about, but it's still about making a living. And generally, the more you make, the more you need to make.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Well what I meant by that is that I am sure they are making loads by selling their books already so i doubt he comments on a Facebook group simply to improve the sales of his wife's book...maybe the newer books are just a bit more rounded and he wants to promote them obviously.
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    I just wanted to give my opinion as there is not much out there about Drop Two Sizes yet but I think it is a great program and has been dismissed unfairly here... :smile:
    I've been reading some positive reviews about D2S and am thinking about looking into it. Is the food/diet part integral to the program, though? My husband and I are both cooks and really like to wing it with our recipes. I'd go crazy if I had to follow a menu. That, and I'm PICKY, LOL. We are both strict about logging food on MFP and keeping our calories in check. I'm really struggling with NROL4W right now, and as much as I'd like to finish it, the D2S workouts sound appealing. I don't want to give up the oly bar, though. ;)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I just wanted to give my opinion as there is not much out there about Drop Two Sizes yet but I think it is a great program and has been dismissed unfairly here... :smile:
    I've been reading some positive reviews about D2S and am thinking about looking into it. Is the food/diet part integral to the program, though? My husband and I are both cooks and really like to wing it with our recipes. I'd go crazy if I had to follow a menu. That, and I'm PICKY, LOL. We are both strict about logging food on MFP and keeping our calories in check. I'm really struggling with NROL4W right now, and as much as I'd like to finish it, the D2S workouts sound appealing. I don't want to give up the oly bar, though. ;)

    You don't have to stick to the diet plan. You could use it as inspiration maybe?
    Also you could still use the oly bar just do a back squat instead of the goblet squad and same for the deadlift.
  • evans72002
    evans72002 Posts: 89 Member
    If you have the supercharged book, can you tell the first 2 words of chapter 21?
  • Please keep in mind that there are plenty of lifters still doing OLD programs from 20 or more years ago.

    Just because new books released doesn't mean the old workout program will not work anymore.

    Never forget that changing things up for a new book = continual payroll.

    Its business.
  • I just looked at the book on Amazon and don't find any compelling reason to purchase this, especially if you have been following NROL4W.

    "Drop Two Sizes includes effective, at-home strength and cardio routines that require little more than two dumbbells"

    That would be a major step backwards for most.

    Just my opinion of course.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Well I just ordered Drop Two Sizes but want to complete New Rules first if I can. I've been disappointed with changes to my body in New Rules although it has given my training more structure. I've gained a couple of pounds though (fat not muscle!) so that also affects how my body looks. But no sign of the bingo wings going and weight increases are tiny. So I fancy trying something different but will try and stick our New Rules for now.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Hi, a question for those who've read the Drop Two sizes book. Haven't yet seen reviews offering just a general summary of the ideas. If it's recommended for 'fat loss' (as well as book sales), and from what I've read so far, it is 4x/week metabolic circuits ('circuit training', whatever - lowish weights, minimal rest) - is that right? And the diet = probably high-protein - is it also low calorie? Thanks :)
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    I did order it but am not likely to use it verbatim - more likely to use some of the exercises. I have used the RAMP warm up which is quite good - though long! The exercises are interesting - the focus seems to be on many reps and lower weight, but it should be adaptable to heavier weight work. However it is focused on dumbbells rather than heavier barbell training. The metabolic circuits look interesting and I may use these occasionally too - longer but not as tough as the body weight matrix I suspect but I'll try and see. I didn't like the diet section - I'm vegetarian and there weren't many options, and to be honest, although it wasn't calorie counted, it didn't look very much - no wonder people lose weight! I would need more to eat!

    So, in summary - some stuff that I will use and adapt, some that I will ignore - not a waste of money but probably not recommended wholesale. A shame it is sold as a size lose miracle diet as that undervalues some interesting workouts.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! Shame it is what it is..

    Apparently in this book she is advocating a 1000 calorie diet??
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    If the diet is anything like what she put in her first book, it is very low cal. Once again, ANY lifting program will give you fat loss results if you push yourself and eat at a deficit. That's what it all boils down to.
    The more reviews I read of this book the more I definitely know its not for me. I love heavy lifting and there's none of it in "Two Sizes" from what I am reading. However, I can see that it is probably more convenient for those who lift at home or at a gym with limited equipment.