
Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
Yeah, so I did Day One yesterday and am incredibly sore, like walking funny sore today, haha. I felt pretty good and energetic after I did the thing, but this morning I'm having a looottt of trouble motivating myself to go do Day 2. I mentally WANT to do it, I guess I'm just worried about being completely stiff useless for the rest of the day, and I still have a lot of things to do!

Any tips on how to relieve this and push through, if I should? It seems silly to have to take a break day after one day, you know? I feel silly even typing this, but I guess this is a 'support' group haha, and we all start somewhere.


  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Yeah, so I did Day One yesterday and am incredibly sore, like walking funny sore today, haha. I felt pretty good and energetic after I did the thing, but this morning I'm having a looottt of trouble motivating myself to go do Day 2. I mentally WANT to do it, I guess I'm just worried about being completely stiff useless for the rest of the day, and I still have a lot of things to do!

    Any tips on how to relieve this and push through, if I should? It seems silly to have to take a break day after one day, you know? I feel silly even typing this, but I guess this is a 'support' group haha, and we all start somewhere.

    That's how I woke up, but did a few stretches before I started and it did loosen up while I was doing it. Tomorrow is going to be rough though, but we got this!
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    I am CERTAINLY no expert but if you are so sore that you think you could risk injury then I wouldn't go again today. Maybe take a nice long easy walk instead. You need to listen to your body. I'm not too bad today but it is usually worse on day 2 for me so...... anyway all I am saying is eat clean, try to still do something today and get back on the horse asap :) Drink LOTS of water too! I have heard that endurance levels kick up pretty quick with 30DS so you will be ready to go at it stronger each time :)
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    I had this issues last time, all of my soreness came immediately in day one/two, whereas I read most people say day two/three was where it hit them. I'm going to take a super hot shower and do some stretches and see how I feel. If it doesn't work, my plan B is to I'll mow the lawn today (I have a big lawn and a push mower, so it's something!) and do a hard walk.

    It's weird like, I have the STAMINA, it's just my stupid muscles are so puny. :)

    Thanks guys, I guess I'm being flimsy right now, but I'm going to persevere and get 30 days!
  • kgem4u2
    kgem4u2 Posts: 69
    My hamstrings were sore this morning. Which is funny because I was exercising before this so I figured I would be ok but oh Jillian had a trick up her sleeve. But when I am sore I know muscles I haven't worked are being worked and that makes me feel good. Work!!!
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    No worries! We have to start somewhere. I am the opposite= my muscles are better (although it's just slightly) than my stamina. Midol will help with the soreness too--or at least I have been told. :)
  • meli829
    meli829 Posts: 19 Member
    The last time I did this, I was so sore the first two days, I looked like a 90 year old walking up the stairs. This time on Day 2, I'm sore but it's manageable. Hot showers/baths help and I find massaging the sore spots helps as well and stretching and moving to avoid getting stiff especially before your next workout.
  • DanaLynnMN
    DanaLynnMN Posts: 192 Member
    I was sore after day 1....and really sore today after doing day 2 last night. (especially my inner thighs, pecks and sholders.
    I took advil and am drinking lots of water - seems to be helping.

    Before I workout tonight, I will do some extra stretching. I know I loosen up more once I start the workout, but extra stretching will prevent injury.

    On my rest days (resting from 30 DS that is), I will be walking - just do be doing some activity and to keep me loose.
  • ntanasiciuk
    ntanasiciuk Posts: 43 Member
    Hey there! You are sore because your muscles are in shock! I am not expert, but my personal advice and advice I see from a LOT of other people is to PUSH PAST IT! If I am quite sore, I typically take the extra time to do my own stretches before I start a DVD. same with at the end, I do more stretches than what they do and may hold it a bit longer. Obviously, you know your body the best. But I promise it will get better after day three if you keep pushing and you do it no matter what! Good luck.
  • kasslass2
    kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
    Hello ladies. Well Day 2, Level 1 was completed last night. Soreness is much better today. Odd since I expected it to be worse. Still not sure if workout was harder or easier last night. lol Seemed to go through faster but still hated Jillian and wanted to die in parts. I think it is all the jumping jacks and jumping rope (while holding my boobs) that wears on me. lol I am going to try to incorporate three days a week of lifting. Suggestions? Wish me luck! :noway:
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    I took the day off yesterday and went for a 20 minute fast paces walk and I think I'm better for it. I was still sore today but didn't feel at risk of injuring myself during 30ds. I just finished Day 2 and I still feel sore but not like... in pain sore like yesterday haha. I spent last night soaking in a hot tub and rubbing out my legs and it did a world of good!

    It's funny to read what parts of the workout we all trouble with and what parts of us get sore as opposed to others... I have no soreness in my upper body or tummy, but the tops of my thighs are pretty killer! Stuff like the cardio and abs are really easy for me, but anything that involves the squat position and I'm just probably hilarious to watch hahaha.

    This group is cool, I made myself do my workout today before I'd check in and read everyone's updates, that way I could contribute :)
  • Trace1984
    Trace1984 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel the pain...Soreness Everywhere! I sort of look forward to those side lunges with weights, even though they are the hardest thing to do, because then I know its workout is coming to an end.
    Level 1 Day 3 Complete :happy:
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I walked around last night looking like a 90 year old woman, was still a little sore this morning, but did my bike riding warm up, and then pushed myself through it. It definitely wasn't pretty and I know I made up new curse words for Jillian and her squats and lunges (picture the movie Christmas Story and Ralphies cursing incident close to what I sound like) but its done.

    Thursday is my rest day so Day 4 will be on Friday.
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    After Day 2 (yesterday) I was really sore, but today I woke up feeling a lot better!! The more you work those muscles the less sore they will be. If it's too bad take some pain reliever and keep pushing. If you take a break too soon it will be harder to jump back on. :)