Friendship & Intro Thread



  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kris & Des,
    Please, please, please check out
    You are both voicing the exact same problems with synthetic thyroid meds.
    * The synthetic did that to me too, made me start sweating at night :grumble:
    * It's not true about the meds helping you lose wt. ~ I'm surprised that you don't know if you're hyper or hypo... :ohwell:
    There is so much more to it. You will realize that it is harder for people with thyroid conditions to lose wt.
    We have to approach food with an education of what "blocks" the thyroid... (goitergens)...
    plus supplements that we NEED...
    Exercise also is slightly different... heavy-high aerobics is not good for us... will not help, but we NEED to exercise daily, steadily, to lose wt.
    Most people do better on gluten-free, low-carb, plus good oils (coconut oil) diets.
    Please check out the links, read, study, research.
    Many of the threads on this forum are full of helpful dialog as well.
    Hope it helps you as much as it has me. You're among those who understand & fight the same battle. :smile:
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    Hi all,

    Just discovered this group. Although my numbers have always been in range, I do have two nodules that I have been having monitored for almost 5 years now. I have had two biopsies and everything is okay in that regard, as well as having a ultrasound once a year to monitor. I have a new doctor and she asked if I would like to go on supplementation - as I have been feeling more tired lately. My TSH has never been over 2, but I feel better when it is around 1. I just finished my first four weeks of Synthroid (which made me eat like a horse), and just changed over to Armour yesterday. (Yay!) I already feel better - at least I don't think it's all in my head. I'm not starving for one thing! I go back for more blood work in 2 weeks. Hopefully I can get my numbers where they should be.

    Glad to be here!

    ~ Jana
  • LizGozza
    LizGozza Posts: 45
    Hey everyone, my name is Mostly im 24 and I reside in Seattle. I was finally diagnosed with hypo on Saturday after being told it was just depression. My TSH originally came back a 2.2, but I requested a referral to and Endo who ROCKS and it came back a 6.5! Along with low t4. Luckily (or not) I have a serious family history of thyroid issues and have long suspected I had hypo so I had already done a ton of research and felt very prepared. My Endo was more then happy to prescribe Armour right off the bat and I took my first dose this morning. I'm really looking forward to getting this sorted out and dropping the 60! Odd pounds I gained in a year and a half despite walking over 5 hours a day and eating mostly SB phase 2. Plus getting rid of the fatigue, dry skin, thinning hair, foggy brain, and mood swings. So happy to have found this group!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Liz & Jana :flowerforyou:
    So happy for you both, that you've already been put on Armour. Hope you feel great soon!
  • teresa7926
    teresa7926 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Kris, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis last week. So at this point I'm still trying to understand all of the implications. I started taking 50mcg of levothyroxine and so far I feel like my body temperature has increased. I'm sweaty in the morning after I take my the meds.

    Is that normal?

    I was diagnosed with Hashimotos last year - after referal to numerous specialists for various symptoms over the past few years. Before that my gp just said my thyroid was hypo and put me on levothroxine 50mcg. My endo took me off this and put me on levoxyl because unless you take the same manufactorer of levothroxine (which is generic) each time you refill, it is not consistent because of the non active agents. Well now we cannot get levoxyl so I start Synthroid tomorrow and am up to 125mcg. Not thrilled about this, so I will be asking on my next appt for Armour as I have heard about the good results. Just beginniing to explore various websites and discussion boards on facebook and beginning to research our special dietary needs. Things my endo never brought up at our appts, so my list of questions for her at my next appt is getting longer. One thing I have learned over the past few months is that we must be our own advocate when we are diagnosed with a disease. I am grateful that I have a few friends who have lupus so they understand some of what I am dealing with symptom wise - otherwise I might feel like I am going insane. Support is so important. Check out Hashimotos 411 on facebook. This is a private discussion group and I have found lots of help there.
  • lou_murphy
    Hi everyone:

    I'm Lou (female). I've had hashi's since I was 15 years old...I'm 47 now. I had my thyroid removed 8 years ago.

    I have information that I know will help a lot of people with thyroid issues but I'm worried someone is going to think I'm trying to sell a book...I'm not at all. I feel great since I found this information and I want to share.

    Google Stop the Thyroid Madness...I swear I'm not selling anything. Just trying to help.

    It's life changing for girls like us.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Lou,
    So happy for you. Yes, I am always directing people to that web page & book... Many of us here have been helped by it. :happy:
  • film_grrl
    film_grrl Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Marla and I'm 35. About a month ago my doctor came back with a hypothyroid diagnosis. She was happy for a diagnosis that explained my anxiety, depression, weight loss, sleeplessness, exhaustion, etc. I on the other hand was petrified! I'm still really just coming to terms with what this means and trying to get my head straight around tests and what I can do to help myself. It's been really overwhelming and I wasn't really sure where to turn for reliable information. Thanks so much to everyone sharing their experiences and to Debby for highlighting STTM website!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Marla ((hugs))
    I feel your pain. I was just diagnosed one year ago. There is an awful lot of info to absorb & learn. I'm thankful for that STTM too. Actually bought the book & use it for a reference. Its been especially helpful to me for regulating thyroid & adrenal issues.

    Hope you find the support & help you need!
  • charleschip
    charleschip Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome everyone.
  • wretchedhollywood
    I just had a thyroid uptake done yesterday for suspected Grave's disease, which was found by my APRN gyno. When I'm not eating like crazy, I lose about a pound a day, like I am now. I am eating around 1200 cals and weight drops off me. But, I am 40 pounds overweight from all the eating I've done in the last year. I was so hungry all the time.
  • hstout89
    hstout89 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone,
    My name is Hannah. I was diagnosed with graves about 9 months ago and happen to be part of the small group that gains weight. The meds help me feel better but it's very frustrating knowing that they slow the metabolism and usually cause weight gain. I've always struggled with my weight so this was just the icing on the cake! I would be very interested to talk to other people with graves+weight gain and see if they have any helpful hits for losing weight. My Dr was less then helpful when I asked him about it, he basically told me to cut back on sweets and work out.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Hannah & Holly,
    Hope you find the support & encouragement you need.
    Dr.'s are pretty clueless on the weight loss things. Please read through the "links" for answers. We have to learn how to eat & move right for us.
  • leigh8679
    leigh8679 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi guys! My name's Leigh and I've struggled with thyroid problems for years. Starting around the time I was 19 my thyroid levels would be be a little high then back go back to normal. I would feel fine, but lose weight for no reason. Then about 5 years ago I went from 179 lbs to 103 lbs in just a few months. I couldn't sleep. My hair was falling out. I could be told something then immediately forget. I couldn't concentrate. I thought I was going crazy! My dr finally found out I was hyperthyroid. I was put on meds for a few months and gained about 60 lbs and felt MUCH better! My hair still hasn't all grown back. So I started mfp to try to help me lose a few lbs and nothing worked! I might lose a few then gain them right back. Just by chance my dr did a test and now I'm hypothyroid! I've been on Synthroid .75 for about 3 weeks. The thing that really irritates me is that this last time and when I lost so much weight, everybody thought I was crazy and eating way too much or starving myself, even my dr! I knew something was wrong. I just didn't feel right. I've read alot about this lately and think I'm going to try low carb and very gluten aware (I love barley). Fingers crossed!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Leigh :flowerforyou:
    Hope that you will get ideas & help here. I sure did!
    Please check through the links section & especially it is a life-saver to us! You will find the answers your Dr doesn't have a clue about.
  • Mburk1986
    Mburk1986 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am happy I just found this geoup. I am 2 years post TT. Had a follicular adenoma due to Hashimoto's. I am taking 150 mcg Levothyroxine (switched from Synthroid because it was not working for me) and my doctor recently prescribed generic Cytomel at my urging due to high reverse t3. I have been gluten free and sugar free since March 3rd and it has made such an amazing difference in my life. I do still have some bad days here and there but nothing like I used to have before March. I know this will be a lifelong balancing act since I have no thyroid or parathyroids. I take many supplements along with my thyroid meds. Calcium and Vitamin D 3 are required for me because of not having parathyroids, but the rest of my supplements are complimentary to those that are helpful to Hashi sufferers and to help with my reverse t3 issue. and Gena Lee Nolan's facebook page Thyroid Sexy and Hypothyroidmom's facebook page have been sources of help and inspiration to me along with My Fitness Pal in helping with my lifestyle changes and keeping me on track and accountable. No excuses...... :smile:
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Hi Michelle, :flowerforyou:
    Welcome to the club. Looks like you'll be an asset & help to others here.

    Hope you find good support.
  • Luckay757
    Luckay757 Posts: 2
    Hey all! I'm Jessica From Williamsburg VA. I got diagnosed last August (2012) with Hashimoto's. The pre-diagnonsis was such a long process. The body aches, sleepiness, depression, the WEIGHT GAIN, snoring, cold intolerance! I felt every symptom at some point in time during the 3 months it took to figure out what my problem was. I gained 16 lbs in about 5 weeks. It was awful! When I started taking Synthroid my TSH was 35 I am now on 100 mcg of Synthroid and at a 7. My doctor says a good goal would be a 2. With every increase of the meds I start to feel a little better. I haven't gained any weight in months but am struggling to lose. I am happy with the mood improvements, but the inability to lose weight like a normal person is beyond frustrating. Sometimes I wish I could just be fat and happy, because having thyroid disease makes an already hard process that much harder. But I cannot be fat and happy. The last few months have been a test of my will power and a retraining of my brain. This will be a long slow process, but the end game will be worth it! I am currently 194lbs (when I started the meds I was 204) and the end game is to get into the 150's and maintain it. Besides a good diet and exercise is there any other advice you all could give?
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Jessica,
    I hope the synthroid continues to help. Many of us have found the natural thyroid meds to be much better. Because it also contains the T3, whereas the synthetic has only T4. It would be benificial for you to read through the links in the beginning of this site. It contains much good info. Dietary advice for people with thyroid issues. Moderate daily exercise (not hard aerobics), a clean diet, learn about goitergens... and gluten is not so good for most. I was able to get to my goal & stay there, but it took total dedication, clean diet, daily exercise (40 minutes). I'm maintaining with the same standards.
    Hope you find the support you need! :drinker:
  • cjaaron
    cjaaron Posts: 20
    Stop the Thyroid Madness has been a great help with understanding my disease - Yes! Go to STM there is sooo much real information about living with Thyroid Disease