Ice Skaters Roll Call



  • Hi everyone! My name is Annika. I was a competitive skater during my pre-teen years, but when I got to high school the debate team took over my life. With both activities having tournaments every weekend and practice several days a week, I just couldn't do both anymore. I don't regret the decision, but I miss the feeling of ice under my blades more than I can say! Once in a while I get to go to a rink and it gives me skating fever all over again! Now I'm a sophomore in college, and with a busy schedule, the price of ice time, and the the distance to get to a rink, I'm just not sure I can take it back up again. If anybody has any advice on that, let me know! I'm looking forward to heading back home for Christmas and heading to our free local ice rink a few times a week!
  • LuvToSkate
    LuvToSkate Posts: 4 Member
    Happy to find this group here! As my MFP name indicates, I love to skate! :) I took up skating as an adult, and my goal is to pass my Pre-Bronze tests in the first half of 2013, and Bronze before the end of the year. I skate competitively, in ISI competitions, USFS and Showcase. I try to get on the ice at least 4 times a week, but it's not always easy since I work full-time.
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    Hi, I´m Julie, an adult figure skater/ballerina, I´ve been skating on and off for several years. Lately I don´t skate as much as I used to and I do ballet more instead, but you never know, I might be back to my almost daily practice one day... Anyway, I still love the sound of my blades scratching the ice and enjoy every move.
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    I skated as a kid. I got up to Freestyle 1 then I stopped skating once I hit high school. Now, at age 38, I am getting back into it again. I signed up for adult lessons. Started this past weekend and i LOVED it. I went out and bought a new pair of skates. Such a fin exercise. I feel like I'm flying when I'm out there :D
  • Hawaiiskater
    Hawaiiskater Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Erika. I skated competitively from age 8 - 17, quit, skated synchro in college at UNH, quit, skated to compete in showcase in 2007, quit, and started up again in 2011...and am still skating! I'm 28 and want to pass my senior tests by the time I'm 30 (I have Junior moves and Novice free). I am pretty close to getting there too. I have all my doubles (through lutz) back, can land the double-doubles fairly consistently, and make it through the horribly long program okay. I can also make it through the senior moves without putting my foot down or losing speed :) Lets see if I can do it by the end of 2013!

    I also competed in National Showcase this year (at the Novice level although I can skate as an adult) and won two events, competing twice in the parade of champions :) Not sure if I'll go again this year, as it is pretty pricey, but would like to do adult nationals next year!
  • robin0099
    robin0099 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi fellow skaters and skate-lovers, I'm Robin. I've been skating for about 23-25 years in total (I'm 31 now). I took a year off here and there throughout that time, but I've never been away from the sport for a substantial amount of time. I competed when I was younger, but never had the mental toughness to really embrace that lifestyle. I stopped freestyle at the intermediate level (at 13), but continued ice dancing. I'm working on my international dances now. Also, now in my 30s, I've decided to get back into freestyle (why not?!) minus the jumps - my knees can't handle it anymore! Getting old sucks! On top of that, I've decided to finish my MIF tests after a 20 year hiatus. Again, why not?! I guess you could say that I've fallen madly in love with skating again, and I've become skate-obsessed!
  • stiobhard
    stiobhard Posts: 140 Member
    I skated as a kid. I got up to Freestyle 1 then I stopped skating once I hit high school. Now, at age 38, I am getting back into it again. I signed up for adult lessons. Started this past weekend and i LOVED it. I went out and bought a new pair of skates. Such a fin exercise. I feel like I'm flying when I'm out there :D

    this is almost exactly my story as well. I started to take lessons in 6th grade but never finished... my parents werent thrilled about the whole skating thing... I skated irregularly though, through my 20s till the rink moved and just recently found its reopened at the old location (more or less) and have started taking lessons again. This was just the thing I needed because I really am loving it and cant get enough. Ive learned already to do things I never could do when I was younger. For someone like me thats always hated sports this is kind of a miracle. And Halzuzu is right it really is like flying once you get going. Did I say how exciting this is?
  • Hello Figure Skaters past and present! Greg here, I am an adult figure skater and have been doing it for ten years. At 52 I am still learning new jumps, getting better positions in my spins and improving on edge quality. I have competed at a few Adult Nationals in Canada winning in 2013and realized the only way I was going to improve to where I want to be was to lose weight! So far 26 pounds and I gained a flip jump along with adding a loop to a salchow and waltz jump, all since I started fitnesspal the beginning of April this year. I still haven't tested, except for the Dutch Waltz, so I continue to skate in adult bronze until I can get a lutz and a solid back spin and will look at testing then. I am so grateful to have figure skating in my life for so many reasons but one of the main ones of course is keeping in general good health. I am not sure where I would be without it as it makes exercise easy! Train hard everyone and don't give up!!
  • Hello fellow skaters. My name is Ellie,and I am from South Africa (Durban). I have just begun adult figure skating myself. My daughter has been competing for 2 and a half years and so I have been a figure skating mom for a while now. I eventually became frustrated with sitting on the sidelines as a spectator and wanted desperately to join in the fun. So I got myself some really nice boots and my club is really well-geared towards Adult Beginner skating at the moment, so I have had loads of support from my daughter's coach and the club community. I am looking forward to getting to know you all. I am currently 112kgs and am hoping that being so overweight does not impede my learning curve, because thus far, I am really enjoying being on the ice! :tongue: Looking forward to making some new friends. Ellie.
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    If anyone is still here, please add me :) I am a competitive adult skater in both USFS and ISI, even though I am more active in ISI. I do mostly freestyle and synchro, but a little ice dance too B) I am also a proud Special Olympics coach <3
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    Hi, my name is Nadia. I skated recreationally (meaning, simply forward) as a kid, but this year I took an actual ice skating class at my University and have been practicing 3-6 times a week, learning the basics (I am now working on mohawks and backward crossovers). I am loving it and will continue with the classes in the fall, but, as others have mentioned, it's not an easy hobby to pick up for a working adult. I envy those who have an opportunity to be at the rink at 6 am or 11 am. Luckily, I'm in Minnesota, so in the winter I can skate outdoors almost any time I want, but now there's only one public session per week that I can make it to. I love seeing other adults competing, and it's a huge motivation for my weight loss.
  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    Hello! I'm Laura. I'm 29 years old and I've only ever skated for fun. I'm normally a swimmer but I wanted to switch it up a little bit. Joined this group for inspiration and also to learn some.