January 2014 Babies

Nonnyette Posts: 28 Member
Recently found out I am expecting with a due date of January 6, 2014! I feel like I have a lot to learn about this pregnancy business, especially since at my age this qualifies as a "geriatric" (love that term) pregnancy. My goal is to do things as healthily and mindfully as possible and continue to take good care of myself all the way along. Anyone else just find out? I'd love to have some friends who are experiencing this journey alongside me.


  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Me too! I just found out last week that I am due 1/02/14....AND, I am also of advanced maternal age (38). I lost a pregnancy back in December so I am cautiously optimistic this time. I do have a good feeling about it though. Anyway....my goal is to try to eat as healthy as possible and maintain my weight for as long as possible as well (I am still technically overweight and last pregnancy my doc was all for maintaining but not for trying to lose). Anyway....feel free to add me! Good luck!
  • danae16
    danae16 Posts: 62 Member
    I just found out I'm preggers! Due Jan 13th.
  • danae16
    danae16 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi ladies! My Dr told me that I need to back off my workouts a bit. Just wondering if you've gotten similar advice. I'm supposed to keep my heart rate under 140 and not do a lot of high impact workouts. I'm thinking intense boxing/kickboxing classes are out. I'm really really bummed about it because i love it. It keeps my stress levels down! I hope you are both feeling well. :)

    Are you first timers? This is my 2nd and I'm 30. I hope to have a "healthier" pregnancy this time. I gained more than 40lbs with my son.
  • jonniemomof9ak
    jonniemomof9ak Posts: 62 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Congratulations to all of you!!!

    I just found out I am expecting #8 on January 2, 2014.

    I gained 60 ish pounds with each of my first 6 children, then only 40 ish pounds with #7. I am really wanting to get through this pregnancy with no more than a thirty pound gain. I have been trying to adjust my calories to where I am maintaining my weight. I am only five weeks along, when I first found out I was pregnant I was eating around 1500/day, then moved up to 1700/day as soon as I got a positive test. Just today I moved up to 1800 cal./day, because I lost a pound last week.

    I haven't been really exercising before I got pregnant, so I would like to try walking more and swimming laps for exercise. I should propably be lifting some light weights too, we will see.

    I just wanted to introduce myself and say HI!!!
  • misscrazO
    misscrazO Posts: 33 Member
    Congrats! I am due end of Dec first of Jan and according to the world I am old lol 39. Would love to be friends!
  • misscrazO
    misscrazO Posts: 33 Member
    Hi.. I am expecting my 9th End of Dec, first part of Jan. ultrasound on Wed to find out.
  • jonniemomof9ak
    jonniemomof9ak Posts: 62 Member
    I am thirty-nine, but only for another month, then I am the BIG 40!!!! I don't care, I really don't feel old, my Sweet Babies are keeping me young.
  • misscrazO
    misscrazO Posts: 33 Member
    I'll be 40 in October and feel the same as you. I don't feel old. My kids keep me young :)
  • Nonnyette
    Nonnyette Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 38 and my SO is 46, and we are both first-timers...he's afraid he'll be too old to be a good dad. I personally think he'll be great. But it is all a bit scary to be going into this for the first time!
  • Nonnyette
    Nonnyette Posts: 28 Member
    No advice yet from doctors re reducing the intensity of my workouts, but I have to admit I am being a bit careful anyway since I am "geriatric", after all (hah, I'm going to milk that one for all it's worth). The doctor who confirmed my HPT said that most people don't even know until several more weeks along...but on the other hand I have a friend who is convinced a previous M/C was due in large part to running. I have no idea what my body will do, so the approach I am taking is better safe than sorry.
  • danae16
    danae16 Posts: 62 Member
    I bought a heart rate monitor so that I can try to keep doing my workouts but just dial them down in intensity. We'll see how it goes. I think I'm going to avoid really high impact moves like squat jumps and jumping lunges. I have a 2 1/2 year old who loves to run around so I sometimes end up chasing. :) I"m hoping to only gain 25-30 lbs this time around.
  • Nonnyette
    Nonnyette Posts: 28 Member
    Have you guys had to change your breakfasts yet? Just wondering as it has become blindingly obvious to me today that my usual breakfast is not going to suffice anymore. I usually eat at 7 and now it is 9 and I am ravenous. My usual breakfast is either yoghurt and toast, or Cheerios, and I think I'm going to have to add something like an egg. What are you guys doing these days?
  • jonniemomof9ak
    jonniemomof9ak Posts: 62 Member
    I almost always eat the same thing for breakfast; 1/3 cup dry oatmeal w/cinnimon, 1/4 c. blueberries, w/1/4 c. whole milk, & one egg fried in coconut oil, and if I really feel like it a (1/3 of a cup of coffee with creamer) but I rarely have coffee maybe a couple times a week. Oatmeal can really help you feel satisfied for a long time. I know some people cannot stand it, but I have really learned to love it. And it is suppose to help stabalize blood sugar.
  • danae16
    danae16 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Yesterday I had a miscarriage. Best of luck to all of you in this thread. I hope you all have healthy babies in January.
  • Nonnyette
    Nonnyette Posts: 28 Member
    Danae16, I am so sorry to hear that. My sincere condolences. I hope you feel up to trying again soon.
  • Hi Ladies, i found out i'm due january 9th. this is number two and i just got all the weight off from number one. i was on track to lose another 30 lbs but i guess that is on the shelf for 9 months.
  • MGSR
    MGSR Posts: 35 Member
    I found out on Saturday I'm pregnant after 5 months of trying, very excited and very, very scared! Due on the 15th of January with my first, still very early days so only me, my husband and my GP know so far.

    So sorry Danae16 :(
  • cindymcd
    cindymcd Posts: 25 Member
    I just found out I'm pregnant with my 3rd. I'm 31 and my other two are 8 and 6. This baby is due mid January. I'm hoping for a healthier pregnancy this time around than previous times and to minimize my weight gain. My game plan has been to stick with most of the exercises I do now. I am pretty low impact since I have knee issues and I started a learn to run program a few months ago (which I still suck at!). I like to do weight training and use the elliptical and step climber at the gym and I go to spin class and swim. I'm thinking most of those things should still be ok. Shocked, but happy to be here!
  • KatRamsay
    KatRamsay Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, i am hoping to join all the lovely mummies in this group! I just found out i am expecting in mid january with baby no.3. I would like to keep weight gain to a minimum. i am quite active and play touch rugby (no tackling) so i would like to keep it up but not sure that is a realistic goal with all the nausea :/ however i am going to try and see how it goes, if its not going to work for me then i will have to do alternative forms of exercise. I am just wondering what my calorie allowance should be??? i am between 1200-1500. However depending on how i feel it can be less as all i can stomach some days is ginger tea. Anyway any advice regarding not piling on the pounds whilst pregnant would be appreciated as i would like to minimise weight gain as much as possible.

    Many thanks!

  • MGSR
    MGSR Posts: 35 Member
    Congratulations to you both :)

    I read somewhere that you should eat at maintenance for the first 3 months, then you need between 200 and 300 extra calories a day for the last 6 months, but I plan on checking with my midwife when I go and meet her next month! At the moment I'm trying to eat at maintenance but have been a bit below the last few days. I'm taking pregnacare plus and eating as nutritiously as I can so hopefully it will be ok.

    Due to our car breaking down and the gym being 6 miles away, recently I've been doing body-resistance exercises at home (to replace weights at the gym) and have just bought an exercise bike (one of the ones with a proper chair rather than just a tiny seat) with the plan of doing 20 minutes whenever I feel like it, hopefully up to an hour ish a day. We've been walking a lot to, especially since our car died!