Starting JMBR May 5th

Nothing like starting on Cinco De Mayo.... I have about 60lbs to lose to my "ideal" body weight range. I have issues with losing motivation and am really hoping that I can stick with this. I am really looking for support and some to join me!


  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    hey! I'm actually starting today, and also doing slim in 6 with it, but I would love to be a buddy and help motivate you and you do the same for me! I have about 140 pounds or so to lose, depending on my weigh in tomorrow!
  • hey! I'm actually starting today, and also doing slim in 6 with it, but I would love to be a buddy and help motivate you and you do the same for me! I have about 140 pounds or so to lose, depending on my weigh in tomorrow!

    Sounds great....I am starting after I wake up. I went to the grocery store today and bought the food for the first week. I am not a fish person so I am a little nervous about the fish nights but looking forward to the steak nights. I am scared out of my pants about the exercise though and need the motivation. Maybe we should check in everyday and post how we a little accountable to each other and anyone else who joins us?
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    I bought this and have been to scared to try it. I have decided I am going to do it. I hope I don't give up. I have up on 30ds about five days in. Anybody that would like to add me for motivation exchanges feel free.
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    i actually started today instead because i have been super super sick and feel a whole lot better today! I'm not doing the kickstart because i am VERY picky! but we can definitely check in :)
  • Ive completed both workouts today....YAY me! I am having real issues with following the food plan though. I tried to eat salmon....cant do it....I still hate fish. I drank 4 glasses of water and am having 1 can of soda (my hardest thing is to kick soda). The workouts for P1D1 were a little hard on the cardio...knee pain kept making me stop but I did finish it. My question is how significant is the food plan? Would it work to watch my calories in here instead of following her plan to a T?
  • mizzhogbear
    mizzhogbear Posts: 16 Member

    I've just started JMBR literally as of yesterday :-) so I'm on catch up but love o tag along !!! I'm not bothering with her diet as I've already addressed that and seem to be ok but I might have a look if I need too.


    Please add me if you wish !!!
  • Hi,

    I've just started JMBR literally as of yesterday :-) so I'm on catch up but love o tag along !!! I'm not bothering with her diet as I've already addressed that and seem to be ok but I might have a look if I need too.


    Please add me if you wish !!!

    Sounds great....we can use all of the motivation that we can get!
  • Well I need to get back on track...had a super busy week and an even busier weekend ahead of me. Monday morning I am back at it.....I still lost a pound this week.
  • baytreemc
    baytreemc Posts: 4 Member
    I started this week too and am doing the KickStart...My biggest challenge was getting off the artificial sweetners and the fruit...I like the workouts so far and just when I think I cant do anymore, its over!! Love it! I'm down 2 pds since Monday. I would love to have some friends for support on this journey!
  • I started this week too and am doing the KickStart...My biggest challenge was getting off the artificial sweetners and the fruit...I like the workouts so far and just when I think I cant do anymore, its over!! Love it! I'm down 2 pds since Monday. I would love to have some friends for support on this journey!

    We can definately use motivation. I am starting over on Monday. I am not doing the jump start and am not following her diet plan....I am using a lower calorie diet. I also am not a morning person and cannot wake up before work to workout. Ive tried and just cant do it. Its okay though. I can still lose and have just from one workout a day and modified diet. I just need someone to be accountable to for my daily workouts.
  • mizzhogbear
    mizzhogbear Posts: 16 Member
    I've got 2 more work outs then I'm onto workout 3 & 4 yay I do all my workouts after work about 20:15 then shower & chill b4 bed lol