Am I eating enough?



  • Amethyst231
    Amethyst231 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for posting the spreadsheet.
    I've been feeling tired a lot since I've been restricting calories. My muscles feel sore when I do simple workouts like riding my bike to class, something I've been doing for years. I need afternoon naps just to get through the day.
    And now I know why.
    I've been eating way too little calories. I usually eat around 1100-1200 calories on my 'good' days and 1300-1500 on my 'bad' days, while I should be eating at least 1800 on no workout days.
    Upping my calorie intake ASAP.
  • AnnaMolly17
    AnnaMolly17 Posts: 91 Member
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    hey ladies, I seriously recommend this calculator for working out TDEE:

    If you are trying to loose fat I seriously recommend TDEE -20%
    If you are more or less happy go for recomp
    And if you want to gain muscle then look a the bulks

    You don't have to cycle calories for weight loss, just choose -20% TDEE everyday or you can choose to eat mor on lifting days and less on others.

    Remember that TDEE means you don't eat your exercise cals as well as they are already accounted for!! :happy:

    I believe the women are wanting to follow the recommended intakes as per the book. Some women are like that, and it is good to respect their wanting to do so instead of coming in with the Road Map. In the book it states to fluctuate up and down (Chapter. 7) with calories on rest days and workout days. Also, look at what you just said....

    " can choose to eat mor on lifting days and less on others..."

    Isn't that fluctuating calories on days you lift? Which is what the book is about.

    Personally...I am going to stick to the Road Map because I plan on doing cardio on my non lifting days and it will just be a better all around for me. While I am trying to lose weight, I am going to go ahead and stick with the 1900 straight across. The outline in the book is basically a modified version of the Road Map which allows for calorie fluctuation.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Below is a link for spreadsheet (you may have seen it) that uses the NROL nutrition recommendations to figure out your calorie needs. How close to this is your 1400 calories?? Maybe 1400 is not enough with all that you do.....keep in mind, you do not eat your exercise calories back when following this.

    login: perturbation
    pwd: dominance

    UGH, so frustrating, My computer says the file name is too long and it will not open. WTF!!!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Apparently my work computer does not have the proper program installed to open the file. Boo :sad:

    ETA: Did it on another computer here and it worked!! YAY!!! Thank you.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    The link worked for me and i didn't even need a password.

    I recommend trying again. i just downloaded it about 5 mins back.

    I have been eating at TDEE -15% for 3 months... regardless of exercise..

    Maybe i'll try this method - although it seems harder to monitor a different number to eat on each day.. i'll give it a try and see if it works for me. Its handy to have the calculator.

    Set MFP to your non workout day calories. Then subtract your non workout day calories from your workout day calories. Create your own exercise and enter that amount as exercise on the day you workout.
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    hmmm dosnt work with a MAC
  • bump
  • I was wondering whether it is better to start stage 1 using the calorie guidelines in the book or 300 less for fat loss. I need to lose fat but if I chose the 300 less for fat loss option that gives me 1342 calories pd on a none workout day, that is less than my mfp original settings. Has anyone had fat loss success at the normal calorie recommendations? Sorry if this is flogging a dead horse but I am so confused as to what is the right thing to do.
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    I was wondering whether it is better to start stage 1 using the calorie guidelines in the book or 300 less for fat loss. I need to lose fat but if I chose the 300 less for fat loss option that gives me 1342 calories pd on a none workout day, that is less than my mfp original settings. Has anyone had fat loss success at the normal calorie recommendations? Sorry if this is flogging a dead horse but I am so confused as to what is the right thing to do.

    It's recommended in the book to eat at maintenance level. After Stage 1, reevaluate if needed. That's what I did and I think it's a good place to start. :) And remember, it's not so much HOW much food you eat, but WHAT food you eat. :)
  • Thank you, that is what I will do :)
  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    I've been struggling with what level of cals. Having lost 25lbs to goal last year, decreased workouts to 4 a week, as was at it every day and caused probs with family live. Consequently put on half a stone.

    So found this workout to have a concentrated regular shorter pattern. That bit is working. So now 4 workouts a week (including a 5 mile - 10 mile run at weekend).

    I'm 5 ft 2 138lbs as of today and want to get to 133 with muscle. I'm 43 so just re read the book but with a 250 deficit I get 1495 workout day and 1290 non workout days. I eat really really healthy but like a drink 2 days a week (if not three!! oops).

    How does this sound.....tried last 2 weeks doing stage 1 on a lot more cals and stayed the same.

    Any advice.....any at all would be gratefully received.

    Loving the lifting though

    Kel xx
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    I've been struggling with what level of cals. Having lost 25lbs to goal last year, decreased workouts to 4 a week, as was at it every day and caused probs with family live. Consequently put on half a stone.

    So found this workout to have a concentrated regular shorter pattern. That bit is working. So now 4 workouts a week (including a 5 mile - 10 mile run at weekend).

    I'm 5 ft 2 138lbs as of today and want to get to 133 with muscle. I'm 43 so just re read the book but with a 250 deficit I get 1495 workout day and 1290 non workout days. I eat really really healthy but like a drink 2 days a week (if not three!! oops).

    How does this sound.....tried last 2 weeks doing stage 1 on a lot more cals and stayed the same.

    Any advice.....any at all would be gratefully received.

    Loving the lifting though

    Kel xx

    I know your main goal is to go and lose weight, but you also have to think that with all the workouts your doing you also have to fuel your body. I would tell you to not eat with a deficit, but instead play around with your macros. Increase your protein. Decrease your carbs (ideally you'd want to fall under 100 grams a day), and increase fat. Contrary to what conventional wisdom tells you fat does NOT make you fat. Load up on coconut oil, real butter, animal fats, EVOO and ditch those processed vegetable oils (your heart will thank you). I get 55% of my calories from fat and I have never been healthier....ever. I feel great, my brain functions better now. :)

    Also I would suggest throwing out the scale until you're done with the program. :) Focus on physical changes and measurements to determine whether your body is changing or not. SInce starting this program I have gained 2 lbs, but my measurements are down. I am 5' 4", 140 lbs now. It's sooooo hard not to dwell on the number (I'm at my heaviest EVER unless I was pregnant), but I look the best ever as well!

    Good luck!
  • emmycaitlin0304
    emmycaitlin0304 Posts: 147 Member
    Still struggling with this idea. I was talking to a trainer at my gym and she's really into lifting with her clients. I told her what I was doing and how much I'm struggling with my weight. She told me to keep my fat at 33 grams and protein at 80. I checked to see how what I'm eating compares to that and I'm averaging about 60 grams of each. I have no problem gaining weight if I'm losing inches, but I'm almost through Phase 1 and so far see almost no physical difference.
  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    thanks for the support xx
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Still struggling with this idea. I was talking to a trainer at my gym and she's really into lifting with her clients. I told her what I was doing and how much I'm struggling with my weight. She told me to keep my fat at 33 grams and protein at 80. I checked to see how what I'm eating compares to that and I'm averaging about 60 grams of each. I have no problem gaining weight if I'm losing inches, but I'm almost through Phase 1 and so far see almost no physical difference.

    When I finished Stage 1 I saw no physical changes (measurements dropped a little bit). I'm half way through Stage 2 now and I'm FINALLY noticing a difference. Baby muscles popping through.

    I have my macros set at 25% protein, 20% carbs (under 100 grams a day), and 55% fat. It works VERY well for me! Good luck!
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    I was losing inches not weight so much I'm 5'6 159lbs now and just found out I'm 24.1% body fat...I lost 3% body fat in a month...I was shocked.Because I was complaining about not moving the scale a week ago.. had I known I was just burning straight fat and not losing pounds but losing inches also....I do cardio everyday and weights 6 days a week and eat 1500-1800 calories.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member