Introductions :)

wbandel Posts: 530 Member
I figured maybe we should do introductions and list our goals, for the home stretch.

I'm 5'11", and down to my last 6.5lbs. I'm hoping to lose that amount and maybe a bit more before my MFP 1st year anniversary. *crosses fingers*

Started 30 Day Shred this month, and I'm a bit concerned I'll maintain all month, but we'll see. Toning is becoming more important to me than the weight, so I might readjust my goals a bit and learn to lift. Kinda intimidating.

I'd be interested in hearing any advice any of you may have on maintaining since I know we'll all be there shortly.

Feel free to friend me if you'd like. :)


  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I am also 5'11'' and have really about 15-20 lbs to go. I'll know more over the next few days when the bloat is gone from this past weekend and my period is over. :/ I really want to lose more body fat and tone up. I'm at about 174 right now and was about 168 a year ago before my dad died. I've been going up and down about ten pounds from that ever since. I REALLY want to get to 159 and see how I look and feel. I haven't been that weight since high school. I CAN get there, but seem to sabotage myself when I get close. Not this time. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • red8424
    red8424 Posts: 160 Member
    Hey hey!

    Reposting from what I wrote earlier:
    I would love to DESTROY 10 lbs.!! (16lbs. for my goal) I'm definitely in!

    29 yo
    CW: 136 lbs.
    May GW: 132 lbs
    Ultimate GW: 120 lbs
    Calories: anywhere from 1280-1500 daily, I like to keep my metabolism guessing!
    Exercise 3-5 days per week

    Let's do this thing!!
  • yoshna
    yoshna Posts: 69
    Hellooo :)

    I'm 5'2", with 11 lbs to go to get to my goal weight of 112 lbs.
    I'd be interested in hearing any advice any of you may have on maintaining since I know we'll all be there shortly.

    Ditto...I think it's going to be a funny mental shift to go from losing to maintaining.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    5' 3" here (OK, slightly under, but who's counting) and currently 136 lbs. looking to get somewhere around 122 lbs. I eat mid 1400 Cals every day, walk 30min a day and lift heavy once a week. My goal Cals are set to 1600, but I try to leave myself some extra room for underestimating how much I'm eating for restaurant meals. Besides, the TDEE - 20% for me comes out to 1520 Cals, so I think I 'm good, Cal-wise.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I also did my TDEE for my GOAL weight of it says about 2100 cal/day for 3x/wk exercise. So I'm eating about 1900-2000 cal/day and going to see what happens. I can't really do 1600...I end up going nuts at night and eating way over 2000 anyway, so I might as well see how it goes eating a steadier amount and not going hog wild half of the week.
  • HulaHoopQueen
    HulaHoopQueen Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I'm 42 and 5'6." Goal weight is 140, but I'll re-evaluate as I go along. Between 130 and 150 is the range that seems to be best for me.

    I weighed 150 or just a little shy of that for several years and I seemed to be able to maintain that weight without trying at all. But, between quitting smoking and thyroid issues, I gained nearly 50 pounds in 13 months. Then, add a sedentary job into the mix and I quickly made it to over 200.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone. I think the encouragement will help all of us to lose those last few pounds.
  • rljohnsufl
    rljohnsufl Posts: 48
    Hey ladies, I'd like to lose 2 lbs this month and be stronger. I'm also trying to make more food at home both for environmental and health reasons.

    35 yo
    CW: 123 lbs.
    May GW: 121 lbs
    Ultimate GW: 115 lbs
    Calories: 1620
    Exercise 3-5 days per week
  • zahraa08
    zahraa08 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm 5'3 @ 138lbs goal weight 130 or less, I was close to getting to that weight over the summer'12 without food tracking or exercise.

    Food consumed---> pretty much I don't buy prepared or takeout, basically cook from starch...All (most) of time????.
    Diet sample:
    Breakfast---> egg white omelette with veggies, ie spinach, tomatoes cooked in extra virgin coconut oil, black tea with stevia
    Snack/lunch---> kale blueberry banana coconu milk smoothie
    Dinner--->roasted chicken breast, 3 bean parsely pomegranate/olive oil salad dressing
    Snack---> apple, orange, green tea, dates, kefir
    Exercise---> 5x a wk on treadmill 40 mins. Intervals, on most of exercise days I do two 40 mins.

    Since I've started on MFP many of foods I used to eat have either eliminated or eat occasionally( like whole wheat bread, cheese)

    It's encouraging to know that there are many others that are on same path and that it's ok to stall on weight loss, while still maintaining a deciplined diet and ritual exercise routine.

    Best of luck to you all! ????
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    Hey ladies, I'd like to lose 2 lbs this month and be stronger. I'm also trying to make more food at home both for environmental and health reasons.

    35 yo
    CW: 123 lbs.
    May GW: 121 lbs
    Ultimate GW: 115 lbs
    Calories: 1620
    Exercise 3-5 days per week

    I like your goal of making more food at home. I should add that to my list, I'm sure it would help in a multitude of ways. :)
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member

    i am 27, 153 lbs, and struggled so hard to get into the 140s. i really want to hit 140...and then 135. I do bootcamp every sunday, and then run once a week, and go to the gym 2 other times.

    I try and eat healthy, I usually average 1600 cals, sometimes under, sometimes over. My weight goes from 151 (that has been my LOWEST in a year) and goes back to 154 quite easily. I know it doesn't seem like a huge diff,but I worked really really really hard to get down from 157. I saw the scale creeping up towards 160 and stopped myself. I couldn't let myself get out of control. What was next, 170? 180? I just said 'no', and that I guess I can be proud of if I am proud of anything when it comes to weight loss.

    I know my body has the potention to get down to 140. I did it my first time on mfp a couple years ago, but I was literally netting 1200 cals....and I can't sustain that for long.

    I am getting married in June, and going on vacation outside of Canada for the very first time in July...and I want to be damned hot in a bikini.

    Here is to hoping. I hope to have AMAZING b+a pics for you guys by the end of June!
  • ctcountrygurl
    ctcountrygurl Posts: 10 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm on my last 10 lbs as well! I lost 40 pounds a year and a half ago and pretty much maintained that weight loss, but now I'm looking to lose the last few pounds and tone up. I'm doing Turbofire right now and after that I'm looking at either Les Mills Combat or Tapout xt. I struggle with the urge of just eating whatever I want and staying on top of my tracking (I sometimes have very little will power when a chocolate craving comes around). Best wishes!!
  • BrookeBQ
    BrookeBQ Posts: 163 Member
    Hi guys! I was 152.4 pounds and now I am 134 pounds. 135 pounds was my goal, and now I would really like to see 128, but if I don't it is OK- I just want to keep myself motivated to maintain this lifestyle :). I was 132 pounds last week, but I've been exercising a lot and may be retaining some water weight at the moment.
  • yoshna
    yoshna Posts: 69
    Hey everyone!
    I am getting married in June, and going on vacation outside of Canada for the very first time in July...and I want to be damned hot in a bikini.

    Congratulations on the marriage to be! Looking hot in a bikini is something I'm wishing for too's gonna happen!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Hello everybody!

    My stats:

    SW 201
    CW 150 ish
    GW 141 (to have a healthy BMI) but would love to be around 135.

    I've been stuck around 150 for the last 2 months, after having lost the first 50 lbs in 7 months with a calorie goal of 1200.

    Last month I changed my settings so that my calorie goal is now 1330 and started Couch to 5k.

    I'm very frustrated with this plateau!
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    Hello!! I'm Indigo, 27, Boston. I lost my motivation in a major way after finals when I began my three week summer break and lost my usual eating and gym routine. I'm ready to get back at it and destroy these 10lbs now!

    SW: 145+ish
    CW: 137 (gained 2 lbs I fought so hard to lose, ugh!)
    GW: 130 with dreams of 125.

    I'm 5'1.
  • jennifer907
    jennifer907 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Jennifer and I started at 153. I'm now between 129 - 132 and my goal is 120. I'm trying to shoot for 1600 cal a day but I don't workout. I've managed to lose with minimal workouts but I think the only way for me to push through the last 10 lbs is to be more active. I've wasted a lot of time waiting for others to go to the gym with me but I'm at the point now where I will just have to suck it up and get my own membership. I really have to be responsible for myself even if it means working out alone. It may not seem like a big deal but I find going to the gym ridiculously intimidating but that's a hurdle many have had to get over and now it's my turn. :)
  • mummy2309
    mummy2309 Posts: 9 Member
    hi everyone,
    im Annemarie 30 from the uk
    i currently weigh 155 (im 5,7)
    my ideal weight is 140 but im going for 147 for my goal at the minute
    i work out nearly every day and im a very active mum of 3
    hope we can all motivate each other
    i will weigh in once a week as any more and i may get obsessed with it lol
  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    I'm Jenny. I have been working at this (again) since the beginning of March. I'm 5'4". I have a fitbit which really motivates me to be active. I walk and do Zumba several times a week. I was eating 1500-1600 and I think it was too much. Now that I have decreased to around 1400, I have been having much more results. My fitbit tells me I average 1950 average burn.
    I think I would be happy at 135lb, but I have set my goal to 130. I was 125lb when I got married 4 years ago.
    I just want my clothes to fit again. Size 10's were getting tight, and that's not ok.
  • Moxylein
    Moxylein Posts: 52
    Hey everybody,
    Glad to see others are struggeling with those last stubborn pounds, too :)
    I'm Isabelle, 26 and my stats are:

    SW: 200 lbs
    CW: 143 lbs
    GW: 132 lbs

    I've been diagnosed hypothyroidism and weight loss is just happening very very slowly for me. I'm trying to limit my carbs and eat about 1600 a day.
    Feel free to add me, I feel like I need some extra kicks in the butt to really kill of these last pounds!
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    Hi, I have just joined this group for extra motivation to lose the last half stone!

    SW: 210lbs
    CW: 147lbs
    GW: 140lbs

    I am 5'6. I have gone from a UK size 20 (US 16) to a UK size 12 (US 8) and am now starting to fit into some UK size 10 (US 6) clothes. It would be nice to be a UK 10 all of the time.

    My main forms of exercise are power walking, swimming and yoga.